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High School BAC Training 2013 FALL TESTING

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Presentation on theme: "High School BAC Training 2013 FALL TESTING"— Presentation transcript:

1 High School BAC Training 2013 FALL TESTING

2 JCPS TESTING UNIT Jacque Queenan – Assessment Support Technician
Tammy Durham – Testing Unit Clerk Ryan Goepper – Data Management/Research Technician Jessica Lyons – Data Management/Research Technician Donna Heun – Data Management/Research Technician Erica Thompson – District Assessment Coordinator

3 Testing Unit location Crittenden Drive, Building 7 (Entrance just beyond Gate 3 - Kentucky Exposition Center

4 9

5 Completing this form as new students enroll in your school will assist with accountability work required during spring testing. Infinite Campus Enrollment History Wizard should be used as each new student enrolls to ensure that your school has the most comprehensive enrollment data.

6 Topics for Today Assessment Updates ACT PLAN
Alternate K-PREP/Alternate Assessment Administration Code Advance Program Testing End of Course Exams College/Career Ready Administration Code Training Inclusion of Special Populations Training

7 Assessment Updates

8 New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 9

New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 REQUIRED TESTING FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS Alternate Assessment (1%) ACCESS for English Language Learners W-APT ESL teachers in 39 schools will train for and administer the required WIDA W-APT this year. This is an effort to test those students who may have been missed by not enrolling through the ESL Intake Center. ESL teachers must keep test materials under “single-lock” when not in use. Marti Kinny’s office is coordinating this effort. ACCESS for ELLS Alternate ACCESS FOR ELLS OTHER TESTING (High Schools/Special Schools should be administering ANY appropriate test(s) in order to assist a student in becoming college/career ready) COMPASS, KYOTE ASVAB, WorkKeys KOSSA, Industry Certifications 10

10 New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 Key Assessment Themes DATA QUALITY—collaborative process between OAA and school/district staff to ensure accurate reporting of test results TEST SECURITY—checks and processes to monitor appropriate administration of state-required tests 11

11 Timeline for Reporting
All dates are tentative. Public Data Release Week of Sept PearsonAccess Re-Opens Aug. 14 (Growth included) SDRR Open Aug (New Changes) SDRR Closed Aug. 29 (All Changes Resolved) CCR Spreadsheets Aug School/District Summary Spreadsheets Aug. 19 QC Day for DACs Frankfort Sept. 12 12

12 Data Quality Accurate student level information Infinite Campus and
New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 Data Quality Accurate student level information Infinite Campus and Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) Application Test Rosters Data Review Before public reporting—September release to schools After public reporting—10 days after public release 13

13 New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 Test Security Seating Charts will be required for all state-required test administrations. Seating charts are required for optional tests that will be included in accountability if the test is administered by the school. Testing Unit will collect and maintain in case of potential investigations. Customized seating charts are on our Testing Unit website. 14

14 Administration Code and Inclusion Regulations Training
Fall Testing 2013 15

15 New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 Test Security Ensuring training of appropriate school/district staff in testing regulations: Administration Code Inclusion Regulation 2009 versions are the most current. FYI – Regulations being opened for revision this year BUT we will operate under the 2009 version ALL year. Use the Allegation Reporting form again this year to report possible violations of either regulation. 16


17 Administration Code and Test Security
Appropriate training required for anyone administering ACT EXPLORE/ACT PLAN or EOC or optional tests Signatures on Administration Code Documentation of training-group signature form provided by Testing Unit. 18

18 Inclusion Regulation 2009 Inclusion of Special Populations Regulation (ACT EXPLORE/ACT PLAN, EOC) Anyone assisting with testing accommodations must be trained annually Documentation of training-group signature form provided by Testing Unit. 19

19 Alternate Assessment Administration Code and Test Security
Appropriate training required for anyone administering Alternate K-PREP (Attainment Tasks/Transition Attainment Record) 20

20 School Report Card Kentucky’s System for Data Reporting
Anticipated release is the week of September 23rd School Report Card 21

21 Opening Page Welcome and Links to Additional Information

22 23 Two new sub-folders are under “Learning Environment” tab
Programs – Gifted and Talented, Migrant, Special Education Career Pathways – Career Tech offerings Review of this data completed in August by your school SRC representative. 23

23 SRC New for Year 2 Annual Measurable Objective goal
(1.0 improvement in Overall Score for below Proficient; .5 improvement for Proficient and above) New labels available with two years of data Progressing and High Progress SRC provides more detail Trend and disaggregated data 24

24 PearsonAccess Reports 25

25 Test Results Published reports are pre-generated reports and data extracts. To view a published report : Go to Test Results > View Published Reports to see a list of available reports. Select “District” or “School” from the View By options set. Click the organization name to see a list of reports for that organization. Click the Report Name to view. 26

26 27

27 28

28 K-PREP Student Report- Grade 4
District will receive 2 print copies- 1 school copy 1 parent copy Performance Levels: N, A, P & D for each subject area Do not print reports. Testing Unit sends one copy to you and one copy to parents. 29

29 K-PREP Student Report-Grade 4
Student Growth Percentile- New on report this year (grades 4 – 8 only) National Percentile Ranking Lexile® and Quantile® scores 30

30 K-PREP Student Listing Report-Grade 6
Alternate K-PREP students receive a total score 31

31 K-PREP School Summary Report
Status of Reporting Category- New this year 32

32 Alternate K-PREP Report-Grade 8
Attainment Tasks Results 33

33 Alternate K-PREP Report-Grade 8
Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Explore (8), Plan (10) and ACT (11) 34

34 CIITS Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System 35
New DAC Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 CIITS Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System 35

35 CIITS & Assessments Additional items (~2,000) are under review.
Supports classroom formative assessments and district/school benchmark assessments. Contains professional development opportunities. Additional items (~2,000) are under review. Purchased items are correlated(not congruent) to standards. Any item may be edited or changed by a teacher. Formative Item Pool (FIP) from QualityCore End-of-Course is available for the four EOC courses. A teacher/school/district may choose to share their items and tests. Over 150,000 assessments have been created. Infinite Campus is the authoritative source for most CIITS data. IC contact sets roles for each user. 36

36 KDE Vendor New Results for Career Coming Soon ACCESS for ELLs COMPASS
KYOTE KOSSA ASVAB WorkKeys Industry Certs. MAP Discovery Education Additional Vendors Soon K-PREP Alternate K-PREP EPAS QualityCore EOC National ACT Growth SAT 10 KDE Vendor New Results for Career Coming Soon K-PREP grades 3-8, 10,11 Alternate K-PREP Explore Plan ACT Jr. Administration QualityCore End-of-Course MC/MC National ACT data Career data will come from the TEDS system and show for all students COMPASS and KYOTE data may not be available until after the grade 12 student graduates. KDE COMPASS results will be added more frequently. COMPASS results from a college for students not in grade 12 will be added, when received. KDE striving to enter data more frequently. 37

37 CIITS Assessment Reports
Report Bank contains new pre-formatted reports. Additional reports will be added as more data becomes available, such as K-PREP Longitudinal Reporting and College/Career Ready. Feedback and suggestions are welcome. 38

Useful during student accountability work 39

39 ACT PLAN (Form 32B) September 16, 2013 - September 27, 2013

40 ACT PLAN Supervisor’s Manual carefully!
Be sure to read your ACT PLAN Supervisor’s Manual carefully! This is an “off the shelf” manual that is not customized for the state of Kentucky. Certain points in this presentation will override information in the manual.

41 IGNORE All directions concerning payment of ACT PLAN fees.
All instructions about ordering research and reporting services All references to a Local School Norms Request Form All directions about calling ACT All directions about mailing things to ACT

42 Test materials from previous years MUST NOT be used.
SHRED them – they cannot be scored. ACT PLAN uses a new test form each year.

43 PLAN Materials September 9th Ordered in August
Test materials and Pre-ID labels arrive in separate shipments directly to Testing Unit. Original Materials Arrive At Schools Via Regular Pony Run SIGNATURE REQUIRED when delivered to schools via JCPS pony. SCHOOL DELIVERY DATE Alert your front office staff! Materials MUST be kept secure once they reach your school. September 9th

44 Supplemental Orders New this Year… No overage sent to Testing Unit
Inventory your materials right away Erica Thompson if you have extra test books/answer folders School headers and answer folders with pre-printed labels MAY NOT be shared between schools Overnight shipping no longer available 3-5 day delivery to districts No overnight shipping. Any supplemental order will take 3-5 days for delivery.

45 ACT PLAN MATERIALS PLAN Supervisor’s Manual and Packet Why Take PLAN?
Instructions for Completing your Answer Folder PLAN test books Answer folders - one per student testing Any accommodated materials ordered PLAN Scoring Envelope PLAN School Header PLAN Posters Student Pre-ID labels The polymailer envelope will be kept at the Testing Unit.

46 Fall 2010 Testing & Reporting DAC Training
Supplemental Orders Print a list of your 10th graders from IC immediately after you receive your test material shipment . How many test materials do you need? Inventory using the Materials Packing list. Discrepancies? Call the JCPS Testing Unit immediately. Compare your inventory with the number of sets of materials needed for your school. Do you have enough test materials? If you need to order additional materials, call us immediately. The JCPS Testing Unit has NO overage of ACT PLAN testing materials. OAA: DSR: 8/9/2010

47 TEST MATERIALS Security of Materials
After inventory your test materials, reseal the carton(s) and lock them in a secure place. Protect the materials from damage, from possible theft or loss and from any conditions that could allow prior knowledge of the tests.

48 TEST MATERIALS Distribution, Security & Organization
If more than one testing room is to be used - Count out the appropriate quantities of materials before testing Record the number of test booklets assigned to each room Give the test booklets to the room supervisors personally. Write student names on their individual test booklets (name labels can be used also). Test booklets must be returned to same students after their individual student reports arrive.

49 TEST MATERIALS Distribution, Security & Organization
Never leave test booklets in an unattended room. Do not transfer test materials to any other school Consult the JCPS Testing Unit if you have LOTS of extra test materials. Current test booklets should be securely stored after test administration and must returned to students with their score reports.

50 Nonparticipation Nonparticipation could include reasons such as:
First year LEP Foreign exchange student Medical exemption Extraordinary Circumstances exemption Alternate Assessment Students Document on SDRR Do not return answer sheets for students that are not participating (This includes Alternate Assessment Students).

51 Medical Exemptions Extraordinary Circumstances Exemptions
Nonparticipation Medical Exemptions Extraordinary Circumstances Exemptions 51

52 Students with a Medical Exemption


54 Extraordinary Circumstances Exemptions

55 Medical Emergencies

56 Students with a Medical Emergency
Contact the JCPS Testing Unit immediately for approval of Medical Emergency accommodations.

57 Student Data Reporting and Review (SDRR)
ACT PLAN rosters completed on SDRR Nonparticipation marked on SDRR Accommodations marked on SDRR Rosters MUST be completed by midnight on Friday, September 27, 2013 SDRR Manual will be sent at a later date 57 57

58 ACT PLAN Reminders Do NOT return used test booklets. Hold and return to the same students with their Student Reports. Keep all accommodation kit materials to return with student reports including CDs, large print and Braille. Destroy any unused materials

59 “Off Grade Level” Testing
ACT PLAN can be given at “off grade level ” (9th) School may contact ACT directly and purchase sample tests if desired. 10th grade ACT PLAN tests CANNOT be reused for this purpose. Any additional use of the ACT PLAN is considered a violation of copyright law. “Off grade level” administration CANNOT be done prior to the grade 10 administration. This would be a violation of the Administration Code regulation. “Off grade level” administration DURING OR AFTER the grade 10 test window is acceptable. 10th graders MAY NOT participate in any sort of ACT PLAN practice or sample test prior to or during the fall testing window.

60 Copyright Issues Recent questions about the reuse of materials or items prompted a review and discussion of ACT, Inc. copyrights Do not use items/tests as “bell ringers,” sponge activities or as part of ongoing instruction. Tests are not to be reused in any way. Destroy any remaining materials after students receive a copy with their student reports. Test items should not be used or reproduced in any way to avoid violating copyright laws.

61 ACT PLAN REPORTS ACT will ship school reports to district offices approximately 10 business days after receipt of answer documents.

62 Supervisor = BAC


64 ACT PLAN Supervisor’s Manual Highlights

65 Arrangements for Staffing Room Supervisors pp. 3 - 4
BACs will need to train their testing staff and proctors Selecting and Training Testing Staff Room Supervisor Qualifications and Responsibilities Proctor Responsibilities Suggested Training Session Outline

66 Selecting and Training Testing Staff
To protect both the examinees and the supervisor from questions of possible conflict of interest, the following conditions should be met: The room supervisor should: Not be a relative or guardian of an examinee in their assigned room Not be a private consultant or individual tutor whose fees are paid by the examinee or examinee’s family

67 Selecting and Training Testing Staff
Room Supervisors Read directions exactly as they are written Monitor students Test rooms with more than 25 students Additional personnel to assist the room supervisor.

68 Scheduling Testing Sessions Pages 6 - 9
English (50 items) minutes Mathematics (40 items) 40 minutes Break minutes Reading (25 items) minutes Science (30 items) minutes General Administration minutes (approximately) Total for tests, break and administrative time 140 minutes

69 Scheduling Testing Sessions -Non-academic sections-
“Non-test” sections - Given on a separate day “Non-test” sections – The JCPS Testing Unit recommends they be given on the first or second day of the testing window or even before the Testing Window. This section MUST be given PRIOR to the academic sections of the test. Allow approximately 75 minutes - “Non-test” sections Directions - Read aloud to the students as they follow along with their copies of “Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder.”

70 Scheduling Testing Sessions -Non-academic sections-
ACT PLAN tests (English, Mathematics, Reading and Science) MUST be administered in one session. Approximately 2½ hours total administration time - Includes distribution/collection of materials, instructions and a break. Tests MUST be administered in the order listed and the time limits must be observed EXACTLY.

71 Posted Instructional Materials
REMOVE OR COVER: Maps, posters, charts or any content related materials (per Administration Code regulation) Periodic Tables need not be covered.

72 Options to Consider Before Administration pp. 10 - 12
One or two day administration Testing Options Academic tests Student Information Optional sort codes Makeup testing

73 Makeup Testing Makeup testing must be done for students
who are absent on the test date or for students who become ill during the test. Makeup testing should be completed as soon as possible and MUST be completed: (a) By the end of the testing window (b) In accordance with the standard test administration procedures described in the Supervisor’s Manual.

74 Students With Labels Adhere the Pre-ID Label to the appropriate place on the ACT PLAN answer folder. DO NOT print or bubble anything else on the front page of the ACT PLAN answer folder.


76 Students Without Labels
Prepare the ACT PLAN answer folder for any such student by printing AND bubbling in boxes A, B, D, F and G with student/school information. Add student to the ACT PLAN roster in SDRR.

77 PRE-ID Label with Incorrect Information
If there is a mistake on a student label: Do not use the label Bubble all appropriate fields on the answer folder

78 Answer Documents

79 Answer Documents

80 Educational Opportunity Services
Students receive information from colleges and scholarship agencies that may be of interest to them. Fill in box C to indicate address will be added. Mark YES in box I, if interested. Enter a complete mailing address in blocks P through S and an address in block O (optional). If box C is completed, but the YES box is not marked, students will NOT receive information. Completing C alone will not prompt the mailing of college information. If box C is completed, but the YES box is not marked, students will not receive information. Completing C alone will not prompt the mailing of college information.

81 Answer Documents

82 Answer Documents

83 ACT PLAN Test Book Cover
Student will be asked to read and copy a certification statement indicating they understand: the testing rules that testing items are confidential and may not be shared in any manner that they are the student whose name appears on the test booklet

84 Reporting Accommodations and Special Codes Answer Folder - Page 4
Mark accommodations as appropriate on the ACT answer folder ONLY if you want accommodation information on the ACT PLAN reports

85 Testing Students with Accommodations pp.13 - 17
Eligibility requirements for accommodated testing Testing arrangements Testing over multiple days or in separate sessions Accommodated testing options Security of test materials Selecting testing rooms Accommodations information Materials supplied by the test supervisor/student Ordering accommodated testing materials Timing

86 Eligibility for Special Testing
IEPs 504 Plans PSPs

87 Testing with Accommodations
Same as those allowed on K-PREP last spring Accommodated test forms All test forms are 32B

88 Testing with Accommodations
Reader’s Script May be used ONLY to read test questions in a SEPARATE ROOM for the ONE STUDENT to whom it is assigned. Page 17 –Supervisor’s Manual

89 Testing with Accommodations
Use of this script for group testing is NOT allowed. If the script is read (or signed) to more than one student in the same room, scores for all these students will be cancelled automatically.

90 Testing with Accommodations
For students who use a large-print response worksheet, item responses must be carefully transferred by a responsible adult to a standard ACT PLAN answer folder for scoring. ACT will not score a large-print worksheet or transfer responses to a standard answer folder.

91 PLAN Test Administration Policies Pages 18 - 21
Unauthorized testing aids Questions/guessing Rest period Leaving the room and time remaining Electronic Devices Irregularities Test item challenges Mistiming Defective materials Voiding tests/answer folders Illness Prohibited behavior

92 STUDENT ILLNESS Page 20 If a student becomes ill and asks to leave the room after starting the timed academic tests – Collect the student’s answer folder and test booklet Mark the time that the student leaves the room on his/her test booklet If the student returns and continues testing, the time lost may NOT be made up. Record the lost time on the Testing Irregularity Report. If the student DOES NOT return until the next day, the student may complete the section(s) of the test missed during a makeup session. Only allow the amount of time the student missed.

93 Prohibited Behavior If you SUSPECT a student is engaged in any prohibited activities: You should discreetly warn the student that these actions are prohibited and continue close observation. You may move the student to another seat to discourage the student from looking at someone else’s answer folder or giving or receiving assistance You must document your suspicions and actions on the Testing Irregularity Report If you OBSERVE any of these behaviors, call the JCPS Testing Unit.

94 Leaving the Room During Testing
Students who leave the room for reasons other than illness during the timed portion of the test may not make up lost time. Such absences need not be recorded on the Testing Irregularity Report form. Room supervisors should not leave a testing room unsupervised at any time.


96 Administering PLAN Test Day Procedures p. 22
Previously completed non-test portions Same day completion of non-test portions Checking calculators Avoiding common answer folder errors

97 Calculators Calculators are allowed Not required
Allowed ONLY on math test May use any basic four-function, scientific or graphing calculator unless it has features described in the Prohibited list Models on the Permitted with Modification list: students will be required to modify some of the calculator’s features.

98 Calculators p. 9 There are LOTS of rules about calculators.
Read your manual thoroughly!

99 Verbal Instructions for Student Information and Non-Test Sections Pages 23 - 35
Room Supervisor Instructions Option 1: Room Supervisor reads all instructions Option 2: Students read instructions with guidance from room supervisor Use Option 3: Instructions for Pre-ID label users

100 Verbal Instructions for the Academic Tests Pages 36 - 42

101 Post-Test Activities to be Completed by the Test Supervisor Pages 43- 50
Checking answer folders Accommodation Codes Special Status Codes Voiding Tests or Answer folders Completing your School Header Returning Answer folders for Scoring Additional Resources

102 Scoring Codes Voided Tests Codes
Test Supervisor’s Manual – Page 44 If you believe you have reason to appropriately void any of the content sections on ACT PLAN (i.e. student caught cheating), contact the JCPS Testing Unit immediately.

103 Things to Remember Anyone administering the ACT PLAN must have Administration Code Training. Anyone providing accommodations must have Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations trainings. Materials may NOT be transferred between schools. Used test booklets are to be returned to the student with his or her Student Report. A seating chart is required.

104 Completing your School Header form
To facilitate scoring of your answer folders in a timely fashion, fill out your School Report Header completely and accurately. If you cannot locate this form, please call JCPS Testing

105 Sept. 16, 2013

106 Test Results Test Results: What They Tell You Pages 51 - 64
Test Scores Norms Student Information Sections PLAN Reports

107 Other Resources Pages 71 - 73
PLAN Supervisor’s Comment Form PLAN Testing Irregularity Report

108 PLAN ROSTERS Sept. 9th – Sept. 27th
Complete rosters in Student Data Review and Reporting (SDRR). Roster window will be open Sept. 9th – Sept. 27th

109 PLAN Rosters Complete in SDRR: Name Date of Birth Testing Location
Exemptions New this year – Demographics will be pre-populated in SDRR. Changes to demographics MUST be made in Infinite Campus. A nightly pull from IC will be done to update SDRR.

110 ACT PLAN Rosters Your ACT PLAN Roster on SDRR must include each and every student listed in Infinite Campus as being enrolled in your school as a 10th Grader on the 1st day of the Fall Testing Window.

111 ACT PLAN Rosters Accountability will be based on 100 instructional days from the prior year. The Office of Assessment and Accountability will match students tested to prior school year data (We completed this work last spring). Accountability work will be completed, tentatively, in January 2014.

112 Nonparticipation Mark in SDRR.
Nonparticipation could include reasons such as first year LEP, foreign exchange, medical exemption, and extraordinary circumstances exemption. Do not return answer sheets for students that are not participating.


114 Return Shipping Envelopes are provided for each school’s answer documents. Each school MUST include Seating Charts, School Header form, Testing Irregularity Reports (if any) and Test Supervisor Comment forms (if any). Materials will be hand-delivered to the JCPS Testing Unit according to the schedule shown on the next slide. Materials return will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

115 Materials Return Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Schools administering ACT PLAN Thursday, October 3, 2013 Schools administering both ACT EXPLORE and ACT PLAN

116 Materials Return One hour appointments
8 am, 9 am, 10 am 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm. Appointment Request Forms will be sent out via a BAC . Appointments will be assigned: First Requested/First Assigned basis according to the order of submission of Appointment Request Forms.

117 Things to Remember Return each used test booklet to the correct student with his/her Student Report. Return accommodated materials to students who used them with their copy of the test book. Reuse of materials is prohibited. Destroy any remaining materials. Test items should not be used or reproduced in any way to avoid violating copyright laws.

118 Finishing Folders (BAC Responsibility)
ALPHABETIZE ANSWER FOLDERS BY STUDENT LAST NAME. TIP: Have your teachers alphabetize the answer folders in their classrooms before they are turned in to you. Materials should be appropriately packed for return to the JCPS Testing Unit. Complete SDRR ACT PLAN rosters by midnight, Friday, September 27, 2013.

119 Packing Materials to Return to JCPS Testing Unit
Place answer folders in ACT Tyvek envelopes DO NOT seal the envelopes DO NOT mail the answer folders to ACT Attend Materials Return Appointment at Testing Unit


121 Disposition of Other Testing Materials
Destroy unused and voided answer folders. Used test booklets and accommodation kits (large print, Audio CDs) should be kept at the school . Each student should be given his/her own test booklet when score reports come back (including Braille). Braille tests should be hand delivered to the Testing Unit after the results have been reviewed with the student. Discard unused test booklets after all students have received a copy to use with their student reports. All other materials should be destroyed.

122 Final Steps The JCPS Testing Unit will print a copy of your SDRR roster to use during materials check in Download a copy of your own ACT PLAN roster for your own records Hand deliver your scorable materials during your assigned Materials Return Appointment

123 Score Returns Approximately 10 days after receipt of test materials school reports ship from ACT to district offices.

124 Group Seating Chart – p. 1

125 Group Seating Chart – p. 2


127 Just give us a call or send us an email…. JCPS Testing Unit 485-3388

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