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Steps to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World Physicians for Social Responsibility 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Steps to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World Physicians for Social Responsibility 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World Physicians for Social Responsibility 1

2 The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons Today Nuclear Terrorism 2,170 metric tons of bomb making material in 40 countries Bomb making knowledge widely available Port cities vulnerable to attack 2

3 The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons Today Nuclear Terrorism Nuclear Attack: People think, Hiroshima Nuclear weapons threats are real and growing. Prevention is the only cure

4 The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons Today Hiroshima After Bombing 4

5 The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons Today Nuclear War in South Asia India and Pakistan, nuclear weapon states with a history of conflict 20 million deaths in major cities in India and Pakistan Radioactive contamination throughout the region Global climate disruption from smoke and soot

6 The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons Today Nuclear War in South Asia Nuclear explosions ignite fires that burn whole cities Soot lofted high into the atmosphere absorbs incoming sunlight Dramatic decrease in amount of light reaching the surface Large, rapid drops in surface temperature

7 Graph courtesy of Alan Robock Global climate change unprecedented in recorded human history

8 Chart courtesy of Alan Robock


10 Erupted April 1815 -0.7 degrees C temperature drop Dramatic shortening of growing season Tambora Volcano

11 Nuclear War: The Impact on Agriculture Sudden cooling, decreased sunlight, less rainfall shortens growing seasons; reduces crop yields Stratospheric ozone depletion damages crops sensitive to UV-B Disruption of petroleum supplies affects use of farm machinery and fertilizer and pesticide production Radioactive and toxic contamination takes farmland out of production Collapse of distribution system


13 Chronic Malnutrition Today 1,800-2,200 calories minimum daily requirement 800 million people at or below this level of daily intake

14 Great Bengal Famine of 1943 Food production declined only 5% Actually 13% higher than 1941 when there was no famine 3 million people died International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

15 1 billion dead from starvation alone?

16 Epidemic Disease Plague Cholera Malaria Typhus

17 …further use of nuclear weapons?








25 Everyone within the red circles would be killed instantly.

26 A Human Health Disaster Acute Effects of Radiation –Burns, “Radiation Sickness,” “Drowning” in Lung Fluids, Skin Lesions, Flashblindness and Retinal Burn, and Death.


28 Predicted Nuclear Fallout Pattern

29 Decrease in Surface Air Temperatures 2 years after full-scale nuclear war Surface Air Temperatures 2 years after 150 million tons of smoke enters stratosphere

30 Climate effects of a full-scale nuclear conflict

31 Accidental Nuclear War Accidental launch due to misinformation, fear, human error or computer malfunction is a serious and real threat. Thousands of nuclear weapons could be fired within a few minutes notice.

32 A Preventable Scenario

33 Hope for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) to eliminate all nuclear weapons IPPNW affiliates globally working toward a NWC UN Secretary General calls for support for ICAN

34 Hope for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Many reasons for hope to take steps to a world free of nuclear weapons Dramatic period of change and political transition: Arms Controls New Moment New President and Congress

35 Hope for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons The goal of complete nuclear disarmament is a priority for members of both parties American leadership is necessary to form a global consensus against nuclear weapons. The political climate is receptive and the popular will is becoming apparent. The time to act is now. Kissinger, Shultz, Perry, Nunn Renew Vision of Nuclear Free World

36 Steps to Zero De-Alerting Nuclear Weapons Take Weapons off High Alert Now High alert Nuclear Weapons can go off in just 2 to 3 minutes Accidental nuclear launch is possible De-alert our weapons to provide more decision time

37 Steps to Zero We can get to 1,000 deployed in 2 years We can get to 100 deployed in 4 years

38 Steps to Zero Ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) The CTBT signed by 180 countries, and ratified by 145 United States must ratify it for the 8 remaining states to do so A multi-lateral approach led by the United States necessary to put the CTBT into force Nuclear Test Sites -CTBTO Preparatory Commission photo

39 Steps to Zero Negotiate a Fissile Material Cut Off Treaty Negotiate a ban on production of nuclear weapon (fissile) material Negotiate a new Fissile Material Cut off Treaty (FMCT) at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) Time is ripe to repair our relations and seek international agreement on an FMCT

40 Steps to Zero Eliminating Tactical Nukes Withdraw 200 US Nuclear weapons from Europe The cold war is over US Tactical Weapons in Germany


42 The Responsibilities of Physicians and Medical Students Physicians and medical students have an opportunity and an ethical obligation to warn other professionals and the public of the inability of health workers to deal with the consequences of use of nuclear weapons. We have a responsibility to work for the prevention of nuclear war and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

43 Why Now? Major threats facing humanity present challenges requiring collective and cooperative responses by all nations. Climate change Nuclear proliferation Global economic crisis

44 Steps towards a world free of nuclear weapons Call your Congressional representatives today, tell them to support:: Committing to negotiations of a Nuclear Weapons Convention which will outlaw the possession of nuclear weapons Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Negotiation of a Fissile Material Cut Off Treaty Policies that Cut our Nuclear Stockpile Dramatically, while immediately taking our nuclear weapons off high alert Policies that decrease our reliance on nuclear weapons and their perceived value worldwide Contact Information:


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