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Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Scientific Investigation Ch. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Scientific Investigation Ch. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Scientific Investigation Ch. 2

2 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley What is scientific investigation ? Focuses on solving problems and pursues a step-by-step logical, organized and rigorous ( tepat/teliti ) method in research process Tend to more objective than subjective Helps managers to highlight the most critical factors Applies to basic and applied research

3 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Purposiveness  Has purposive focus Rigor  Involves good theoritical base and carefully thought-out methodology Testability  Develops hypotheses  Those can be tested when data are collected

4 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Replicability  Similar findings emerge on the basis of data collected by other organizations employing the same methods  Our hypotheses have not been supported merely by chance, but are reflective of the trus state of affairs in the population

5 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Precision and confidence  Because unable to study the universe populations, we seldom have being able to draw “definite” conclusion  Sampling and measurement errors  Precision The closeness of findings to “reality” based on sample The degree of accuracy of the results In statistic term : confidence interval  Confidence The probability that our estimation are correct In statistic term : confidence level  The narrower limits and the greater conf

6 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Precision and confidence  The narrower limits and the greater confidence, the more useful and scientific  In social research : 95% confidence level (implies there is only a 5% probability that the findings may not be correct) is accepted as conventional, usually referred as significance level of 0.05 (p = 0.05)

7 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Objectivity  Conclusions should be based on the facts of the findings derived from actual data, not on subjective or emotional value Generalizability  The scope of applicability of the research finding in one organizational setting to other settings  The wider range of applicability of research findings, the more useful

8 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Parsimony  Lesser number of variables that explain the variance far more efficiently than a complex set of variables that only marginally add to the variance explained  Good understanding the problem and important factors that influence it

9 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Obstacles Measurement and collection data in subjective areas  quantify human behavior Comparability, consistency and wide generalizability are often to obtain

10 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley The hypothetico-deductive method Popularized by Karl Popper Seven steps :  Identify a broad problem area  Define the problem statement  Develop hyphotheses  Determine measures  Data collection  Data analysis  Interpretation data

11 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Deductive vs inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning  General theory and apply to a specific case  Key element in the hypothetico-deductive method  Hypothesis testing  Theory testing Inductive reasoning  Works in opposite direction  A process where we observe spesific phenomena and on this basis arrive at general conclusion  Theory generation  Not supported by Karl Popper

12 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Other types of research Case Study  Involve in-depth, contextual analyses of similar situations in other organizations, where the nature and definition of the problem happen to be the same as experienced in the current situation  Usually provide qualitative than quantitative

13 Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Other types of research Action Research  Researcher begins with a problem that is already identified  Gathers relevant data to tentative problem solution  Implements solution (may be there are unintended consequences)  Evaluates, defines and diagnoses the effect  Continues on an ongoing basis until the problem is fully resolved

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