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National Council of State Boards of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology October 15, 2011 Earl “Gip” Seaver, Chair CFCC.

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Presentation on theme: "National Council of State Boards of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology October 15, 2011 Earl “Gip” Seaver, Chair CFCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Council of State Boards of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology October 15, 2011 Earl “Gip” Seaver, Chair CFCC

2  Gip Seaver, Chair  Glenn Waguespack, Vice Chair for Aud  Mark DeRuiter, Vice Chair for SLP  Virginia Berry, CCC-A  Dawn Betts, CCC-SLP  Akilah Heggs, CCC-A  Larry Molt, CCC-SLP  Judith Page, CCC-SLP, Chair Elect  Ellen Reuler, CCC-SLP  Beth Richardson, Public Member  Roy Shinn, CCC-A  David Wark, CCC-A   Ellen Crowell & Roger Reeter, NSSLHA Representatives

3  Alan Diefendorf, Vice President for Standards & Ethics in Audiology  Jennifer B. Watson, Vice President for Standards & Ethics in SLP  Dan C. Halling, CAA-Chair  Michael Flahive, CAPCSD Liaison

4  Vic Gladstone, Chief Staff Officer  Ayana Nickerson, Director of Certification  Georgia McMann, Senior Advisor for Certification

5  A Practice and Curriculum Analysis of the Practice of Speech-Language-Pathology Process  Review by CFCC – Gaps Analysis  Review rating data  Review written comments  Comparison with current standards  Revisions (if necessary)  Peer Review (60-90 days)  Blueprint for Certification Examination

6  A Practice and Curriculum Analysis of the Practice of Speech- Language-Pathology Process - 2009  Review by CFCC – Gaps Analysis 2010 - July 2011  Review analysis  Review written comments  Comparison with current standards  Revisions - 2011  Peer Review – Current (Ends 10-23-11)  Blueprint for Certification Examination – Future, Following Final Standards

7 Accreditation vs. Certification  Accreditation  Outcomes and structure associated with educational program  Certification  Concerned with knowledge & skills of graduates  Dependent on quality of accreditation process  Not prescriptive of process of education  Involves verification of K&S by program, successful completion of CF, pass national examination

8 General changes  Use same organization as 2011 Audiology Standards  Remove program process language, focus on outcomes  e.g. Ordering of courses, describing program documentation, clinical hours, etc.  Reduce procedural language  i.e. How to apply

9 Standard I – Degree  Post-baccalaureate degree  75 semester hours  Must address knowledge & skills Standard I – Degree  Post-baccalaureate degree Change  Describes degree only  Program of study described later

10 Standard II – Institution of Higher Education  Need for regional accreditation Standard II – Education Program  Grad courses and practicum initiated & completed in CAA accredited program Change  Describes program  Move language from 2005 Std I to 2014 Std II  Removes regional accreditation - redundant

11 Standard III – Program of Study – Knowledge Outcomes  75 credit hours  36 graduate credit hours to meet knowledge outcomes Standard III – Program of Study  Program of study includes  academic coursework  Supervised clinical experience  Sufficient to meet K&S’s  Changes  See next slide

12  Removed reference to 75 semester credit hours overall and 36 semester credit hours at the graduate level  Numbers are prescriptive as to how a program of study is to be designed.  The 2014 Certification standards focus on the knowledge and skills obtained not how they are obtained

13  Standard III Road Map  Standard III-A = Standard IV-A  Standard III-B = Standard IV-B  Standard III-C = Standard IV-C1  Standard III-D = Standard IV-C2  Standard III-E = Standard IV-D  Standard III-F = Standard IV-E  Standard III-G = Standard IV-F  Standard III-H = Standard IV-G

14 Standard III-A  The applicant must have prerequisite knowledge of the biological sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and the social/behavioral sciences Standard IV-A  Knowledge of biological sciences, physical sciences, statistics, & social/behavioral sciences Change  Not called prerequisite knowledge (prescriptive)  Stats not math  Acceptable courses “should include “rather than “could include among others”

15 Standard III-B  Demonstrate knowledge of  basic human communication and swallowing processes, including;  Biological  Neurological  Acoustic  Psychological  developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases. Standard IV-B  Must have demonstrated knowledge of ….  The applicant must have the ability to integrate information pertaining to normal and abnormal human development across the life span.  Change  What the applicant has demonstrated  Ability to integrate information learned across the life span

16 Standard III-C  Demonstrate knowledge in the following areas:  Big 9 Standard IV-C1  Must have demonstrated knowledge in following:  Big 10  Change  What the applicant has demonstrated  Separates resonance and voice

17 Standard III-D  The applicant must possess knowledge of ……….. Standard IV-C2  Must have demonstrated current knowledge ……… Change  What the applicant has demonstrated  Added “current” to reflect contemporary knowledge

18 Standard III-E,F,G  The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of ……….. Standard IV-D,E,F  Must have demonstrated current knowledge ………  Change  What the applicant has demonstrated`

19 Standard III-H  The applicant must demonstrate knowledge about certification, specialty recognition, licensure, and other relevant professional credentials. Standard IV-D,E,F  The applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of entry level and advanced certifications, licensure, and other relevant professional credentials, as well as local, state, and national regulations and policies relevant to professional practice.  Change  What the applicant has demonstrated  Expands language and clarifies intent

20 Standard IV – Program of Study - Skills Outcomes Standard V – Skills Outcomes  Change  Changes wording of standard

21 Standard IV-A  The applicant must complete a curriculum of academic and clinical education that follows an appropriate sequence of learning sufficient to achieve the skills and outcomes…. Standard V-A  Removed language from old standards  Old IV-B is now V-A  The applicant must have demonstrated……  Change  Old language refers to process and was eliminated  Changes wording of standard

22 Standard IV-BStandard V-B  Was IV-G in 2005 Standards  The applicant must have demonstrated……  Change  Refers to what applicant demonstrates to the program  Expanded implementation language to cover credentials of supervisors, work settings, & patient populations

23 Standard IV-C  400 clock hours of supervised clinical experience Standard was removed  Stipulation of minimum hours is prescriptive to the education program  Certification standards stipulate knowledge & skills the program verifies the applicant has demonstrated

24 Standard IV-D  325/400 clock hours at the graduate level in CAA program Standard was removed  Stipulation of minimum hours is prescriptive to the education program  Certification standards stipulate knowledge & skills the program verifies the applicant has demonstrated

25 Standard IV-E  Stipulates credentials of supervisors, amount of supervision relative to abilities of student, and the welfare of the client/patient Standard was removed  Supervision credentials statement was moved to implementation language of 2014 Standard V-B

26 Standard IV-F  Describes practicum experiences across the life span, cultural diversity, and levels of severity Standard was removed  2005 Standard contained implementation language now found in 2014 Standard V-B

27 Standard IV-G  Describes practicum experiences in evaluation, intervention, interaction and personal qualities Standard was moved to 2014 Standard V-B  2005 Standard contained implementation language now found in 2014 Standard

28 Standard V – Assessment  Applicant demonstrates successful achievement of formative and summative assessment Standard VI – Assessment  Must pass ASHA national examination  Change  Summative language in 2005 V moved to 2014 VI  Removed language of 2005 V-A (Program formative language)

29 Standard V-A Formative Assessment  Applicant must meet program’s requirements for demonstrating K & S through ongoing formative assessments Standard V-A was removed  Removed prescriptive language (required formative assessments) referring to the conduct of the program

30 Standard V-B Summative Assessment  Applicant must pass the ASHA national examination Standard V-A was removed  Removed prescriptive language referring to the conduct of the program

31 Standard VI – Clinical Fellowship  After completion of academic coursework, the applicant must successfully complete a SLPCF Standard VII – Clinical Fellowship  The applicant must successfully complete a SLPCF – Do refer applicant to state licensure laws through footnote  Change  Simplifies language  Timing of CF stipulated in implementation language

32 Standard VI – Clinical Fellowship VI-A Establish outcomes based on academic experiences, setting specific requirements, & professional goals VI-B Engage in periodic assessment of performance, evaluating progress VI-C CF = Equivalent of 36 weeks full time practice VI – D Submit evidence of successful completion Standard VII – Clinical Fellowship  VII-A Equivalent of 36 weeks full time practice  VII-B – Same  VII-C – Demonstrate K&S consistent with ability to practice independently  VI-D – Was eliminated (described process for application)

33 Standard VII – Certification Maintenance Standard VIII – Certification Maintenance  Standard states the requirement of maintenance  Removed process language

34  102 Responses Received  The majority are members of ASHA and hold certification in SLP  A few responses from audiologists and from ASHA staff who are not members of the Association.  Feedback from members of 14 out of the 18 SIG’s  Majority from members of Issues in HE or Admin & Sup  Employment facility most often cited:  College/University, Schools,  Employment Function:  evenly split between Clinic Faculty Member/Supervisor and Clinical Service Provider  Response from only one state licensing board

35  July CFCC meeting – Finalize proposed language  August – Draft for public comment  November – Review public comment  December/January – Publish final standards or Seek further public comment

36  Doctoral degree required 1/2012  Audiologists who have dropped certification – reinstatement prior to 1/2012  Submit to their application for reinstatement and their payment by December 31, 2011  Must submit their documentation of completion of the mandated professional development hours by December 31, 2011, and  Must complete the exam requirement by 4/28/12  Reinstatement after 2012 will require a doctoral degree

37  Ask Glenn, Virginia &/or Larry!

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