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LdV-TOI Decipher Project Responding to the need Overcoming the cultural barriers (workshops) Final Conference Brussels, 21 Sep 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "LdV-TOI Decipher Project Responding to the need Overcoming the cultural barriers (workshops) Final Conference Brussels, 21 Sep 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Responding to the need Overcoming the cultural barriers (workshops) Final Conference Brussels, 21 Sep 2011

2 LdV-TOI Decipher Project The total number of workshops delivered was 30 compared to a target of 24 They were organized in a range of 20 towns In total 260 staff from 235 companies attended the workshops (only including the priority sectors)

3 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Further to the results of the survey, we focussed on 14 different countries The most popular ones China Russia France / UK Main sectors Agrifood Manufacturing Life science

4 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Business groups gave information and helped with the project : 20 key organisations Ex : in France, Bretagne International helped with the UK workshop and the Italy workshop : Speakers Culture differences Business opportunities How to tackle the target countries On Farmor premises

5 LdV-TOI Decipher Project The challenge we faced Businesses from various sectors Different needs Find speakers Technical problems How we overcame the problem Flexibility : basic and advanced level Partners working together Collaboration with students

6 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Ex : China workshops RLN East, RLN YH, Spain, France Partners working together Benefited from each other’s experience Online meeting Useful tips : IPR, speakers How to organize the ws: questions to the pane sent in advance Exchange of staff UK - France France - Spain Spain - Italy

7 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Collaboration with students 3 students from UCO-France attended a China WS They used the first hand experience to help to organise a China WS in France Market study Italy : students helping with a WS, internship, market study Finland : WS preparation, presentation of the project at the Food & Life exhibition

8 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Feedback : the aim to the WS was to get feedback from the companies Difficulties : Some reports were not ready How did we face these difficulties ? Presentations, then Q & A session We could add new information to the report and send it to SMEs How did we manage to get feedback? Good relationships with SMEs Each partner making a summary An external evaluator calling the businesses

9 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Feedback : positive, high quality “Was there a good fit between the content of the report and that of the WS?” YES : 75% “Was the amount of material appropriate to your needs?” YES : 84% “Was there sufficient explanation of the differences/similarities between your country and the target country?” YES : 82% “How useful was the group discussion?” Useful or very useful : 85%

10 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Impact : new market, much easier to do business with target countries, easier to enter into complex negotiations Businesses are already using acquired skills : with customers and at overseas trade fair events Participate in trade missions, start market studies, visits to trade fairs, translating websites... Strong links between SME’s and key business support agencies Ex : 3D Ouest has set up 3 websites to support business between France and China : Biz-Zhongfa and Biz China

11 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Direct results Estonian WS : SMEs have benefited from an ongoing series of business culture WS Russia WS : many agrifood companies. Russia offers a lot of opportunities for Finland farms France WS : some Italian SMEs have started testing markets in France (Alsace and Bretagne) In Spain : increase in export trade 19.5% (mainly SMEs in Aragon)...

12 LdV-TOI Decipher Project Comments from companies surveyed “I feel much more confident going forward having listened to the experiences the presenters gave and their answers to the Q&A session” “It was very useful to understand that there are business opportunities immediately beyond the border” “The WS was very useful! We started from scratch and it covered all the essential information for us to take practical steps and start trading. It really boosted our confidence and we are already taking our first steps to develop trade in Japan” “We found this WS very useful. We had already an extended knowledge of the German market but the WS has given very useful tips about meetings, negotiations, etc” “I found new contacts and channels. A successful seminar”

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