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1 Rapid Estimation of Power Consumption for Hybrid FPGAs Chun Hok Ho 1, Philip Leong 2, Wayne Luk 1, Steve Wilton 3 1 Department of Computing, Imperial.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Rapid Estimation of Power Consumption for Hybrid FPGAs Chun Hok Ho 1, Philip Leong 2, Wayne Luk 1, Steve Wilton 3 1 Department of Computing, Imperial."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Rapid Estimation of Power Consumption for Hybrid FPGAs Chun Hok Ho 1, Philip Leong 2, Wayne Luk 1, Steve Wilton 3 1 Department of Computing, Imperial College London 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia 9 September 2008

2 2 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Contributions 3. Related Work 4. Rapid Power Estimation Flow 5. Technology Mapper 6. Evaluation 7. Future work + Conclusion

3 3 Motivation For a new hybrid FPGA architecture  How do we assess power dissipation rapidly?  How do we map application into such architecture effectively?

4 4 Contributions High level power estimation flow  Estimate the power using various vendor toolchain and technique Hybrid FPGA technology mapper  Produce netlist/bitstream based on dataflow graph (DFG)

5 5 D=9, M=4, R=3, F=3, 2 add, 2 mul: best density over benchmarks Related work Hybrid FPGA: architecture [1] [1] C. Ho et. al, “Domain-Specific Hybrid FPGA: Architecture and Floating Point Applications”, FPL 2007

6 6 Related work: Virtual Embedded Blocks [1] Dummy blocks used to model coarse-grained block’s area and delay Timing analyzer can be used to determine hybrid’s performance (including fine-to-coarse routing and delays) [1] C. Ho et. al, “Virtual Embedded Blocks: A Methodology for Evaluating Embedded Elements in FPGAs ”, FCCM 2006

7 7 Power estimation flow Different tools chain involved  VEB modelling flow  FPGA power spreadsheet model  ASIC power compiler flow Limitation  Dynamic power consumption only (power loss due to switching activity)  Constant activity rate is assumed  Core only – no I/O power is assessed  First order estimation Accurate simulation based model is required

8 8 Power estimation flow P all – Total power dissipations P fgu – power dissipated in fine-grained unit (FGU) P cgu – power dissipated in coarse-grained unit (CGU) P r – power dissipated in routing between FGU and CGU

9 9 Power estimation flow ( P fgu ) 1. Synthesis the circuit with VEB flow 2. Measure the power of the circuit with spreadsheet approach ( P’ )  Constant activity rate of 12.5% applied 3. Measure the power of the VEB with spreadsheet approach ( P veb ) 4. P fgu = P’ - P veb

10 10 Power estimation flow ( P cgu ) 1. Synthesis the coarse-grained unit with ASIC flow 2. Configure the ASIC netlist with bitstream 3. Apply constant activity rate on all the nets 4. Estimate the dynamic power with power compiler tool

11 11 Power estimation flow ( P r ) P r can be modeled by providing suitable output loading in estimating P cgu Output loading can be calibrated by referring existing embedded block Embedded multiplier blocks in Virtex II is used in calibration.

12 12 Power estimation flow ( P r ) 1. Measure the power of multiplier in FPGA using spreadsheet ( P em ) 2. Implement a multiplier in ASIC flow 3. Measure the power of ASIC multiplier ( P am ) 4. Adjust loading capacitance ( C L )such that P am ~= P em 5. Apply C L in estimating P cgu

13 13 Technology mapper A tool for producing netlist/bitstream from high level description Reuse existing C-to-gate compiler  CHiMPS [1]  Trident [2]  fly [3] Only backend is different – technology mapper [1] A. Putnam, et. al, “CHiMPS: A C-Level Compilation Flow for Hybrid CPU-FPGA Architectures”, FPL 2008 [2] J. Tripp, et. al, “Trident: An FPGA Compiler Framework for Floating-Point Algorithms”, FPL 2005 [3] C. Ho, et. al, “Fly - A Modifiable Hardware Compiler”, FPL 2002

14 14 Technology mapper

15 15 Technology mapper Greedy algorithm  Not optimal but effective in most cases Pack as much operations in a single coarse-grained unit as possible No suitable block – use soft core Coarse-grained units use up – use soft core

16 16 Mapping example

17 17 Mapping example fadd tmp1, a, b fadd tmp2, c, d

18 18 Mapping example fmul tmp3, tmp1, tmp2

19 19 Mapping example fsqrt tmp4, tmp3 No square root dedicated block, use fine-grained unit

20 20 Mapping example fmul z, tmp4, g Instantiate another coarse-grained unit and connect altogether

21 21 Evaluation How effective of the technology mapper?  Compare with optimal mapping How much power/energy can be reduced by introducing coarse-grained unit?  Compare with existing FPGA devices

22 22 Evaluation 8 benchmark circuits  DSP computation kernels: e.g. bfly  Linear algebra: e.g. mm3  Complete application: e.g. bgm  Synthetic benchmark: e.g. syn2 Circuits are mapped to hybrid FPGA using technology mapper Synthesized to Xilinx Virtex II devices for comparison

23 23 Evaluation Technology mapper

24 24 Evaluation Power reduction * syn7 is implemented on XC2V8000-5

25 25 Evaluation Energy reduction Energy reduced by 14 times on average

26 26 Future work Integration of technology mapper into existing compiler  Trident, fly Simulation based power estimation flow for more accurate results Power estimation comparison with HHVPR [1] flow Static power consumption? [1] N. Choy, et. al, “Activity-Based Power Estimation and Characterization of DSP and Multiplier Blocks in FPGAs”, FPT 2006

27 27 Conclusion Rapid power estimation flow on hybrid FPGA  VEB flow, FPGA power spreadsheet, ASIC power compiler Technology mapper for hybrid FPGA  Target different coarse-grained units  DFG input to cope with existing compiler  Produce netlist and bitstream Assess hybrid FPGA power consumption  Power reduced by 4 times  Energy reduced by 14 times

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