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A snapshot of research activity in Turkey and submissions to Cambridge Journals Jack Macdonald Senior Sales Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "A snapshot of research activity in Turkey and submissions to Cambridge Journals Jack Macdonald Senior Sales Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 A snapshot of research activity in Turkey and submissions to Cambridge Journals Jack Macdonald Senior Sales Development Manager

2 Publishing Turkish research since 1952

3 Questions… Which universities are producing submissions to Cambridge Journals? Do submissions correspond to usage? Do submissions correspond to overall research ratings? How do Turkish submissions compare to submissions from other countries? What are the acceptance rates, and how do they compare?

4 Cambridge Journals Over 330 titles in 2015, with many new titles in 2016 and beyond Traditional strengths in Humanities & Social Sciences, and highly rated areas of STM Digital Archive 1770-2011 Emphasis is on quality rather than quantity

5 The dataset: a snapshot, not the full picture Reviewing submissions from only 11 journals Journals with high submission numbers, not necessarily the most usage or highest impact factor Some sectors of research generate more activity and submissions than others STM bias in this sub-set of content

6 The dataset: a snapshot, not the full picture


8 A global scholarly conversation Photo credit: Ed Brambly,

9 A global scholarly conversation 192,779 submissions for 11 journals Submissions range from 2003 to 2015 Submissions from 30,000 institutions Submissions from 225 countries Approximately 36% of submissions were accepted for publication

10 A global scholarly conversation Top 5 countries for submission: 1.United States (23,231) 2.China (18,363) 3.United Kingdom (17,382) 4.India (11,869) 5.Brazil (9,457) …… 12. Turkey (5,292)

11 1,047 submissions Photo credit: mallice,

12 1,167 submissions Photo credit: Nezih Dumazlar,

13 Submissions by city #1! #2 #3 #4 #6 #7 #8 #9 #5 #10

14 Top universities 1.Hacettepe University: 248 2.Gazi University: 144 3.Erciyes University: 129 4.Istanbul University: 125 5.Cukurova University: 123 6.Ege University: 97 7.Uludag University: 96 8.Selcuk University: 93 9.Ataturk University: 87 10.Baskent University: 84 11.Akdeniz University: 64 12.Kocaeli University: 62 1.Hacettepe University: 248 2.Gazi University: 144 3.Ankara University: 57 4.Baskent University: 84 5.METU: 48 Ankara region

15 Submissions vs. Usage of Cambridge Journals 1.Gazi University 2.Hacettepe University 3.Istanbul University 4.Anadolu University 5.Selcuk University 6.METU 7.Bogazici University 8.Cukurova University Most submissions 1.Hacettepe University 2.Gazi University 3.Erciyes University 4.Istanbul University 5.Cukurova University 6.Ege University 7.Uludag University 8.Selcuk University Most downloads, 2014

16 Research: output in high quality international publications Innovation: research output cited in patents Web presence: amount of web pages and incoming traffic

17 Submissions vs. SCIMago Research ratings 1.Istanbul University: 3.84 2.Hacettepe University: 3.54 3.Gazi University: 3.24 4.Ankara University: 3.13 5.METU: 3.03 6.Ege University: 2.98 7.ITU: 2.56 8.Selcuk University: 2.01 Most submissions 1.Hacettepe University 2.Gazi University 3.Erciyes University 4.Istanbul University 5.Cukurova University 6.Ege University 7.Uludag University 8.Selcuk University Highest-rated universities

18 Turkish submissions compared… Cambridge submissions, ranked: 8.Australia (6,790) 9.Italy (6,216) 9.Germany (6,101) 10.Japan (5,483) 11.Turkey (5,292) 12.Canada (4,855) 13.Iran (4,511) 14.Netherlands (4,043) 15.South Korea (2,861)

19 SCIMago Research rating, by country Turkey is #12 for Cambridge submissions, but #20 overall

20 Acceptance rates Acceptance rates above 50%: Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, USA, Germany Turkey has a lower rate, at c. 20% Turkey is comparable to Brazil, China, Malaysia, Portugal, Poland Higher acceptance rate than Iran and Egypt

21 Points for discussion As well as the ‘normal’ role of librarianship, is the scholarly output of your institution something you measure? Is the destination of scholarly submissions from your institution something you track? What other information from publishers would be useful or interesting?

22 Quick reminder of Cambridge Books Online Nearly 30,000 ebooks available Subject collections in almost every academic discipline. Essential collections – the top 50 ebooks in each subject Pick and choose titles – total flexibility Unlimited concurrency on all titles, and no DRM

23 coming soon! …

24 Home Page A clean, modern design with a focus on search

25 Books and Journals in one place

26 Introducing Core Reader

27 HTML Reader Fully responsive across PC, tablet & mobile

28 Librarian Preparation Phase

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