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Weakley County Schools Coordinated School Health 2014-2015 Highlights Trista Snider - Director.

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1 Weakley County Schools Coordinated School Health 2014-2015 Highlights Trista Snider - Director

2 Health and Academics Our goal is to help reduce the prevalence of health problems that impair ACADEMIC SUCCESS. We strive to address the non-academic barriers to learning. Healthy Students Learn Better!

3 Every day in America, children come to school not ready to learn.



6 School Health Services  Daily Care to Diabetic Students  Individualized Healthcare Plans for Students with Chronic Medical Conditions  First Aid  Emergency Care and Referral  Preventive Services  Provide Care to Pregnant Students  Provide Care to Staff

7 School Nursing Data 2014-2015 School Year (August – April) 56,600 Student Visits to School Nurse 95% Returned to Class Rate 9 Nurses in our 11 schools

8 School Health Screenings Pre-K Kindergarten Second Fourth Sixth Eight Ninth GradesScreenings Provided Vision + color Hearing Blood Pressure Height & Weight (BMI) Scoliosis (6 th grade only) CSH seeks passive permission from parents. Screening results were sent home in Elementary students’ backpacks and mailed to Middle and High School.

9 Screening:  In Kind Services: $44,964  Dental services = $38,885  Dr. Danny Donaldson & Staff =14 hours  Dr. Frances Bynum = 1 hour  UTM Nursing Students =231 hours  Tennessee Center for Applied Technology =35 hours  Health Department =63 hours  Parents and Volunteers =56 hours  HOSA High School Students =294 hours

10 Body Mass Index (BMI)  A statistically valid means for determining a child’s risk of becoming an overweight adult  CDC’s BMI categories are based on age, gender, height, weight for children Categories for BMI Underweight (≤ 5th percentile) Healthy Weight (› 5 th percentile to ‹ 85 th percentile) Overweight (≥85 th percentile to ‹ 95 th percentile) Obese (≥95 th percentile) Students are referred if they do not fall in healthy weight category.

11 School Screening Data Preliminary Data for 2014-2015 1,397 Students Screened (does not include RTI students) Referral Rate Vision 22% Hearing 6% Blood Pressure 1% *BMI 49% Scoliosis <1%

12 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program (FFVP) Sharon was awarded the USDA’s FFVP to provide a fruit/vegetable snack in the afternoon this school year and has reapplied for next school year. In Kind $11,000 USDA FFVP

13 Weakley County Backpack Program Approximately 280 students county- wide in grades PK-12. Mission Statement To help alleviate child hunger in Weakley County, Tennessee, by providing hungry children with nutritious and easy to prepare food at times when other resources are not available, such as on the weekend and school vacations.

14 Weakley County Backpack Program  In-Kind Donations Total = $78,153  Trucking (Mitchell Transport) = $7,200  Church facilities = $800 (estimate)  Food = $50,000  Volunteer In-Kind donation = $20,935 Approx. 65 volunteers each packing 8 packings 2 hours each packing Vol. rate $20.13

15 Meal Delivery Services Coordinated School Health funds one educational assistant to deliver lunch meals to the Alternative School students from Dresden K-8 cafeteria.

16 Health and Wellness Classes  Health Information is based on the TN standards for health and wellness classes.  Oasis Medical Clinic of Martin offers abstinence based sexual integrity program for middle and high school health and wellness classes called Aspire. This is available for teachers that request this resource. 195 hours  The goal of this program is to empower each student with knowledge and power to make right choices and to protect their minds and bodies for a happier and healthier future.

17 Health and Wellness Classes Collaborated with Mrs. Lorna Benson to secure a LifeSkills Training grant for our Middle School students for 2016-2017. Self management skills, Social skills, and Drug and Violence Resistance skills In Kind Services $5239

18 Physical Activity Martin Middle School received the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation’s SPARK grant for this year. The school received $9,000 in equipment and $1,000 check to spend in the areas of health and wellness. Gleason has applied to receive the SPARK grant next school year. CSH Playground Updates ($5,500 per school) Greenfield, Gleason, and Dresden Elementary playgrounds last school year. Sharon and Martin Elementary playgrounds this year Martin Primary playground next year Encouraged the use of Go NoOdle for brain breaks Resource funded by BCBS. $99 value for each Elementary teacher

19 Physical Activity Planning for Fall Fitness Challenge targeting High School Students and Staff 5 main community partners at a minimum of 5 hours each ($503.25) I n Kind $19,990

20 Health Promotion for Staff  Promote corporate rate (up to half price) at The Sideline for staff, their spouses, and/or families.  Negotiated a corporate rate with CrossFit Martin - $35 savings/month and Martin Yoga – 10% off  3-4 health challenges instituted by CSH and led by school nurse at each school. Winners received $50 gift certificates.  Walk Across TN – 18 teams – WCS – 22,847 miles  2 teams were fed lunch  Registered Dietitian led a Grocery Store Tour and a Nutrition 101 opportunity for staff members and parents.  Stress management  In-service at Greenfield (pilot)  Hand and neck massages in our schools

21 Staff Wellness: In-kind Donations: In-Kind for staff $11,477 The Sideline - 109 memberships = Discount/In-kind donation $9,720 Gift certificates for staff = $800 Darlin’ Divas, Greenfield The Sideline 24/7, Martin Styles on Broadway, Martin Final Flight, Union City CrossFit Martin Martin Yoga, LLC, Martin Shoe Shack, Martin Live Oak, Martin Bob’s Pharmacy, Dresden Styles and Profiles, Dresden Southern Grace, Dresden Goob and Aunt B’s Antiques and Hidden Treasures, Greenfield Wrens Nest, Greenfield Simply Southern, Gleason Monograms and More, Martin

22 Staff In-kind Donations cont:  Hand massages and supplies = $588 20 hours  Greenfield Stress Management In-service: ($369 total) Hart Consulting – Stress Management speaker ($131) Beverly Shelby – Tai Chi ($35) Refreshments: Sonic = 50 Route 44 coupons ($115) SubWay= Cookie tray ($18) Fred’s = Water ($9) Goob and Aunt B’s ($15) Minute to Win It prize Four Corners ($46) Minute to Win It prize

23 Staff Development Spoke to new teachers entering the system during Effective Teacher Conference about CSH. Nurses conducted one hour in-service at the beginning of the year for teachers in the areas of wellness for new staff. Spoke at Administrator’s Meeting regarding changes in law potential ways to integrate 90 min of PA in High Schools introduced Go NoOdle for Elementary introduced Fall Fitness Challenge for staff and high school students assess the need for a Back to School supply initiative

24 Healthy School Teams Each school has a Healthy School Team and meets 3-4 times per year. Each school team evaluated their school using the School Health Index (SHI) which looks at our 8 modules. Each team developed School Health Improvement Goals to be implemented next school year. Each school team reviews the Weakley County School’s Wellness Policy. CSH fed HST, School Administrator and Secretaries lunch this year.

25 Parent Involvement  CSH has parent representatives serving on HST.  CSH has served as a resource for parents. Screenings Individualized questions Registered Dietitian opportunities Martin Housing Authority – TCAP kick-off session ○ In-kind Beverly Shelby Tai Chi ($35)  Parents volunteered 28 hours with school health screenings.  CSH Healthy snack list Healthy party food ideas

26 Community Partnerships Weakley County Health Council Weakley County Interagency Council Weakley County Prevention Coalition Weakley County Health Department Tobacco Settlement Funds Weakley County Health Educator Weakley County TN-CEP Coalition Lions Club Vision Program TennderCare Outreach Program Weakley County Backpack Program University of Tennessee at Martin Nursing Department, HHP Department, and FCS Department Mitchell Transport Tennessee Center for Applied Technology UT Extension The Sideline 24/7 Doris Owen Julie Ann Maddox Dr. Donaldson Dr. Bynum All our area clinics

27 In-Kind Total for 2014-2015 *In-kind services dollar amount was figured using the Tennessee Occupational Wages list found on TN Department of Labor website. TN volunteer service equivalent of $20.13 was used for volunteers and was provided by the state CSH office. In-kind donations & equipment was figured by the dollar amount donated. $161,426.13 to Weakley County Schools for school health in 2014-2015. (In-kind total contains additional in-kind donations and volunteer hours not individually listed in this report.)


29   Physically active for at least 30 minutes five times a week,  Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains  Eating less sugar, salt, and processed foods,  Either never use or quit using tobacco products  Hope to incorporate these principals into existing programs and create new programs

30 Tennessee Students are at Risk 30.3% of all high school students in the US are overweight or obese. (CDC growth charts) 38.5% of all Tennessee students are overweight or obese. (TN OCSH 2013- 2014 BMI data) 44.2% of all Weakley County students are overweight or obese. (TN OCSH 2013-2014 BMI data) Only 41% of Tennessee’s high school students reported they were physically active 60 or more minutes per day on five or more of the past seven days. (2013 TN YRBS survey) 59% did not. 82% of all Tennessee high school students reported they did not eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables per day. (2013 TN YRBS survey) Every year, 14,600 Tennessee youth under age 18 become daily smokers. (National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids)

31 Weakley County BMI Referrals  2012-2013 = 37.9%  2012-2013 = 38.5% state  2014-2015 = 49% (preliminary data)  INCREASED by 11.1%  Limitations: We screened 429 less students this year than in 2012-2013. 2014-2015 has not been analyzed by state yet  2011-2012 = 42%  2013-2014 = 44.2%  2013-2014 = 38.5% state  INCREASED by 2.2%  2012-2013: TN reports 6.3% decline in overweight and obesity among students  WCS is not seeing a decline.

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