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By Ben Wesley Rengstorf by Ben Wesley Rengstorf.  Everyone’s DNA is at least 99.9% similar.  Humans spent ¾ of our history (140,00 years) exclusively.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ben Wesley Rengstorf by Ben Wesley Rengstorf.  Everyone’s DNA is at least 99.9% similar.  Humans spent ¾ of our history (140,00 years) exclusively."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Ben Wesley Rengstorf by Ben Wesley Rengstorf

2  Everyone’s DNA is at least 99.9% similar.  Humans spent ¾ of our history (140,00 years) exclusively in Africa.  The first people left Africa when the climate was probably pretty nice, about 60,000 years ago.  Everyone’s DNA is at least 99.9% similar.  Humans spent ¾ of our history (140,00 years) exclusively in Africa.  The first people left Africa when the climate was probably pretty nice, about 60,000 years ago.



5 Where did you go to school? Woah. That’s a big question. First, I went to elementary school Warba, in Northern Minnesota. Then I went to middle and high school in Cosmos and Atwater and Grove City (3 towns combined). After that I went to Luther College in Decorah, IA. Finally, I went back to get my teaching degree at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Where did you go to school? Woah. That’s a big question. First, I went to elementary school Warba, in Northern Minnesota. Then I went to middle and high school in Cosmos and Atwater and Grove City (3 towns combined). After that I went to Luther College in Decorah, IA. Finally, I went back to get my teaching degree at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

6 This map on the world wide webmap This map on the world wide webmap Warba Elementary School; K-5 Cosmos, Grove City, and Atwater; 6-12 Luther College in Decorah, IA; Bachelor’s Degree Warba Elementary School; K-5 Cosmos, Grove City, and Atwater; 6-12 Luther College in Decorah, IA; Bachelor’s Degree University of Minnesota; Master’s Degree (Has anyone else ever noticed that Lake Superior looks like a pointing hand?)

7 What were your favorite things to do as a kid? I have always loved to play baseball. We would play baseball pretty much every day in the summer. We would even play on the road in the winter when the snow was covering the field. I also lived on a lake, so we would go swimming a lot. Sometimes we would find clams and crayfish to use for fishing. Those poor clams. What were your favorite things to do as a kid? I have always loved to play baseball. We would play baseball pretty much every day in the summer. We would even play on the road in the winter when the snow was covering the field. I also lived on a lake, so we would go swimming a lot. Sometimes we would find clams and crayfish to use for fishing. Those poor clams.

8 Were you ever in the news for anything? One time our first grade class did a Chinese New Year dance with a big dragon we made. That was in the paper. I was in the paper for sports stuff with baseball, basketball, and football. A few times my name was in the headline for good plays that I made during the game. That’s about it. Were you ever in the news for anything? One time our first grade class did a Chinese New Year dance with a big dragon we made. That was in the paper. I was in the paper for sports stuff with baseball, basketball, and football. A few times my name was in the headline for good plays that I made during the game. That’s about it.


10 How did your family come to live in Onaga, Kansas? My Mom and Dad's grandparents homesteaded there from Germany. Both Iverna and Ben's grandparents came from Germany (Ben's Grandpa came from what was Germany then but Poland now) and I think through Ellis Island, not up the Mississippi. How did your family come to live in Onaga, Kansas? My Mom and Dad's grandparents homesteaded there from Germany. Both Iverna and Ben's grandparents came from Germany (Ben's Grandpa came from what was Germany then but Poland now) and I think through Ellis Island, not up the Mississippi.

11 Onaga, KS sometime prior to the 1920’s. A bird’s-eye view of the town and looking north down Main Street. Main Street (Now called Leonard Street) in 2006.

12 What world events had the most impact on you growing up? The Korean and Vietnam War. I checked and I wouldn't have remembered anything about the Korean war as it was over in 1953 (I was born in 1954) but Uncle Vernon had been there and I'm probably remembering more of the "cold war" stuff. I remember going to Abilene every year to the museum about Pres. DD Eisenhower, our KS boy. Then of course the Vietnam war was during my HS and early college years. I dated a guy who served there, really messed up, as were many who went over. I have to admit I was pretty self-centered in those days and wish I had been more aware and into knowing my world at that time. What world events had the most impact on you growing up? The Korean and Vietnam War. I checked and I wouldn't have remembered anything about the Korean war as it was over in 1953 (I was born in 1954) but Uncle Vernon had been there and I'm probably remembering more of the "cold war" stuff. I remember going to Abilene every year to the museum about Pres. DD Eisenhower, our KS boy. Then of course the Vietnam war was during my HS and early college years. I dated a guy who served there, really messed up, as were many who went over. I have to admit I was pretty self-centered in those days and wish I had been more aware and into knowing my world at that time.

13 Of all the things you learned from your parents, which do you feel has been the most valuable, and why? They taught me strong family values, being active in church and school, and to work honestly at what you do. It has made life worth living and fun! Of all the things you learned from your parents, which do you feel has been the most valuable, and why? They taught me strong family values, being active in church and school, and to work honestly at what you do. It has made life worth living and fun!

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