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How to choose and be in the best career GET GLOBAL 2013.

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2 How to choose and be in the best career GET GLOBAL 2013.


4  They are all human beings like you and I  They are all blacks  They located a career path early  They followed it with passion  Now they are very important People (VIPS).


6 This is perhaps the most important question that needs to be answered. VALUE QUESTIONS  What is most important to you in life? (Money, Spouse, Kids, Church, Career etc)  What are you passionate about? (people, sports, politics etc)  What do you really want out of life? (Popularity, Quiet Life)  How would you want to be remembered? (Philanthropist, Servant of God, A Great Father, A Loyal Spouse, A great inventor, A Prolific Writer)  What are you not ready to ever part with?

7 Simply put, it is what you enjoy doing. Which area you would like to apply the skills you have Your interests are;  What you do and don’t get tired at doing no matter how long? (Talking, Reading, Singing, Writing, Calculations etc)  What gets you excited? (Photographs, Radio progs. etc)  What do you talk about the most? (latest fashion, sports)  What books do you like to read?  Who are your role models?

8 It is the various aspects of a persons character that combine to make them different from other people i.e interesting & attractive Cheerful - Gloomy Comic - Serious Introvert - Extrovert Flexible - Rigid Patient - Impatient Generous - Frugal Organised - Clumsy It is the totality of your individual traits, motivational drives, needs and attitudes

9 The activities you are good at i.e you do well such as writing, teaching,  Skills can be inborn or learnt (Drawing, cooking, driving, running, oratory, art & craft) If not developed, skills can become obsolete Constant usage, practice & development enhances your skills  How much time & commitment are you willing and able to make (footballers, athletes, musician, lecturers, writing)

10  Is this formular always true? SENIOR SECONDARY COMMERCIALSCIENCEARTS Journalism Law Company Sec. Economist Visual Artist Engineering Computer Scientist Nursing Medicine Pharmacy Accountancy Marketing Business Admin. Economics Banking & Fin. Insurance

11 NO!!!!!!!

12 “I hate every of my subjects in science class but like those of arts class” “I would like to be a broadcaster but I am in science class (SS 1), is it not late?.” The class I currently am doesn’t match the career I want. “Help!!! I think I’m in the wrong class” “Help!!! I think I’m in the wrong class”

13 DDaddy & Mummy Factor ( I must be a doctor) FFollow- Follow Syndrome (my friends were there) BBig TITLE Factor (Dr. At the back of my name) TToo much Money

14 YOU CAN MOVE BUT AT THE PRICE OF TIME & COST SENIOR SECONDARY COMMERCIALSCIENCEARTS Journalism Nursing Company Sec. Economist Pharmacy Visual Artist Engineering Banking & Fin. Law Medicine Accountancy Marketing Business Admin. Economics Computer Sci. Insurance

15 PPersonal Development (work on the skills you have discovered) RRight Association ( Avoid NFA’s) DDream Big & Pursue It (Seek positive exposure & Further your education)

16  My Parents are not educated  My Parents are Poor  People say I am not brilliant  My Parents Don’t Value Education  I am not the best student in my class  I am an orphan without a sponsor  I have repeated a class before

17  Bobby is in SSS3, Boby’s best subject is government, he has been the class captain since Jss1 and now the Head Boy, he likes public speaking and loves to fight for the rights of his class mate. If Boby must choose the most appropriate career based on his VIP, what would you advise him to chose  (A) Lawyer (B) Doctor (C) Engineer (D) Accountant (E) Governor.

18  Yogi is in sss3, his best subjects are biology and chemistry, he does not like to talk as much as Bobby does, he also does not want publicity but he is sympathetic especially when people are sick around him. If Yogi must pick a career, what is your advise for him?  (A) Lawyer (B) Doctor (C) Engineer (D) Accountant (E) Governor.


20 Don’t stop yourself with any excuse! The world is waiting for you. You are the next VIP Say it to yourself I AM THE NEXT VIP



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