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Chapter Objectives To explore the different ways the Internet can be used for IMC. To review the strengths and limitations of the Internet and interactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Objectives To explore the different ways the Internet can be used for IMC. To review the strengths and limitations of the Internet and interactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Objectives To explore the different ways the Internet can be used for IMC. To review the strengths and limitations of the Internet and interactive media.

2 Internet A worldwide means of exchanging information and communicating through a series of interconnected computers.

3 Internet into an IMC Program Advertising Sales Promotions Personal Selling Public Relations Personal Selling Sales Promotions Advertising Direct Marketing The Internet site should be integrated with:

4 Internet Marketing All marketing functions conducted on the Internet.

5 Internet Communication Objectives To Build a Brand Image To Disseminate Information To Create Awareness Objectives

6 The Internet and IMC Advertising Transaction Vehicle Ads Support E-Commerce

7 Integrating the Internet: Advertising Banners Sponsorships Pop-ups/ Pop-unders Push Technologies Links Interstitials Banners Sponsorships Pop-ups/ Pop-unders Interstitials Push Technologies Internet Advertising Has a Variety of Forms:

8 Examples of Banner Ads

9 Support

10 VIAGRA® (sildenafil citrate) is the #1 prescribed medicine for erectile dysfunction (ED) in the U.S. and has been used by nearly 10 million men. At this site—which has had 7,751,000 visits—you can learn how VIAGRA can help you treat your ED, whether it be occasional or more frequent. Get information on how to: Support Site

11 Sales Promotions on the Internet

12 Using the Web to Develop an Image?

13 E-Commerce Any kind of commercial activity which is electronically facilitated.

14 Focuses of Online Marketing Efforts

15 Personal Selling on the Internet Vastly Increases Potential Reach Reduces High Cost of Personal Calls Provides Quick, Easy, Information to Prospects May Be a Source of Leads May Improve One- on-one Communications May Be a Source of Leads Provides Quick, Easy, Information to Prospects Vastly Increases Potential Reach Reduces High Cost of Personal Calls May Replace Personal Selling May Enhance Personal Selling Efforts May Serve As a Sales Conference Medium May Help to Enhance Customer Data Bases May Stimulate Trial of the Goods or Service May Help to Enhance Customer Data Bases

16 Public Relations on the Internet

17 Direct Marketing on the Internet Relies on Email Lists Relies on Email Lists Highly Targeted Attempts to Reach Those With Specific Needs Direct Mail (Email) Direct Mail (Email)

18 Permission-Based Commercial E-Mail

19 Measuring Internet Effectiveness Variety of methods, most of which can be done electronically. Fully measuring communication effects is an emerging trend.

20 Processing and Communication Effects Measures Online Measuring Panels Recall and Retention Surveys Tracking Sales Measuring Communication Effects Online Measuring Panels Recall and Retention Surveys Sales

21 Sources of Measurement Data Arbitron MRI and SMRB Audit Bureau of Circulation Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) eMarketer Nielsen Net Ratings Jupiter MediaMetrics, Inc. Business 2.0 and Fast Company Internet Advertising Report & MRI and SMRB Audit Bureau of Circulation Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) eMarketer Nielsen Net Ratings Jupiter MediaMetrics, Inc. Business 2.0 and Fast Company Arbitron Data Source

22 Internet Marketing Target Marketing Message Tailoring Interactive Capabilities Information Access Sales Potential Creativity Exposure StrengthsLimitations Speed Limited production quality Poor reach Irritation Websnarl Potential for deception Measurement problems Clutter Privacy Target Marketing Message Tailoring Interactive Capabilities Information Access Sales Potential Creativity Exposure Speed Limited production quality Poor reach Websnarl Potential for deception Measurement problems Clutter Privacy

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