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Measurement Incorporated ELDA helpline 888-612-0180
Tennessee ELDA Measurement Incorporated ELDA helpline
Why ELDA? To meet requirements of NCLB
To provide measure of English language proficiency of English Language Learners in grades K-12 To provide information for teachers and parents regarding English Language Learners’ proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension of English To show progress in attaining English language proficiency
Basis for ELDA Four English Language domains Reading Writing Listening
ELDA Overview Includes Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing assessments Divided by grade clusters Kindergarten, 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 Measures progress in learning English Academic Social
Proficiency Levels Each language domain has 5 English language proficiency levels. Level I: Beginning Level II: Lower Intermediate Level III: Upper Intermediate Level IV: Advanced Level V: Full English Proficiency
Who can Administer ELDA K & ELDA 1-2?
Individual currently licensed by the Tennessee Department of Education as a teacher or administrator
Who takes the ELDA? ALL ELL students grades k-12 are mandated by the federal government to take the ELDA. T1 and T2 students do Not take ELDA.
Testing Groups Reading, Writing, Listening Speaking
Maximum of 20 students per testing group Additional trained proctors must assist if >20 students. Speaking Scored individually Must be scored by teacher knowledgeable of assessment
Tennessee ELDA 2010 Important Test Dates
ELDA will start arriving as early as January 8th and no later than January 25th Monday February 1 – ELDA testing window begins (Grades K-12) Friday March 12 – ELDA testing window ends (Grades K-12) March 19 – All materials must be picked up by Fed Ex and returned to Measurement Incorporated using the supplied shipping labels May 31 – Assessment results back to districts and TN DOE. September 30 – Deadline for contacting the ELDA Helpline with any reporting errors or missing reports.
District Testing Coordinator (DTC) Procedures for Distributing and Returning Materials
Receiving the order Confirm that your shipment contains a District Coordinator Manual, return shipping label(s), and boxes for each of your schools listed on your packing list. Open and inventory the contents of each school’s materials and verify that all materials are included. Reseal and send each school it’s respective box.
Returning materials after testing
After testing, schools shall return all materials to the district in the same box in which they were delivered. The district testing coordinator (DTC) shall ensure that all boxes are taped securely. The DTC is to use the supplied return shipping label(s) to send all testing materials back to MI. Follow the instructions on the back of the shipping labels to arrange for a pick-up of the materials. Please follow these instructions explicitly to arrange for ground pick-up. Air/Express drivers are unable to accept packages for ground pick-up. Do not use another shipping method or your own shipping labels. Ship all materials to the MI Durham, NC office on or before Friday, March 19, 2009. Refer all questions about packing and shipping to the ELDA helpline
School Testing Coordinator (STC) Collection And Return Of Student Assessment Materials
When students have completed the assessment, they should raise their hands so that you can collect their booklets. Students must remain seated quietly at their desks. Follow district guidelines regarding students having access to any personal items or materials for the remainder of the testing period. After testing is completed, gather all the answer folders for students that you have tested into a stack. Place the test header sheet on top of this stack of student answer folders. All headers and student answer folders should then be placed back into the box. All materials (used and unused) should be returned to your School Test Coordinator directly after the assessment is completed.
Collection of materials continued
The School Test Coordinator(s) (STC) should account for and pack all materials before returning the boxes to the District Test Coordinator (DTC). The materials should be packed for return in the original shipping boxes in the following manner: Unused test booklets and answer folders in the bottom of the box Prompt cassettes or CDs, Speaking Scoring Guides, Administration Manuals, and any extra forms or headers should be placed above the unused materials Used test booklets should be placed above the administration materials The stack(s) of used answer folders, with corresponding headers ON TOP, should be placed in the top of the box When the STC has accounted for and packed all testing materials, all materials (used and unused) should be returned to the DTC.
Student Identification Area
Systems that uploaded pre-ID information will receive pre-ID labels. You will need to apply those labels to the answer documents. You do not need to fill out any information, unless it’s IEP/accommodation-related, etc. If your system uses pre-ID, you can not correct any information by bubbling. You will have the opportunity to make corrections when you review score reports between June 1 and September 30, 2010. Systems will also receive “generic” answer doc labels for the overage materials and should apply one of those if the overage answer docs are used (but then you need to fill in the demographic info).
Student Identification Area
For systems who did not upload pre-id information, using the generic barcode label, you will need to fill in the demographic information on the front of the Answer Document correctly. Every boxed area of demographic information should be filled in. You MUST use a Number 2 pencil to fill in each bubble completely. If you fill in the wrong bubble, you must completely erase the mark. Do not cross it out.
For first and last names: when filling in the circles, do not use the blank circles for anything but a blank space between two parts of a name.
Unique Student ID # ● A Unique Student ID # is required for the ELDA. ● The box labeled Unique Student ID # is where you will place the student’s 7 digit number. (Use leading zeros) ● At this time, all Tennessee Unique Student ID #s are 7 digits
Unique State ID # continued
If you need identification numbers for any students, please contact Jan Lanier at the Tennessee Department of Education Another person to contact if you do not have this number for a student is your local school contact person in charge of data management programs (such as STAR, Chancery, etc.) You MUST provide this number on the demographic sheet in order to get a score for a student. (At this time, all student ID numbers are 7 digits.)
Completing the Test Header
The header identifies the accompanying test papers by district, school. This header assures that your students’ score reports are returned to them. The header you receive has your school’s name and the test cluster preprinted on the paper. However, if you use a header from district overage, you will need to fill in the name of the school. At a minimum, you need at least one header per grade cluster per school, but you may use more than one header for organizational purposes if you wish. If your entire school name will not fit in the number of boxes allowed, do not abbreviate. Simply use all of the available boxes for as much of your name as will fit. This test header should be placed on top of the corresponding papers and returned to your DTC.
● We will provide you with enough headers that there may be some extras. ● Simply return unused headers with your other unused test materials.
Defective Assessment Materials
A student might receive an incomplete or defective test booklet. Instruct the student to raise his or her hand and then follow the steps below with the student. Take a replacement test booklet from the overage supply. Instruct the student to continue the test using the new test booklet. After the assessment, return all of the student’s used testing material (defective and replacement) with the other testing materials.
If a student receives an incomplete or defective answer folder, instruct the student to raise his or her hand, and follow the steps below: Take a replacement answer folder from the overage supply. Write and bubble in the student’s name on the replacement answer folder in case it becomes separated from the original. Have the student complete the remainder of the ELDA on the replacement answer folder. Staple the defective answer folder to the replacement answer folder. Place all materials, defective AND replacement, with the other ELDA materials in the designated secure location.
If a student is sick and a test booklet or answer folder becomes soiled, please follow the steps below: Write down the barcode of the affected booklet and transfer the student responses to a new answer folder Dispose of the booklet/answer folder according to TN DOE Procedure: Shred or burn the affected materials Contact TN DOE and MI with the bar code number of the affected materials and an explanation of the situation. TN DOE MI When the materials are being packed for return, enclose a copy of the s with the materials.
Contact Information Tennessee ELDA Measurement Incorporated ELDA helpline Steven Nixon TDOE
ELDA K-2 Test
General Format Separate inventories for the four language domains (reading, writing, listening, speaking) Inventories are assembled into a single booklet Descriptions of student behavior corresponding to a specific standard objective
Purpose of ELDA K-2 Inventories
To determine level of language acquisition To separately assess kindergarten and grades 1-2 To allow observation of typical student behaviors over time To focus on four domains of language To maintain regular classroom settings and activities during inventory
Contents Reading (14 Rows) Listening (7 Rows) Writing (9 Rows)
Speaking (8 Rows)
Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Scoring Rubric
0 –Student has not yet begun to acquire this skill or behavior. 1 –Minimal demonstration of the behavior set is evident, either in a very limited range of behaviors or a wider range of behaviors at a very low level. 2- Considerable progress but not mastery. Student may have mastered some of the behaviors but made considerably less progress on others. 3- Mastery or near mastery of all or nearly all of the behaviors listed.
Performance Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Not To Be Confused With Score Points
Inventory Sample L01 1.1. Follow simple 1 – 4-step directions in sequence to complete a task with and without visual support. To move from a score point of 0 to 3, the student needs to follow more and more detailed instructions. A one-step instruction might be something like, “close the door,” while a three-step instruction might include, “Go to the door, get the note from the assistant, and bring it to me.” Score Points 1 2 3 Does not meet Score Point 1. Student follows simple 1-step directions given in English with or without visual support (pictures, gestures, modeling) Student follows 2-step directions given in English with or without visual support. Student follows at least 3-step directions given in English with or without visual support.
Remember to: Give student several different directions, in different situations for different purposes. Observe the student interacting with other adults, other children both academic and social. Draw a conclusion about the student’s typical level of response Record that observation as a score point of 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the answer document.
Review Teacher Support Materials
*Suggestions, Not Prescriptions * Feel Free to Use Your Own Materials
Final Comments Everyday, Naturalistic Settings
Multiple Methods and Measures Verbal and non-verbal procedures Occur across diverse aspects of curriculum Involve a range of activities Assessments Involve Multiple People Age Appropriate
Tennessee 3-12 ELDA
Testing Materials for Grades 3 - 12
For each test administrator: Listening Prompt CD or tape (1 for grade clusters 3-5, 6-8; and 9-12) Speaking Prompt CD or tape (1 for each grade cluster) Speaking Scoring Guide Test Administration Manual For each student: One test booklet containing the Reading and Writing Tests One test booklet containing the Listening and Speaking Tests One student answer document
Grades 3-12 Approximate Testing Times
Cluster Listening Speaking Reading Writing 3-5 50 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 6-8 9-12 1 hour and 10 minutes 1 hour and 15 minutes
Breaks for Grades 3-12 A short break between Parts 2 and 3 of the Reading test and between Parts 1 and 2 of the Writing test is recommended. One 10-minute break between Parts 3 and 4 of the Listening assessment is recommended. The Speaking assessment will take less than 30 minutes, so a break is not recommended.
The Reading Assessment
Part 1: Short Passages This section tests the student’s ability to understand information in short reading passages. There are one or more questions about each passage. Part 2: Instructions This section tests the student’s ability to understand directions. There is a different set of instructions for each question. The student will need to identify which person followed the directions correctly. Part 3: Longer Passages This section tests the student’s ability to understand information in longer reading passages. The student will answer several questions about each passage. You will be asked to read the scripted directions in the test administration manual prior to each part.
The Writing Assessment
Part 1: Open Ended Students write responses to prompts. Part 2: Revise and Edit Students choose the best answer to correct grammar and usage errors in passages. Part 3: Graphic Organizers Students answer multiple choice questions about graphic organizers. You will be asked to read the scripted directions in the test administration manual prior to each part of the assessment.
The Listening Assessment
Part 1: Short Phrases. 1 question for each phrase Part 2: Short Dialogues. 1 question for each dialogue Part 3: Long Dialogues. 2 questions for each dialogue Part 4: Short Presentations. 1 question for each short presentation Part 5: Long presentations (for clusters 6-8 and 9-12 only): 4 questions for each presentation On each listening CD, the narrator will read the entire content of the test booklet. Stimulus material is read two times. Questions are read one time. Students have 10 seconds to respond to each question in their answer documents after the narrator has read the last option. You will be asked to read the scripted directions from the test administration manual prior to each part.
Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment
Prior to administering the Listening assessment it is critical to: Read through the scripted administration directions that you are expected to read to students. Make sure that the Listening CD is appropriate for the grade level being assessed. Test both the CD player and the CD to ensure that the prompting recording will be audible to all students. If the CD player requires batteries, make sure that they will last the entire assessment session. Place the CD player at a centrally located place in the room. Turn it on and listen to it from each student’s seat. Are the prompts and timing signals easily audible? If not, adjust the volume accordingly. Listen to the first 2 minutes of the prompting recording then rewind or restart. .
Prepare the Room for Administering the Listening Assessment
The room must be free from outside noise from the hallway and adjoining classrooms. Students should be seated far enough apart so that they do not distract one another. All students and the test administrator must be able to hear what is on the CD. Students should not be seated at the same table or have the opportunity to see one another’s answer folders.
The Speaking Assessment
The Speaking Assessment for each grade cluster is recorded on a CD and has the following seven sections. Practice Task 1 Practice Task 2 School-Social Interaction Tasks English Language Arts Tasks Mathematics, Science, and Technology Tasks Social Studies Tasks Closing
Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment
Individual Test Administration Because you will be scoring students’ oral responses in real time, the Speaking assessment will need to be administered individually. Equipment You will need a CD player to play the prompting recording. Make sure that you test the sound quality of the prompting recording before the administration to identify an appropriate volume setting. Materials Student test booklet (contains supportive graphics for students) Student answer document (for test administrator to record score)
Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment
Prior to administering the Speaking assessment you should: Read through the directions in the Test Administration Manual. Read through the Speaking Scoring Guide. Listen to the first 2 minutes of the prompting recording then rewind or restart. During the first two minutes, you will hear the administration practice task. During testing, you will need to switch the prompting recording on and off if students have any questions and at the end of the 16 tasks.
Scoring the Speaking Assessment
Testing Tips 4 Item Types Connect Tell Expand Reason Scoring Rubric Speaking Scoring Guide Includes sample responses at each score (0, 1, 2) for each item Grouped by grade cluster
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