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1. 2  The one week study tour (14-18 November 2011) for the staff of the State Statistical Committee (SSC) and of the Department for Strategic Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2  The one week study tour (14-18 November 2011) for the staff of the State Statistical Committee (SSC) and of the Department for Strategic Planning."— Presentation transcript:

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2 2  The one week study tour (14-18 November 2011) for the staff of the State Statistical Committee (SSC) and of the Department for Strategic Planning of Economic Development of the Ministry of Economic Development was organized by the EC/FAO programme on Information System to Improve Food Security decision-making in the ENP East Area

3 3  The objective of the study tour was to learn from the Lithuania experience in compiling Food Balance Sheet, according to the EU requirements, to share experience and discuss on specific problems related to the calculation of Food Balance sheets 3

4 4  Overview of agricultural statistics in Lithuania: legal basis and institutional settings, division of labour between Statistics Lithuania and the Ministry of Agriculture  Presentation of organization of the agricultural statistics surveys as the main data sources for compilation FBSs in Lithuania  Presentation of FBSs in Azerbaijan: legal basis, product groups, data sources, compilation processes  Presentations and discussions on methods, techniques and surveys, which are used to compile FBSs on crops products and animal products

5 5  Meeting with staff of the Industrial statistics division and Foreign trade statistics division: Discussions on main data sources which are used to compile FBSs on crops and animal products  Meeting with the data users: of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics  Presentation and discussions on publication and dissemination of FBSs in Lithuania  Conclusions and wrap-up session

6 6  Agriculture and environment statistics division compiles Supply balance sheets from 1988  From year 2000 new methodology was implemented in order to improve and get comparable with other EU countries supply balance sheets  From year 2000 SBS are calculated for both: calendar year and crop year

7 7  The supply balance of wine is produced under the Commission Regulation (EC) No 436/2009 of 26 May 2009, which arises from the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of 29 April 2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine.Commission Regulation (EC) No 436/2009 of 26 May 2009Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of 29 April 2008  The supply balances for the other products are supplied to Eurostat in accordance with "gentlemen's agreements"

8 8 The FBS are compiled for the following agricultural products:  cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, triticale, others).  dried pulses ( peas, beans, lupine seeds, others).  potatoes (total and for early potatoes and others sorts, potatoes starch).  rice (rough, husked, milled, broken rice).  sugar (sugar beat, sugar, honey).  fats and oils ( rape, flax, olive, sunflower, soya and others).  fruits and vegetables (total for apples and pears, fresh and proccesed peaches, oranges, citrus fruits, grapes, nuts, cauliflower, fresh and processed tomatoes).  Wine.

9 9  Total meat: beef and veal meat, pig meat, sheep and goat meat, poultry meat, other meat, offals  Milk and dairy products, total  Fresh products of milk excl. cream  Milk and buttermilk  Cream  Concentrated milk  Whole milk powder  Skimmed milk powder  Butter  Cheese  Processed cheese  Eggs and egg products  Animal and vegetable fats

10 10 Cereals (except rice), dried pulses, potatoes and potato starch, nuts, dried fruit, citrus fruit -01.07-30.06 Rice - 01.09-31.08 Sugar-01.10-30.09 Olive oil-01.11-31.10 Other oils-01.07-30.06 Dessert apples,pears, fresh peaches, processed peaches, fresh grapes, cauliflower, fresh tomatoes, processed tomatoes- 01.04-31.03 Oranges-01.10-30.09 Wine-01.08-31.07

11 11  Cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, triticale, others),  Dried pulses ( peas, beans, lupine seeds, others),  Potatoes (total for all potatoes),  Sugar,  Fruits (total for all fruits),  Vegetables (total for all vegetables)  All balance sheets for animal products.

12 12  An annual publication Agriculture in Lithuania (in October),  Statistical Yearbook of Lithuania (in November),  Information to the users is provided under request.  Data are transmitted to Eurostat via an eDAMIS system  Statistical information on agricultural crop area, production and yield, number of livestock and production of animal products is published:  – in a press release  – in statistical publications Agriculture in Lithuania, Counties of Lithuania, Statistical Yearbook of Lithuania;  – On the website of Statistics Lithuania (at ).

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