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SPREADSHEET BASICS SPREADSHEET BASICS What are the benefits of using a spreadsheet to solve a problem?

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Presentation on theme: "SPREADSHEET BASICS SPREADSHEET BASICS What are the benefits of using a spreadsheet to solve a problem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPREADSHEET BASICS SPREADSHEET BASICS What are the benefits of using a spreadsheet to solve a problem?

2 What is a Spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is a program that helps you collect, organize, calculate, analyze, and present numerical information. A spreadsheet is a program that helps you collect, organize, calculate, analyze, and present numerical information.

3 Examples of Ways Spreadsheets Can Be Used Teacher Grade books Teacher Grade books Budgets for families and businesses Budgets for families and businesses Inventories Inventories Bank statements Bank statements Graphs and Charts Graphs and Charts

4 Spreadsheets Are Created By Using Special Programs What spreadsheet program do we use at our school? Microsoft Excel

5 The Parts Of A Spreadsheet Shows the cell number of the active cell Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your worksheet. A formula starts with an equal sign (=). The group of cells that run horizontally. Row headings are numbers. The group of cells that run vertically. Column headings are letters. The cell where you can enter numbers or formulas in a spreadsheet. The active cell has a thick border, and its name appears at the top of your screen in the name box

6 Excel Spreadsheets Make Charts and Graphs Charts and graph display the number information in a “picture format” rather than in columns and rows. Charts and graph display the number information in a “picture format” rather than in columns and rows. Graphs can help you recognize trends that are not obvious in a simple list of numbers. Graphs can help you recognize trends that are not obvious in a simple list of numbers. Popular graph types include line, bar, area, and pie graphs. Popular graph types include line, bar, area, and pie graphs.

7 Steps To Creating A Spreadsheet To create a spreadsheet 1.Open MS Excel 2.Name and Save your file 3.Type in your row and column headings 4.Type in your number data 5.Type in your formulas You must ALWAYS use formulas to complete mathematical calculations in Excel. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER ---do the math in your head or use a calculator. If your data changes the formula will automatically change the final result.

8 Inserting A Header And Footer To enter data in the Header and Footer – go to: 1. Insert Tab 2. Text Group

9 Gridlines Gridlines are the lines that appear between the cells. Gridlines are the lines that appear between the cells. In Excel you have to tell it to print the gridlines. In Excel you have to tell it to print the gridlines. To print with gridlines: To print with gridlines: 1. Go to Print Preview 2. Select Page Setup 3. Click on the Sheet Tab 4. Click in the box to Select Gridlines

10 Sorting You can sort your information in: Ascending order which is (ABC or 1-10) Descending order (CBA or 10-1) To sort – go to the: 1. Home Tab 2. Editing Group

11 Merge Cells You can merge multiple cells to create one big cell. To merge cells – go to the: 1. Home Tab 2. Alignment Group

12 Wrap Text In A Cell When you have text that extends into the next cell, you can format the cell to make the text fit into the cell. To Wrap Text in a cell – go to the: 1. Home Tab 2. Cells Group

13 Steps to Creating a Chart 1. Select the cells you want to chart. 2. Go to the Insert Tab 3. Go to the Chart Group and select your chart 4. Click on a Chart layout, and then edit your chart title and label the X and Y axis. 5. Your chart will move and resize just like a picture.

14 Spreadsheet Formulas and Math Problems A spreadsheet can do a lot of the math work for you, but you must be specific in telling it what kind of math to do by writing a formula. A spreadsheet can do a lot of the math work for you, but you must be specific in telling it what kind of math to do by writing a formula. To write a formula you must start with = sign and use the cell numbers or cell range. To write a formula you must start with = sign and use the cell numbers or cell range. Here’s a formula example using operators: = (B3 * B4) Common operator (symbols): * multiplication * multiplication / division / division + addition + addition - subtraction - subtraction

15 Spreadsheet Formulas Using Functions Here’s two examples how to add and compute and average by writing a formula using functions – these are found in Formulas Tab and Functions Group Adding =sum (cell range) example =sum(B3:B5) Averaging =average (cell range) example =average(B3:B5_

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