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Choosing the Right Course © IntoUniversity 2015 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? IntoUniversity Edition © IntoUniversity 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing the Right Course © IntoUniversity 2015 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? IntoUniversity Edition © IntoUniversity 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Choosing the Right Course © IntoUniversity 2015

3 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? IntoUniversity Edition © IntoUniversity 2015

4 Question 1 © IntoUniversity 2015

5 What is a Sandwich Course? A A university course that looks at lots of different sandwiches B A type of university course that allows you to take up work experience C A course that you need to do to become a professional sandwich maker D A completely made up course © IntoUniversity 2015

6 What is a Sandwich Course? A B A type of university course that allows you to take up work experience C D © IntoUniversity 2015

7 £100,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

8 Question 2 © IntoUniversity 2015

9 What is a Foundation Year? A A year learning all about makeup B Your first year at university C An extra year of study at the start of a university degree D Something you study instead of a degree © IntoUniversity 2015

10 What is a Foundation Year? A B C An extra year of study at the start of a university degree D © IntoUniversity 2015

11 £200,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

12 Question 3 © IntoUniversity 2015

13 What is an undergraduate? A Someone studying for their first degree B Someone who has finished their degree and has graduated C Someone doing a Foundation Year D Someone who only had one degree © IntoUniversity 2015

14 An undergraduate is… A Someone studying for their first degree B C D © IntoUniversity 2015

15 £300,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

16 Question 4 © IntoUniversity 2015

17 What is a Masters Degree? A A degree you study to become a master B A degree for students over the age of 40 C A higher level degree taken after an undergraduate degree D The type of degree you get if you go to Oxford © IntoUniversity 2015

18 What is a Masters Degree? A B C A higher level degree taken after an undergraduate degree D © IntoUniversity 2015

19 £400,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

20 Question 5 © IntoUniversity 2015

21 What is a Campus University? A A university with lots of tents B A University that specialises in camping C A university that has all of its buildings spread around a town or city D A university that has all of its buildings close together on one site © IntoUniversity 2015

22 What is a Campus University? A B C D A university that has all of its buildings close together on one site © IntoUniversity 2015

23 £500,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

24 Question 6 © IntoUniversity 2015

25 What is student accommodation? A Where you live during your time at university B A way to get around university C A type of learning you do at university D Where all the university books are kept © IntoUniversity 2015

26 What is student accommodation? A Where you live during your time at university B C D © IntoUniversity 2015

27 £600,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

28 Question 7 © IntoUniversity 2015

29 What are catered halls of residence? A Accommodation with a kitchen for you to do your cooking B A university canteen C Accommodation where you’re provided with meals included in your rent price D Accommodation that gives you your own private chef © IntoUniversity 2015

30 What are catered halls of residence? A B C Accommodation where you’re provided with meals included in your rent price D © IntoUniversity 2015

31 £700,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

32 Question 8 © IntoUniversity 2015

33 What is an LLB? A A business qualification B The type of degree you need to become a lawyer C A Bachelor of Science D A Bachelor of Arts © IntoUniversity 2015

34 What is an LLB? A B The type of degree you need to become a lawyer C D © IntoUniversity 2015

35 £800,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

36 Question 9 © IntoUniversity 2015

37 What does studying full- time mean? A You’re in class for 2 hours a week B You’re in class for 30 hours a week C You’re in class for 20 hours a week D Any of the above © IntoUniversity 2015

38 If you’re studying full time you are… A B C D Any of the above © IntoUniversity 2015

39 £900,000 © IntoUniversity 2015

40 Question 10 © IntoUniversity 2015

41 What can you find in a prospectus? A Predictions for the future B Your university application form C A list of current job vacancies for graduates D Information about a university and the courses it offers © IntoUniversity 2015

42 What can you find in a prospectus? A B C D Information about a university and the courses it offers © IntoUniversity 2015

43 Help Me Choose a Course! Advise the students- can they go to university? © IntoUniversity 2015

44 Footsteps to Success Can you work out the different pathways? © IntoUniversity 2015

45 Overview of Workshops ModuleWorkshop Title and Topic 1Why Higher Education? Introduction to the benefits of choosing higher education 2Choosing the Right Course Looks at the key factors to be considered 3 4Introduction to Personal Statements Students plan their own statements using a structured approach 5Preparing for Interviews Acquiring effective verbal and non verbal communication skills 6Preparing to Go to University Practical steps to having a smooth transition from home to university life 7Student Finance Overview of the main areas of student finance and information on how to apply The Supplementary Schools Project Teacher’s Toolkit consists of: © IntoUniversity 2015

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