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Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 1 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft –ITD CfP#8 Info Day Toulouse, 1st February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 1 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft –ITD CfP#8 Info Day Toulouse, 1st February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 1 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft –ITD CfP#8 Info Day Toulouse, 1st February 2011

2 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 2 Contents Overview SFWA ITD Structure Workpackages Partners Objectives Results Summary

3 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 3 Organisational Structure SFWA-ITD Airbus / SAAB WP 1 Lead: Dassault Smart Wing Technology WP1.3 Lead: NL-Cluster Integrated Flow & Load Control Systems WP1.2 Lead: Airbus Load Control WP1.1 Lead: Airbus Flow Control WP 2 Lead: Saab New Configuration WP2.3 Lead: Airbus Interfaces & Technology Assessment WP2.1 Lead: Airbus Integration of Smart Wing into OAD WP2.2 Lead: Dassault Integration of Other Smart Components into OAD WP 3 Lead: Airbus Flight Demonstration WP3.4 Lead: Airbus Long Term Technology Flight Demonstrator WP3.1 Lead: Airbus High Speed Smart Wing Flight Demonstrator WP3.3 Lead: Airbus Innovative Engine Demo. Flying Test Bed WP3.2 Lead: Dassault Low Speed Smart Wing Flight Demonstrator WP3.5 Lead: Dassault Innovative Empennage Large Demonstrator WP3.6 Lead: Airbus ALEAP Flight Test

4 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 4 SFWA ITD Leadership The SFWA Leadership SFWA-ITD counts 37 beneficiaries, i.e. leaders and partners with their affiliates (Jan 2011) 8 SFWA ITD Leaders Airbus Operations Saab AB Dassault Aviation EADS-Casa Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. Rolls-Royce Safran Group Thales Group 7 SFWA Associate partners Aernnova Aerospace DLR INCAS-Cluster Netherlands-Cluster Onera QinetiQ RUAG Switzerland Ltd

5 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 5 Aircraft Concepts The aircraft concepts represent a “virtual” aircraft environment for maturing SFWA technologies. The concepts are: High Speed Demonstrator Passive (HSDP) Low Speed Demonstrator (LSD) Short Range Aircraft Concept (SRA) Low Sweep Bizjet Concept (LSBJ) High Speed Demonstrator Active (HSDA) Long Range Aircraft Concept (LRA) High Sweep Bizjet Concept (HSBJ) CROR Engine Demo FTB

6 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 6 Technical Planning Choice of flight test vehicle Feasibility Phase Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing A/CChantie r Flight Test Ground tests CROR Demo - FTB PDR High Speed Demonstrator Passive (HSDP) CDR CER Low Speed Demo (LSD) Flight Test Manufacturing A/CChantie r Detailed Design Preliminary Design PDR CDR Prel. Design Detailed Design Manufacturing A/CChantie r Flight Test Ground tests PDR CDR Aircraft concepts – schedule 1/2

7 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 7 SFWA Concept Schedule Aircraft concepts – schedule 2/2

8 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 8 Technology Streams For bundling aircraft concept related technologies nine Technology Streams have been defined Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) Hybrid Laminar Flow (HLFC) Innovative Control Surfaces (ICS) Fluidic Flow Control (FFC) Load Control Functions and architectures (LCFA) Buffet Control (BC) CROR Engine Integration (CROR-EI) Integration of innovative turbofan engines to bizjets (IITE) Advanced Flight Test Instrumentation

9 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 9 Technology Stream Matrix The Technology Streams define requirements & collect the respective RTD results from the Workpackages Technology Streams WP1WP2WP3 Workpackages & Tasks

10 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 10 Flight Demonstrator Options 1. High Speed Flight Demonstrator Objective: Large scale flight test of passive and active flow and loads control solutions on all new innovative wing concepts to validate low drag solutions at representative Mach and Reynolds Numbers. Envisaged to be used at least in two major phases of the project. Option 1: UAV Option 2: Alpha-Jet Option 3: Airbus A340 with modified wing 4. Long Term Technology Flight Demonstrator Objective: Validation of durability and robustness of Smart Wing technologies in operational environment Option 1: In Service Transport Aircraft Option 2: Airbus A300 “Beluga” Option 2: Airbus A320 3. Innovative Engine Demonstrator Flying Testbed Objective: Demonstrate viability of full scale innovative engine concept in operational condition Options under investigation 2. Low Speed Flight Demonstrator Objective: Validation flight testing of High Lift solution to support / enable the innovative wing low drag concepts with a full scale demonstrator. Option 1: Dassault Falcon Option 2: Airbus A320 Selected in April 2009 Selection scheduled for 2011 Preferred solution Selection(s) part of technology roadmap

11 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 11  Large Scale Flight Demo  Impact of airframe flow field on Propeller design  Impact of open rotor configuration on airframe  Innovative empennage design SFWA output to Technology Evaluator CleanSky Technology Evaluator Smart Wing Technologies Technology Integration Large Scale Flight Demo Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) Hybrid Laminar Flow (HLF) Active and passive load control Novel enabling materials Innovative manufacturing Smart Wing Technologies Innovative Power Plant Integration Input from System for Green Operation – ITD Input from Sustainable & Green Engines – ITD

12 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 12 SFWA-ITD CfP Topics In the total project lifetime the SFWA-ITD will contribute in CleanSky Call for Proposals (CfP) on 100 – 200 topics Total value of topics ~ 100M€ In the current call Industry, Research Establishments and Universities are invited to check your interest to reply to 12 topics Total value of topics 9.9M€ 12 topics have been identified for Call-08: 5 topics refer to SMART WING TECHNOLOGY 4 topics refer to NEW CONFIGURATION 3 topics refer to FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION

13 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 13 SFWA-ITD Call 8 Topics

14 Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD Jan 2011SFWA ITD Coordination Jens König Airbus Slide 14 Disclaimer © 2010 by the CleanSky Leading Partners: Airbus, AgustaWestland, Alenia Aeronautica, Dassault Aviation, EADS-CASA, Eurocopter, Fraunhofer Institute, Liebherr-Aerospace, Rolls-Royce, Saab AB, Safran Thales and the European Commission. Permission to copy, store electronically, or disseminate this presen-tation is hereby granted freely provided the source is recognized. No rights to modify the presentation are granted.

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