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Bode Diagram (2) Hany Ferdinando Dept. of Electrical Engineering Petra Christian University.

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Presentation on theme: "Bode Diagram (2) Hany Ferdinando Dept. of Electrical Engineering Petra Christian University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bode Diagram (2) Hany Ferdinando Dept. of Electrical Engineering Petra Christian University

2 General Overview This section discusses the relationship between system type and the log- magnitude curve How to determine the static position, static velocity and static acceleration error constants Bode in Matlab is also explained

3 System type & Log-magnitude The type of the system determines the slope of the log-magnitude curve at low freq. The information of the existence and magnitude of the steady-state error of a control system to a given input can be determined from the observation of the low freq. region of log-magnitude curve

4 System type N Type 0 has static position error constants Type 1 has static velocity error constants Type 2 has static acceleration error constants System type N is defined as the following G(s)

5 System type 0

6 System type 1

7 System type 2

8 Bode diagram in Matlab Function [mag,phase,w] = bode(num,den) is used to plot Bode diagram in Matlab. The num and den are numerator and denominator of the G(s) respectively. One also uses function [mag,phase,w] = bode(A,B,C,D). This function directly plots both log-magnitude and phase. The log-magnitude is on the upper side of the diagram.

9 Next… The Bode diagram has been discussed here, the next topic is Phase and Gain Margin. Several important points will be discussed as well Please prepare yourself by reading the book!

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