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6 April 2005 1 Research for a secure Europe Christiane BERNARD European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "6 April 2005 1 Research for a secure Europe Christiane BERNARD European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 April 2005 1 Research for a secure Europe Christiane BERNARD European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry Athens

2 6 April 2005 2 Introduction Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) Group of Personalities (GoP) Communication “Security Research- the Next Steps” Security Research FP 7

3 6 April 2005 3 Why Security Research at EU level ? “A Secure Europe in a Better World ”(Dec. 2003): new threats, more diverse and less predictable Develop a European security culture supported by a credible EU industry Develop synergies between civil & military research and between public & private sectors Ensure coherence & coordination to reduce fragmentation and eliminate duplication Ensure interoperability and networking Stimulate investment in technology to enable security and contribute to the 3% of GDP objective for research

4 6 April 2005 4 Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) Objectives:  Improve EU-citizen security  Reinforce European technological and industrial potential and encourage cross sector interaction  Prepare a European Security Research Programme (ESRP) Planned duration of 3 years (2004-2006) A total planned budget of € 55 Mio (15+15+25) Funding up to 75% Projects & supporting activities

5 6 April 2005 5 Projects priorities Networked systems Protection against terrorism Crisis management Interoperability and integrated systems Situation awareness Supporting Activities priorities RTD co-operation, networking and dissemination IPR and handling of classified information Human factors, perception of security Standardisation Potential use of existing security infrastructures

6 6 April 2005 6 Specificities of PASR FP6 is technology oriented and PASR is mission oriented Importance of tangible and demonstrable results and involvement of public users in projects Participants « normally » restricted to EU-25 Only one cost model in PASR Specific contract (reinforced IPR, classification) Only two instruments: Projects and Supporting Activities

7 6 April 2005 7 The Group of Personalities (GoP) A Commission initiative with 27 personalities from politics, European Parliament, governments, industry, research & academia To propose principles and priorities of a future European Security Research Programme (ESRP) In line with EU foreign, security and defence policy objectives and the ambition to construct an area of freedom, security and justice.

8 6 April 2005 8 GoP Report main recommendations Coordinate national, intergovernmental and community research efforts Bridge the gap between civil & defence security research. Establish a Security Research Advisory Board Launch a European Security Research Programme (ESRP) …while respecting individual rights, democratic values, ethics and liberties.

9 6 April 2005 9 EC Communication “Security Research - The Next Steps” Communication adopted 07 September 2004 The EC subscribes to the main thrust of the GoP report The EC is to take actions in 4 domains: –Consultation and cooperation with stakeholders –ESRP –An effective institutional setting –An appropriate governance structure

10 6 April 2005 10 Consultation & Cooperation Establish a European Security Research Advisory Group (ESRAB) –To advise on content and implementation of ESRP –To establish user needs and encourage cooperation between Member States (IPR, information classification and protection) –ESRAB will include experts from stakeholders: users, industry and research organisations Coordinate Security Research with research at Community, intergovernmental, national level or with international organisations

11 6 April 2005 11 Security Research as part of FP 7 Security Research shares theme 9 with Space Research within collaborative research in FP7 First draft of FP 7 to be adopted today Level of funding (additional to existing funding), thus contributing to the 3% GDP goal and the Lisbon objectives: around 500 M€ per year to be shared with Space Research Inter-institutional debate launched

12 6 April 2005 12 An effective institutional setting Ensure CSFP, ESDP and other EC policies are accounted for in the ESRP Develop cooperation and Synergies with the European Defence Agency (EDA) –Commission to be part of the Steering Board of EDA –Administrative arrangement to organise working relations with EDA –Possible EC contribution to specific EDA projects

13 6 April 2005 13 An appropriate governance structure Establish mechanisms for effective management of Security Research, in consultation with Member States and other stakeholders, and using EC experience in managing RTD Programmes Put in place flexible contracts, participation and funding mechanisms, using stakeholder experience & specific experience to be gained from the PASR

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