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The Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Nursing 4 year full time degree places have been increased by 256% over.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Nursing 4 year full time degree places have been increased by 256% over."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Nursing 4 year full time degree places have been increased by 256% over the last 12 years 1995 – 2007 Carmen Chan

2 In 2007 CUHK’s intake has increased to 175 - the largest number of 4 year full time Bachelor of Nursing degree places funded by the UGC

3 Bachelor of Nursing Programme We prepare nurses: to work competently in a variety of settings in hospitals and communities to think critically and make decisions about patient treatment and health promotion

4 Features of Our Students/ Graduates Low attrition (drop out) rate Less than 8 % Employment Success All Graduates gained employment with a few of them opted for further studies Highest entry grades (WGPA)

5 Special Aspects (Strengths) of the BN Curriculum

6 Addressing Contemporary Health Needs of the Hong Kong Community knowledge and skills of effective communication knowledge and skills of psychosocial care illness prevention and health promotion community care Chinese medicine, nursing information technology and research methods

7 Integrating University Learning, Laboratory and Clinical Practice ‘block’ practice system during the terms and the summer holidays clinical teaching conducted by nurse instructors (University staff) and clinical mentors (Hospital staff)

8 Laboratories Excellent facilities and equipment

9 School Executive Nursing Board Staff Meeting HKCEBN Research Committee Curriculum Committee Library Committee Clinical Practice Committee Programmes Bachelor of Nursing Master of Nursing Master of Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy Teaching & Learning Governance Benchmarking Criteria for Teaching and Learning QA Monitoring Staff/Student Consultative Committee External Examiners’ Report Consultative Committee Programme Review Committee (3-yearly) Quality Assurance Monitoring System of The Nethersole School of Nursing Note:HKCEBN: Hong Kong Centre for Evidenced Based Nursing QA Monitoring: quality assurance monitoring Assessment Review Panel

10 Good Quality Assurance System Strong leadership and a well established administrative structure (assistant program coordinators, year coordinators) Active Curriculum Committee Effective Assessment Review Panel (ARP) Consultative Committee: clinical partners Graduate and Employer Evaluation

11 Committed staff and students

12 Challenges and Strategies Teacher-student interaction: bigger class size Move to the new 3-3-4 system in 2012 Student workload and the requirement of NCHK Work closely with educational experts in utilizing pedagogical approaches with large- class teaching; wider perspectives on learning activities Apply for teaching and learning development grants to trial new T&L strategies Working groups to review and plan for the infrastructure for teaching & learning resources and space utilization Working group to develop new curriculum ARP to review assessment load

13 Challenges and Strategies Staff recruitment Nursing shortage and a proliferation of non-degree programmes Developing junior academic staff members and attract high achieving graduates to join a career pathway in academy Commitment to educate more nurses in the university

14 To excel in nursing education and research To promote the highest standards of nursing practice

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