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End of Year Administration Objectives for this guide: Account Administration Deleting Accounts Creating New Accounts Updating account details and account.

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Presentation on theme: "End of Year Administration Objectives for this guide: Account Administration Deleting Accounts Creating New Accounts Updating account details and account."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of Year Administration Objectives for this guide: Account Administration Deleting Accounts Creating New Accounts Updating account details and account groups: Using a spreadsheet to overwrite account details Editing Folders and Using Edit Multiple Community Administration Creating an archive of your community Creating a year-end rollover of your community Should I archive or rollover my community? Changing the default community

2 Account Administration Deleting Accounts There will probably be a number of accounts that need to be deleted at the end of the school year when children and staff leave the school. To delete accounts, put a tick in the check box next to the accounts to be deleted: Next click on ‘Mark for deletion’: Next

3 A trash bin with a red tick now appears to the right of the accounts: Once you have finished marking accounts for deletion, please send our support team an email and we will permanently delete these accounts for you. Our contact details are: Tel: 01273-201701 Email: Next

4 Similarly, you will want to create a new batch of accounts for the new intake for September and any new staff that join. This can be done by uploading a new spreadsheet. Detailed information on how to do this can be found here where you can also download example spreadsheets with all the necessary column headings already Creating New Accounts Next

5 Updating account details and account groups Method 1: uploading a new spreadsheet In the accounts view of the administration area, click on the export button. This will export a spreadsheet of all accounts presently in your school portal: The exported spreadsheet will look something like this: Next

6 To change any details just overwrite the appropriate fields as in the following example where the accounts will be moved from the robins folder to the magpies folder and the theme changed from ‘starter’ to ‘improver’ as the children will be starting in KS2: To bulk change passwords, overwrite the Password column heading with the heading ‘NewPassword’ and enter your new passwords in the fields of this column:

7 When you are finished, save your changes then click on ‘Import’ to search for and upload your spreadsheet. The existing accounts will be overwritten with the new details.

8 Deleting Folders When a folder is empty, you have the option to delete that folder. Click on [Actions], then on ‘Delete’: Method 2: Renaming Folders and using Bulk Edit Renaming Folders Next to the folder name, click on [Actions] then ‘Rename’ to give the folder a new name:

9 Using Edit Multiple You can use the Edit Multiple feature to move any number of accounts into different folders, or change any of their details such as theme (starter/improver), colour etc. Put a tick in the check box next to the accounts to be edited. To select more than one account at a time from a list, holding your shift key down, click on the first account and then last account will select the entire list. When you have selected all the accounts you wish to move/edit, click on the ‘Edit Multiple’ button at the top of the Accounts Administration screen: Creating New Folders If you need to add an extra class or group for the new school year, click on ‘Create a sub group’ icon:

10 Here you can change a number of account features for all the selected accounts: Next

11 To move the accounts to a new folder/group, click on the drop down next to ‘Member of Group’, choose the group to move them to then click on save: Next

12 Community Administration Creating an archive of your community If you would like to archive your community without creating a rollover copy for the following school year, visit the administration view of the community by clicking on the cogs at the top right of the community. Next click on the archive button: A dialogue box will appear giving you further information and asking for confirmation: Next

13 Archiving creates a snapshot of the community from that point in time and places the community in the 'archived communities' view. The archived communities view can be accessed from the communities list (From your homepage click on Administration then Communities) and then choosing Archived Communities from the drop-down box options: Next

14 Your archived community will be created with an amended title showing the month and year when it was first created and the month/year it was archived. In the example below, the community was created and archived in the same month and so only shows one date: If you maintain the membership of that community, leaders will still have editing rights but members will only be able to view that community. This may be useful if you would like pupils to continue to be able to access and view work and discussions they have contributed to earlier in the year or in previous years, but no longer have the ability to amend or add to the community. Next

15 Creating a year-end rollover of a community If you would like to re-use your community at the end of the year, the rollover option will create a 'rolled-over' version of the community in the original location with all members and member contributions on the front page removed. Any quizzes and surveys will revert to being unpublished. Forum topics will remain, though forum replies will be deleted. If you wish to delete particular forum topic, visit the forum area and click on the cogs at the top right of the screen for some more advanced options. Here you can click on the title of a topic to be given the option to delete it. The process of rollover will also create an archived copy of the community (see above for details). To 'rollover' a community, click on the cogs at the top right of the community to get to the administration view where you will see the rollover button: Next

16 When you press the rollover button, the following dialogue box will appear giving you further information and asking for confirmation: Next

17 Should I archive or rollover my communities? If you rollover your communities for the next year, your ‘rolled over’ community that you wish to use for the new class will keep all forum posts (replies are taken out), files in the gallery and contributions to the wiki. This may be very useful in some cases, especially if you have created a lot of pages or would like to re-use the documents in the gallery. If the gallery, forum and wiki contain information that is not so relevant for the incoming year group, then it may be a better idea to archive the community and create a new empty community ready for the class teacher to edit and add to as they wish. Next

18 Changing the default community The default community is the one that will always appear at the top of your homepage when you login, as shown below: If your default community is archived, this community will remain as your default community, as shown below (the dates show the months that community was created and archived): Next

19 To make your new community the default, click on the cogs at the top right of the community, select Manage Membership then click on More Options below the current membership of that community: Now select the users you wish to have this community as their default and then click on the line ‘Set as the default community for members‘:

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