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Assessment Literacy Kentucky Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning Career and College Readiness MODULE 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Literacy Kentucky Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning Career and College Readiness MODULE 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Literacy Kentucky Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning Career and College Readiness MODULE 4

2 College & Career Readiness Middle Elementary High Kentucky Core Academic Standards HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING Assessment SENATE BILL 1 2 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

3 Gain a deeper understanding of: How the progression of Kentucky Core Academic Standards compares with the progression of the Core Content for Assessment Standards The progression of the KCAS Standards How the KCAS define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level The deconstruction process How the expectations change from one grade level to the next

4 I can identify key differences in the progressions between KCAS and CC 4.1. I can summarize what students are expected to know and be able to do for a given standard. I can explain how the expectations of the Standards change as students change grade levels.

5 Handouts What do you notice about the progression of Reading Standards? Look at the CC 4.1 Standards for Reading. Look at the Reading KCAS. How will this influence departmental discussions regarding the new Reading Standards?

6 Handouts What do you notice about the progression of Math Standards? Look at the CC 4.1 Standards for Math. Look at the Math KCAS. How will this influence departmental discussions regarding the new Math Standards?

7 Organization of Standards Key Terms: Strand, College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards, Standards Deep Dive By grade level bands (K-5, or 6-12) Select a Standard, work with a partner Identify: key ideas and details Answer the questions on the form or chart paper Gallery Walk or Group Share

8 As a team walk around and look at each chart. Use Post-it notes to make comments or ask questions about anything you see.

9 El MS HS – Photo David

10 Summer Professional Development – KCAS, CHETL, Assessment Literacy (preparation for first 6-12 weeks of the school year) Principal session during summer conference about maps and units of study. Continuing Professional Development – differentiated to meet the needs of individual schools 10


12 Strand – Components of ELA College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards (CCR) – Broad Standards Standards – Each component has a set of grade level specific Standards Progressions – Increasing complexity Deconstructing – breaking standards into learning targets. 12

13 I can identify key differences in the progressions between KCAS and CC 4.1. I can summarize what students are expected to know and be able to do for a given standard. I can explain how the expectations of the Standards change as students change grade levels. 13

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