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What is new on HHV 6, 7, 8 infections?

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1 What is new on HHV 6, 7, 8 infections?
Henry J.C. de Vries Dermatology Academic Medical Centre University of Amsterdam The Netherlands

2 HHV 6 and 7 Acute/primary infection
Until 1986, 5 herpes viruses new human herpes viruses (HHV) HHV-6 and -7 both members of the Roseolovirus genus of the β- herpesviruses. T-lymphotropic but can infect other cell types primary infections are associated with roseola infantum (a.k.a. exanthem subitum or 6th disease)

3 HHV 6 and 7 Reactivation/endogenous infection
HHV lifetime infection ubiquitous reactivation HHV-7 and HHV-6 reactivation associated with pityriasis rosea (Drago, 1997 and Yasukawa, 1999) Debated Innocent bystander? Multiple agents?

4 DRESS syndrome Drug Reaction Eosinophilia and Systemic side effect Syndrome (DRESS) HHV 6 reactivation (Deschamps 2001) exanthema,hepatitis, colitis lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, fever EBV and amoxicillin associated drug rash in mononucleosis infectiosa C Goldberg, UCSD and Ascend Media Healthcare

5 Drugs that can cause DRESS
Ascend Media Healthcare

6 Is lichen planus caused by a viral infection?
Highest prevalence in over 50 year olds Self limiting Normally one episode Association with HCV (Mokni 1991) The epidemiological association is not strong (Imhof, 1997)

7 Electron microscopy of lichen planus lesional skin
reference herpes virus

8 Study outline Objective: Methods:
To find candidate herpes viruses associated with lichen planus. Methods: Lichen planus patients (pathologically confirmed, n=18) Intra patient comparison of skin biopsies: lesional vs. non-lesional before vs. after remission Inter patient comparison of skin biopsies: psoriasis patients (lesional, n=11, and non-lesional, n=3) normal skin (redundant after breast reduction, n=4) DNA of HSV1 and 2, VZV, CMV, EBV (commercial PCR ) DNA of HHV 6, -7 and -8 (“in house” nested PCR)

9 Herpes DNA analysis HHV7 HHV6 Lichen planus lesional non-lesional PBMC
All samples were free of HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, CMV and HHV-8 DNA. EBV DNA was detected in 2/15 lichen planus lesional samples. HHV7 HHV6 Lichen planus lesional non-lesional PBMC 11/18 (61%)*,# 1/11 (9%)* 5/13 (38%) 0/18 (0%) 0/11 (0%) 2/13 (15%) Psoriasis 2/11 (18%)# 0/3 (0%) 1/11 (9%) 0/3 (0%) Normal skin 0/4 (0%) 0/4 (0%) * p=0,06, # p=0,05 p values calculated with McNemar test

10 HHV-7 protein in lesional lichen planus
Immunohistochemical detection viral protein (HHV-7) tegument protein pp85 (Advanced Biotechnologies) positive cells/mm2 (non) lesional lichen planus, psoriasis, normal skin lesional skin non-lesional skin de Vries et al. Br J Dermatol 154: 361, 2006

11 HHV-7 protein positive cells
psoriasis lesional lichen planus normal skin non lesional lichen planus - de Vries et al. Br J Dermatol 154: 361, 2006

12 lesional skin non-lesional skin
plasmacytoid dendritic cells (CD123+) associated with viral infection in lesional lichen planus lesional skin non-lesional skin CD123 positive cells(red), endothelial cells (blue) de Vries et al. Br J Dermatol 154: 361, 2006

13 HHV-7 replicates in plasmacytoid dendritic (BDCA-2+) cells
lesional lichen planus lesional lichen planus HHV-7/BDCA-2 double staining HHV-7/CD-3 double staining de Vries et al. Arch Dermatol Res 299: 213, 2007

14 HHV-7 DNA and protein positive cells before and after lichen planus remission
before treatment after remission de Vries et al. Arch Dermatol Res 299: 213, 2007

15 Conclusions herpes virus like particles reside in lesional lichen planus skin not HSV1, HSV2, CMV, VZV, HHV6 or HHV8 DNA HHV-7 replicates in lesional lichen planus, not in non-lesional lichen planus, psoriatic or normal skin HHV-7 replicates in plasmacytoid dendritic cells HHV-7 replication in lichen planus stops after remission

16 HHV-7 and lichen planus hypothesis
HHV-7 (subclinical) primo infection during childhood HHV-7 reactivation in adult life replication in basal keratinocytes/dermal lymphocytes presentation (plasmacytoid) dendritic cells inflammatory T lymphocytic response destruction of the basal layer Skin Immune System, Bos JD ed. 3rd edition, 2005

17 How to prove a causative viral association?
viral “innocent bystander” Koch’s postulates geographic variation in viral distribution differences in laboratory protocols virus-virus interactions association with skin diseases? or candidates in search of a disease?

18 Acknowledgement Jan van Marle Jan Weel
electronmicroscopy Jan Weel virology Fokla Zorgdrager and Marion Cornelissen molecular biology Daisy Picavet and Marcel Teunissen immunohistochemistry

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