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Design your life ADVERTISING INFO. WE GUARANTEE TO OFFER YOUR BRANDS * A prestigious setting 10 high-end publications with talented contributors * Bi.

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1 Design your life ADVERTISING INFO

2 WE GUARANTEE TO OFFER YOUR BRANDS * A prestigious setting 10 high-end publications with talented contributors * Bi media To make use of the complimentary partnering print + web to get closer to your future customers. * Reach - 4,3 million consumers involved in and passionate about decoration - 664 000 web users on - 655 000 Premium Easy (14% of market coverage of the top 8%) - Leader in the advertising market, 40% market share with 1 151 pages for 1st semester 2009 * Targeting Reach all decoration audiences, all target groups, all age ranges and all styles * Expertise Share the expertise of ERS on its target audiences (AB+….), its market (decoration, information…) and its reference studies (panorama…) * Emergence La Fabrique à Idées* designs for you and with you innovative communication solutions with even more impact. * Efficiency The online AB+ panel made of 2 300 panellists will allow you to carry out pre-testing and any ad hoc studies you require * Fringe media Target your campaigns with direct marketing to our index of 45 200 email addresses. * “The Ideas Factory” – Special operation department (Sources : AEPM 08/09 with the exception of Ideat and Vivre Côté Paris which were not studied; panel Mediamétrie // Nielsen Net Ratings 07/2009 ; Audipresse Premium Easy 2009 with the exception of Maison Magazine, Ideat and Vivre Côté Paris which were not studied ; Yacast for pages that aren’t inserts, auto promotions or supplements.

3 CONCEPT 100% design A magazine dedicated to design, IDEAT presents all kinds of current products whether loosely or closely connected with design [automobiles, interior design, architecture, high tech, fashion, beauty, escapes, …]. An opening up of territories which gives IDEAT its visual richness. # Eclectic, IDEAT offers unexpected cultural unveilings from all parts of the world. # Modern and free, IDEAT captures the latest trends ad makes them adaptable for everyone. # Passionate, IDEAT prompts, inspires and guides its readers in their choices. IDEAT is the monthly design date : furiously contemporary, deeply mixed, absolutely indispensable. Design your life

4 8 issues per year Sold at 4,90 Edited by IDEAT Editions Design your life POSITIONING Design your life Furiously trendy, fundamentally creative and resolutely luxury, IDEAT offers a unique perspective on the world, the creators of today and tomorrow, the zeitgeist, the products. Current, stylised, diversified, IDEAT is at once : # an observatory of emerging trends # a laboratory of creative ideas # a unique perspective to make design desirable and adaptable. PLEBISCITE IDEAT 68 628 copies French Paid Circulation ( +9,6%vs 07/08) The strongest growth in the decoration press In individual circulation : +10,3% vs 07/08 In advertising pagination : +38% at the end of July 2008 vs N-1 HISTORY Lifestyle by IDEAT 1999 : launch of a lifestyle magazine by Laurent Blanc (1/3 decoration, 1/3 fashion, 1/3 travel) 2005 : repositioning towards decoration and design : change of format, + content, direction, + images Source : OJD 08/09, Yacast (pages excluding inserts, not including Ile De France and supplements)

5 Design your life # Mixed and high-end 41% men 59% women 75% 25-49 years 37 years old average age 39% involved in design # Who have the means to act on their desires 63% of readers are AB Of which 82% are AB+ 62% of households have an income >3 000€ # City-dwelling 53% urban Of whom 50% are Parisian A readership… Source : Panel Ideat March 2008

6 A magazine of values 71% of panellists think IDEAT corresponds to their tastes in terms of decoration I # m o d e r n I t y D # D e c o m p a r t m e n t a l i z a t i o n 74% believe IDEAT is distinguishable from other decoration magazines E l a x e d a t t i t u d e # r E l a x e d a t t i t u d e 88% find IDEAT a pleasant magazine to read A # c r e A t i v i t y 79% think IDEAT inspires, gives ideas T # l i b e r T y > D E s i G N Y o U r L i f E ! Source : panel Express Roularta Services 2007

7 Design your life EDITORIAL THEMES 2010 February Theme: Venice Special Publication : 13th January (Material deadline : 21st December) March April Theme : Arty Special + Dossier on Luxury Kitchens Publication :26th February (Material deadline : 9th February) Special Edition OUTDOOR DESIGN Publication : 26th March (Material deadline : 9th March) May Theme : ‘Green’ Special Issue Publication : 16th April (Material deadline : 26th March) June Theme : 100% Spain Publication : 27th May (Material deadline : 6th May) July August Theme : It’s Summer Publication : 2nd July (Material deadline : 15th June) September/October Theme : Dossier on Children + Dossier on Bathrooms Publication : 27th August (Material deadline : 10th August) November Theme : 100% Japan + Feature on Chimneys Publication : 22nd October (Material deadline : 5th October) December January Theme : Luxury Special and High Tech Dossier Publication : 3rd December ( Material deadline : 16th November) DECEMBER-JANUARY WATCHMAKING & JEWELLERY SPECIAL #

8 Design your life INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING Véronique PICAN Sales Director Constance BUCAILLE International Sales Director +33 1 75 55 16 49 Marie-France ALLEZ International Advertising Director +33 1 75 55 11 63 Lydie GERARD International Sales Coordinator +33 1 75 55 17 57

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