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Marketing Your Community A grant from Indiana Rural Development Council Grant Recipient Organization: (SWIDC) Southwest Indiana Development Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Your Community A grant from Indiana Rural Development Council Grant Recipient Organization: (SWIDC) Southwest Indiana Development Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Your Community A grant from Indiana Rural Development Council Grant Recipient Organization: (SWIDC) Southwest Indiana Development Council

2 SWIDC Southwest Indiana Development Council SWIDC PO Box 953 Evansville, IN 47706 Phone: 812-547-8377 Fax: 812-547-8378 WEB: EMAIL:

3 SWIDC: Southwest Indiana Development Council SWIDC is an economic development organization comprised of representatives of fourteen counties in Southwest Indiana

4 SWIDC: Southwest Indiana Development Council  Greene  Daviess  Martin  Orange  Knox  Pike  Gibson  Dubois  Orange  Crawford  Posey  Vanderburgh  Warrick  Spencer  Perry

5 SWIDC: Southwest Indiana Development Council SWIDC membersSWIDC members include representatives of local economic development organizations and Chambers of Commerce in each county as well as other interested groups such as; universities, utilities, public officials and private industry

6 Marketing Your Community..................................

7 Add customized information here about the host organization

8 How do we begin to market our community? Insert name of community here

9 Your community... Take a few minutes to develop a brief statement that describes your county/community 1. What are the success stories of your community? 2. List the top 5 things your community is known for

10 Our Community: How we describe Ourselves (Type in statement based on responses from previous break-out session)

11 Marketing Your Community Attraction Marketing is the process of positioning your community Marketing includes business attraction, retention, expansion, and entrepreneurship Marketing is NOT just advertising

12 Marketing Your Community Attracting new business to your community Marketing efforts entail developing a image and message that attracts new customers & businesses to your community Marketing can improve your image both within and outside your community

13 What is your community marketing message? (Overview by local economic developer)

14 Checklist for the best marketing message 1. Is it direct and concise? 2. Does it have visual aids or enhancements? (graphics, photos, Internet, video) 3. Is the content of the marketing package easy to read and understand? 4. Is it believable? Does it match with what is really happening in the community? 5. Has the message been prepared with a target market in mind? Who is the target market? 6. Is the message unique?

15 More specifically.... What are the specific characteristics of our target audience? Does the message appeal to your target? What is the purpose of the message? (to increase awareness, inform, persuade, educate) What response to you wish to elicit with your message? (contact information, additional information)

16 Techniques to Market your Community  1. Advertising Print media, newspaper, trade magazines, billboards, radio, Internet, TV  2. Promotional Materials Brochures, newsletters, Internet web site, CD ROMs and videos

17 Techniques to Market your Community  3. Direct Mail Sending unsolicited letter/promo to a prospective client  4. Personal Selling Direct selling: Trade shows, Prospecting with Companies, Hosting special events, Incentives

18 What can we do to enhance marketing in our community? Brainstorming session

19 Opportunities to get more involved in marketing your community (List resources)

20 Thank you for your participation! Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation!

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