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2 To begin presentation, click SLIDE SHOW on bottom left of screen and then click arrow.

3 Spreadsheet 1 INF:1060

4 A spreadsheet has many columns labelled with letters across the top. After the column Z, the columns are labelled AA, AB, AC, AD, etc. There are 256 columns.

5 Rows down the left are marked with numbers. There are 65,536 rows.

6 256 columns Makes 16,777,216 cells. 65,536 rows

7 A cell is the intersection of a row and column. A Cell

8 Cell addresses give the column letter first and the row number next. B5 F2 D10

9 Each cell can store information or data.

10 It can sort data. What can a spreadsheet do? Sorted by last name.

11 It can sort data in many different ways. What can a spreadsheet do? Sorted by Quiz 5.

12 What can a spreadsheet do? It can calculate changes. $400.00 $280.00 $400.00

13 What can a spreadsheet do? It can create columnar charts. CALGARY SPORTS OUTLET $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 1995199619971998 Year Sales Tennis Golf Camping Fitness

14 It can create pie charts. TOTAL SALES REPORT Mar 11% Jun 12% Apr 10% May 52% Feb 7% Jan 8%

15 How will you proceed? All directions are on the Excel screen when you open a task (file). Instructions Work Area

16 How will you learn? You are expected to complete eight tasks. Each task is followed by a check point. Manipulating Worksheets Task One Check Point One Navigating & Selecting Task Two Check Point Two Formatting Task Three Check Point Three Deleting/Inserting/Copying Task Four Check Point Four Formatting & Filling Task Five Check Point Five Sorting & Using Functions Task Six Check Point Six Using Formulas Task Seven Check Point Seven Creating Charts Task Eight Check Point Eight Job Production (See next slide.)

17 How will you learn? Then, you are expected to complete eight compulsory jobs and one project. Job 1 Class Marks Job 5 Line Chart Job 2 Pie Chart Job 6 Map Job 3 Columnar Chart Job 4 Income Statement Job 7 Personal Record Keeping Final Project Your Choice Job 8 Sales Projection

18 Then, you will be competent in using a spreadsheet: ã as a calculator. ã to create charts. ã to organize data. ã to format tables.

19 ã Opening Excel. ã Opening TASK 1. Good Luck! Get started by: Tap ESC

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