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Published byChristina Patterson Modified over 9 years ago
COE 405 Introduction to Logic Design with Verilog
Dr. Aiman H. El-Maleh Computer Engineering Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Outline Introduction Definition of a module Gate-level modeling
Verilog primitives Verilog Syntax Verilog Data Types Module instantiation Organization of a Testbench for Verifying a Unit Under Test (UUT) Propagation, inertial and transport delay Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog
Introduction Verilog is one of the hardware description languages (HDL) available in the industry for hardware designing. Verilog is a standard HDL (IEEE , 2001, 2005) It allows designers to design at Behavior Level, Register Transfer Level (RTL), Gate level and at switch level. Parallel not serial (Not like C language). Verilog can describe everything from single gate to full computer system.
Why use HDL ? Digital systems are highly complex; millions of transistors. For large digital systems, gate-level design is very difficult to achieve in a short time. Verilog allows hardware designers to express their designs with behavioral constructs, deferring the details of implementation to a later stage in the final design. Computer-aided design tools aid in the design process. © Intel P4 Processor Introduced in 2000 40 Million Transistors 1.5GHz Clock
A Verilog Model A digital system can be described at several levels of details (more details means more design entry time!): Gate-level Net-list similar to schematic or breadboarding Register-transfer-level (RTL): Describing logic between registers using simple assignment statement (two types of assignments; continuous and procedural) logic synthesis tools convert it to gate-level netlist (gates and FFs) Behavioral description: programming-like structures (if-then-else, case, loops …etc) to describe what the circuit does (i.e. behavior) rather than how requires a high-level synthesis tool to synthesize an RTL implementation (DP & CU) which can then be synthesized into gate-level netlist. A digital system is described as a set of modules Basic building block encapsulation
Definition of a Module The <module name> is an identifier that uniquely names the module. The <port list> is a list of input, inout and output ports which are used to connect to other modules. Interface: port and parameter declaration Body: Internal part of module Add-ons (optional)
The Module Interface This is the old Verilog (Verilog-95) Port List
Port Declaration
The Module Interface
Definition of a Module: Verilog-2005
Module & Port Declaration: module [module-name] #(parameter declarations) ( [mode] [ data-type] [port-names] , . . . [mode] [ data-type] [port-names] ) ; Mode: input, output or inout Data-Type: wire, reg or integer (scalar or array)
Gate Level Modeling (structural)
Net-list description: built-in primitives gates An undeclared identifier is treated by default as a wire
Verilog Primitives for Modeling Combinational Logic Gates
Verilog has 26 primitives for modeling combinational logic gates: and or not buf xor nand nor xnor bufif1, bufif0 notif1, notif0
Primitive Pins Are Expandable
nand (y, in1, in2); nand (y, in1, in2, in3); nand (y, in1, in2, in3, in4); The output port of a primitive must be the first in the list of ports.
Full Adder Model module fadd (output co, s, input a, b, c); endmodule
wire n1, n2, n3; xor (n1, a, b) ; xor (s, n1, c) ; nand (n2, a, b) ; nand (n3, n1, c) ; nand (co, n3,n2) ; endmodule
Verilog Syntax Identifiers:
Composed of letters, digits, the underscore character (_), and the dollar sign ($). $ is usually used with a system task or function The first character of an identifier must be a letter or underscore Verilog is a case-sensitive language D_BUS is different from D_Bus Keywords: predefined identifiers that are used to describe language constructs. E.g. module, always, wire …etc. Can not be used as user-defined identifiers White space: space, tab, and newline characters are used to separate identifiers and can be used freely in the Verilog code
Verilog Syntax Comments: two forms; one-line comment starts with // and multiple-line comment is encapsulated between /* and */ // T his is a comment /* This i s comment line 1 . This i s comment line 2 . This i s comment line 3 . * /
Verilog Data Types Four-valued system:
0: for "logic Low, or a false condition I: for "logic High", or a true condition z: for the high-impedance state x: for an unknown value (in simulations) Two groups of Data Types: net and variable. Net group: Wire: could be 1-bit or array (e.g. wire a; wire [3:0] sum;) Wand: wired-and supply0
Verilog Data Types Variable group: represent abstract storage in behavioral modeling (The inferred circuit may or may not contain physical storage components) reg: The most commonly used data type in this group Integer: explained in next slide real, time, and realtime: can only be used in modeling and simulation
Integer Numbers in Verilog
Constant numbers can be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary format Integer numbers can be specified as: Syntax: <size>'<radix><value> (size is in number of bits) Sized or unsized numbers ( Unsized numbers are 32 bits ) In a radix of binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal Radix and hex digits (a,b,c,d,e,f) are case insensitive Spaces are allowed between the size, radix and value The character (_) is legal anywhere in a number except as the first character so use it for better clarity. Examples: 12’b1011_1100_0010, ‘hA8, 8’d 15) When <size> is smaller than <value>, then left-most bits of <value> are truncated
Module Instantiation Two ways to connect the ports of the instantiated module to the signals in the instantiating module: 1. By name: [module-name] [instance-name] ( . [port-name] ( [signal-name] ) , .[port-name] ([signal-name]), ); 2. By order: eq1 bit0 (a[0] , b [0] , e0 ) ; eq1 bitl (a[1] , b [1] , e1 ) ;
Module Instantiation
Module Instantiation module Add_rca_16 (output c_out, output [15:0] sum, input [15:0] a, b, input c_in); wire c_in4, cin8, c_in12; Add_rca_4 M1 (c_in4, sum[3:0], a[3:0], b[3:0], c_in); Add_rca_4 M2 (c_in8, sum[7:4], a[7:4], b[7:4], c_in4); Add_rca_4 M3 (c_in12, sum[11:8], a[11:8], b[11:8], c_in8); Add_rca_4 M4 (c_out, sum[15:12], a[15:12], b[15:12], c_in12); endmodule
Module Instantiation module Add_rca_4 (output c_out, output [3:0] sum, input [3:0] a, b, input c_in); wire c_in2, cin3, c_in3; Add_full M1 (c_in2, sum[0], a[0], b[0], c_in); Add_full M2 (c_in3, sum[1], a[1], b[1], c_in2); Add_full M3 (c_in4, sum[2], a[2], b[2], c_in3); Add_full M4 (c_out, sum[3], a[3], b[3], c_in4); endmodule
Module Instantiation module Add_full (output c_out, sum, input a, b, c_in); wire w1, w2, w3; Add_half M1 (w2, w1, a, b); Add_half M2 (w3, sum, c_in, w1); or M3 (c_out, w2, w3); endmodule module Add_half (output c_out, sum, input a, b); xor M1 (sum, a, b); and M2 (c_out, a, b);
Module Instantiation module Comp_2_str (output A_gt,_B, A_lt_B, A_eq_B, input A0, A1, B0, B1); nor (A_gt_B, A_lt_B, A_eq_B); or (A_lt_B, w1, w2, w3); and (A_eq_B, w4, w5); and (w1, w6, B1); and (w2, w6, w7, B0); and (w3, w7, B0, B1); not (w6, A1); not (w7, A0); xnor (w4, A1, B1); xnor (w5, A0, B0); endmodule
Module Instantiation module Comp_4_str (output A_gt,_B, A_lt_B, A_eq_B, input A3, A2, A1, A0, B3, B2, B1, B0); wire w1, w0; Comp_2_str M1 (A_gt,_B_M1, A_lt_B_M1, A_eq_B_M1, A3, A2, B3, B2); Comp_2_str M0 (A_gt,_B_M0, A_lt_B_M0, A_eq_B_M0, A1, A0, B1, B0); or (A_gt_B, A_gt_B_M1, w1); and (w1, A_eq_B_M1, A_gt_B_M0); and (A_eq_B, A_eq_B_M1, A_eq_B_M0); or (A_lt_B, A_lt_B_M1, w0); and (w0, A_eq_B_M1, A_lt_B_M0); endmodule
Test Methodology Modeling begins with a complex functional unit and partitions it in a top-down fashion to enable design of simpler units. Systematic verification begins with simpler units and moving to more complex units in design hierarchy. To verify functionality of a digital circuit build a test bench that applies stimulus patterns to the circuit and collect responses. Responses can be displayed or compared to a correct response. Test bench is a separate Verilog module.
Organization of a Testbench for Verifying a Unit Under Test (UUT)
Testbench Example module t_Add_half(); wire sum, c_out; reg a, b;
Add_half M1 (c_out, sum, a, b); initial begin #100 $finish; end #10 a=0; b=0; #10 b=1; #10 a=1; #10 b=0; endmodule
Testbench Example The keyword initial declares a single-pass behavior that begins executing when the simulator is activated. Statements within begin and end block keywords are called procedural statements. Procedural statements execute sequentially # is a delay control operator A delay control operator preceding procedural assignment statement suspends its execution and the execution of subsequent statements for specified delay time reg declaration ensures that variables will keep their value until the next procedural assignment statement $finish ends simulation
Testbench Template module t_DUTB_name(); // substitute the name of the UUT reg ----; // declaration of register variables for // primary inputs of the UUT wire ----; // declaration of primary outputs of UUT parameter time_out= // provide a value UUT_name M1 (UUT ports go here); initial $monitor() // specification of signals to be // monitored and displayed as text initial time_out $finish // stopwatch to ensure termination // of simulation initial begin // behavioral statements generating // wavefroms to input ports end endmodule
Propagation Delay module Add_full_unit_delay(output c_out, sum, input a, b, c_in); wire w1, w2, w3; Add_half_unit_delay M1 (w2, w1, a, b); Add_half_unit_delay M2 (w3, sum, w1, c_in); or #1 M3 (c_out, w2, w3); endmodule module Add_half_unit_delay (output c_out, sum, input a, b); xor #1 M1 (sum, a, b); and #1 M2 (c_out, a, b);
Propagation Delay To set a certain unit for time units, use the directive ‘timescale ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps directs the simulator to interpret numerical time variables as having units of nanoseconds with a resolution of picoseconds
Inertial Delay Propagation delay in Verilog obeys inertial delay model. Verilog uses the propagation delay of a gate as minimum width of an input pulse that could affect output.
Transport Delay Propagation delay across a wire is modeled as transport delay i.e. narrow pulses are not suppressed Example wire #2 A_long_wire declares that A_long_wire has a transport delay of two time steos.
Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog
Verilog supports truth-table models of combinational and sequential logic. A mechanism for building user-defined primitives (UDPS). UDPs are delcared in same way as modules with encapsulation of keywords primitive …endprimitive The output and inputs of a UDP must be scalar They can be instantiated just like built-in primitives with or without propagation delay.
Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog
Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog
The ? Shorthand notation represents iteration of the table over the values 0, 1, and x in the table i.e., don’t care on the input table //Select a b : mux_out 0 0 ? : 0; 0 1 ? : 1; 1 ? 0 : 0; 1 ? 1 : 1; ? 0 0 : 0; ? 1 1 : 1; endtable
Truth-table model of a Transparent Latch
The output of a sequential UDP must be declared to have type reg primitive latch_rp (output reg q_out, input enable, data) // enable data state q_out/next_state 1 1 : ? : 1; 1 0 : ? : 0; 0 ? : ? : -; x 0 : 0 : -; x 1 : 1 : -;
Truth-table model of a D-type flip-flop
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