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In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri Extra lab hours Phage Genomics Extra lab hours.

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Presentation on theme: "In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri Extra lab hours Phage Genomics Extra lab hours."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri Extra lab hours Phage Genomics Extra lab hours

2 Lofty Phage Genomics Course Goals 1.Understand basic principles of phage biology, microbiology and molecular biology. 2.Develop basic research skills, such as carrying out laboratory techniques and maintaining a laboratory notebook. 3.Be able to design and carry out scientific experiments. 4.Be able to critically read peer-reviewed journal articles and apply critical thinking. 5.Be able to communicate with clarity and precision research findings and how they relate to the current knowledge of the field in the form of a scientific manuscript.

3 Research Topics AB Asceptic technique Isolate/Purify novel phage DNA isolation and quantification EM DNA analysis – Restriction digest DNA analysis – PCR Lysogen isolation and testing Bacteriology Phage Biology Gene expression Lambda biology Applied phage biology Lit search/writing Scientific Manuscript Mycobacteriophage Motivated Independent Learner Anxious Overwhelmed Student Personal Development

4 Specific Unit Goal Be able to present with clarity and precision in a written discussion section the interpretations and implications of your results and how they relate to the current knowledge of mycobacteriophage. 5.Be able to communicate with clarity and precision research findings and how they relate to the current knowledge of the field in the form of a scientific manuscript. Phage Genomics Specific Goals Introduction Figures Results Journal Club Literature Search Discussion Activities

5 In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri Discussion Unit – Week 1

6 1 1 W/U Warm Up 1 What is the distinction between content in the results and the discussion? Tues

7 Discussion Unit – Week 1 1 1 W/U Activity 2 2 2 Figure 1. Results Statements Write interpretations Activity Tues

8 Discussion Unit – Week 1 Tues 1 1 W/U Heads Up 3 2 2 Activity 3 3 H/U What information do I need from the literature to help me understand my data?

9 Discussion Unit – Week 1 1 1 W/U 2 2 Activity 3 3 H/U 4 4 Activity 4 Lit search Obtain and Read journal articles Gather related evidence Wed Tues

10 In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri - Mon Discussion Unit – Week 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

11 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 1 5 5 W/U 5 Class discussion – how to use a thinking map to build the structure of the discussion W/U

12 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 1 5 5 Activity 6 Generate a thinking map to help you visualize and develop a deeper understanding of the relationships between data sets and current knowledge W/U 6 6 Activity

13 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 1 5 5 Reflect 7 What is the most important point(s) that you are trying to communicate in your discussion? W/U 6 6 Activity 7 7 Reflect New Questions? What are the components of a strong paragraph?

14 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 1 5 5 W/U 6 6 Activity 7 7 Reflect 8 8 Activity 8 Generate an outline from your thinking map. Write your discussion. Proof read. Fri - Mon

15 In Class Out of Class Tues 1 - 4Thurs 1 - 5 Sat - Mon WedFri Discussion Unit – Week 2 8 8 Activity

16 Discussion Unit – Week 2 9 9 W/U Warm Up 9 What kind of feedback from your peers will be most useful to you for improving your manuscript? Tues 8 8 Activity Class Discussion – strategies for peer reviews

17 Discussion Unit – Week 2 9 9 W/U Activity 10 Review of 2 nd draft by two peers Tues 1010 1010 Activity 8 8

18 Discussion Unit – Week 2 11 Activity 11 Respond to Peer Review Wed Tues 9 9 W/U 1010 1010 Activity 8 8

19 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 2 Submit 12 Submit entire Activity and all drafts for formative assessment 1212 1212 Submit Formative assessment of activity based on completion of tasks.

20 Thurs 1 - 5 Discussion Unit – Week 2 Reflect 7 Reflect on your experience accepting peer feedback. 1212 1212 Submit 1313 1313 Reflect

21 Summative Assessment Rock star Discussion

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