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DataStage TX 6.7 (formerly Mercator 6.7) Documentation Stylesheets Includes versions for Microsoft and Saxon users.

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Presentation on theme: "DataStage TX 6.7 (formerly Mercator 6.7) Documentation Stylesheets Includes versions for Microsoft and Saxon users."— Presentation transcript:

1 DataStage TX 6.7 (formerly Mercator 6.7) Documentation Stylesheets Includes versions for Microsoft and Saxon users

2 MSXML For MSXML users: 1. Rename your Mercator export file to "Example.xml". 2. Make two additional copies of your Mercator map export output. 3. Rename them Example2.xml and Example3.xml. 4. Delete the DTD processing instruction and replace with the following processing instructions for each corresponding file: Example.xml - Example2.xml - Example3.xml - 5. Open the Example.xml file in your browser If this does not work, you'll either have to install the Microsoft® XML Parser (MSXML) or use Saxon. Install MSXML can be done by downloading xmlinst.exe from Microsoft and double-clicking on it.


4 Open “Example.xml” with Internet Explorer and you will instantly see documentation for your map. Hyperlinks allow easy navigation to any functional map.

5 Saxon For Saxon users: 1. Rename your Mercator export file to "Example.xml". 2. Replace the DTD processing instruction in "Example.xml" with the stylesheet processing instruction below: Example.xml - 3. Run the "saxon.bat" file (included) and your HTML files will build. 4. Open "index.html" to view your documentation.


7 Open “index.html” with Internet Explorer and you will instantly see documentation for your map. Again, hyperlinks allow easy navigation to any functional map.

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