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Grab the Roaring 20’s packet (pg. 15) and a text book. Be ready to explain “why did pop culture of the 20’s became a national trend?”

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Presentation on theme: "Grab the Roaring 20’s packet (pg. 15) and a text book. Be ready to explain “why did pop culture of the 20’s became a national trend?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab the Roaring 20’s packet (pg. 15) and a text book. Be ready to explain “why did pop culture of the 20’s became a national trend?”

2 4/28 Learning Target: I can cite specific textual evidence from secondary sources to gain understanding of the 1920’s.  Review your packet NOW!  Finish packet to Scopes Monkey Trial  - Lets play Reverse Mum Ball!

3  1. Nativism- prejudice against immigrants  2. Isolationism-policy of pulling away form involvement in world affairs.  3. Fear of Communism- Red Scare  1917-Bolshevick Revolution, Why a concern- Communists Party grows bombs are sent to gov. officials.  Americans are afraid Communist would take over.

4  Cause- Series of anarchist bombings  Patriotism- Pride in ones country that leads to hatred of immigrants.  Statue of Liberty- All immigrants are welcome.  Political Cartoon-Immigrants entering America will destroy our way of life.  A. Mitchell Palmer- US Attorney General  “Palmer Raids”- invaded homes, Civil Rights-  Jailed w/o lawyer, Search w/o warrant, Deport w/0 trail

5  1. Three things- 1. Italian Immigrants 2. Draft Dodgers, and anarchists.  2. Accusations? Murder and robbery  3. Trial was Unfair- Circumstantial evidence, no eye witness, judge was prejudice  4. Guilty of being a Immigrant and Radical  Trial is an example of NATIVISM  m/c #4

6  Klan revived in 1920’s with 4.5 million members  Goals of Klan- “keep blacks in their place”, destroy saloons, oppose unions, drive Roman Catholics, Jews and Immigrants out of the country.  Klan is upset about the lack of policy to keep immigrants out of our country.

7  No strikes, because during the WWI it was illegal.  1919 not more war worker strike for better wages and the right to unionize.  Tactics of employeers- labeled worker “communist” “red baiting”

8  Warren G. Harding, 1921-1923, Republican  Harding want the country to go back to the way it was before the war, including a policy of isolationism or neutrality.  Fordney –McCumber- tax on imports of 60% will isolate us even more from foreign influence.  M/C 4 Nativism “ America for Americans”  Quota Act 1921- Cap on Immigrants  Quota Act 1924- Limit New Immigrants or Eastern Europeans, Italy, German, Russia.

9  M/c 3, 4, 2  Charles Forbes- Head of Veterans Affairs, sold hospital supplies to private companies.  The Oil in Tea Pot Dome is used to make millions for companies at expense of people. Fall is caught taking bribes.  Due to Scandal in his administration Harding dies in 1923 probably from a heart attack.  Coolidge “the chief business of america is business” Gov’t hands off business m/c 4

10  “For the great multitudes” Cars would be affordable so that everyone could have one.  Revolutionary technique- Constantly moving assembly line, subdivision of labor and three shifts of workers.  Model T alters society- GROW IN SUBURBS, national highway system, traditional dating norms changed.  Electric distribution made most homes electrified, New products- refrig. Ranges, toasters, washing machines, vacuum, sewing machine.

11  Rural- country Urban: City  Census shows migration to cities accelerated.  For the first time more people lived in cities then on farms.  New characteristics- Each day 300,000 workers filled the downtowns. At night people crowed movie theaters and vaudeville halls.

12  Prohibition- 1910-1.6, 1918-1.1 1921-.02  18 th amendment banning the sale, distribution and consumption of alcohol.  Speakeasies-hidden saloons. Bootlegger- smuggler of alcohol  Organized Crime- bootlegging empire that made 60 million and killed over 522 people.  Al Capone- the head of the organized crime ring in Chicago.

13  Cartoon- ACLU Lawyer defends science teacher, John Scopes, who is teaching evolution in Tennessee. Darrow is the man calling to the monkey, “papa”  John Scope- Science teacher who taught that human came from a single cell and evolved  Clarence Darrow-Amer. Civil Liberties Union lawyer.  William Jennings Bryan- Attorney for the Prosecution.  Science vs. Religion (bible)

14 Homework for Monday May 4 th  I too am America ( video) I too am America by LANGSTON HUGHESLANGSTON HUGHES Use the back sheet of the Roaring 20’s packet to explain the meaning of the poem. I, Too I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody’ll dare Say to me, “Eat in the kitchen,” Then. Besides, They’ll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed— I, too, am America.

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