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Sonnet XCVII William Shakespeare, Sonnets (1609) Do it yourself p.69.

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1 Sonnet XCVII William Shakespeare, Sonnets (1609) Do it yourself p.69

2 simile metaphor self-contained line enjambment


4 The Petrarchan and the English sonnet Reading and speaking 1.Who introduced the sonnet into England? – A group of Court poets during the reign of Henry VIII 2.What was the lyrical model from which Renaissance poets drew inspiration? – The Petrarchan Sonnet. 3.What are the differences between the Petrarchan and the Elizabethan sonnet? – The structure of the Petrarchan sonnet consists of two quatrains and two tercets (4+4+3+3), while the structure of the Elizabethan sonnet consists of three quatrains and a couplet (4+4+4+2). The rhyme scheme is also different: the Petrarchan sonnet is abba abba cdc cdc, while the Elizabethan one is abab cdcd efef gg.

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