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Which food chain is in the correct order? grasshopper → grass → snake → frog → hawk grass → grasshopper → frog → snake → hawk grasshopper → frog → hawk.

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Presentation on theme: "Which food chain is in the correct order? grasshopper → grass → snake → frog → hawk grass → grasshopper → frog → snake → hawk grasshopper → frog → hawk."— Presentation transcript:



3 Which food chain is in the correct order? grasshopper → grass → snake → frog → hawk grass → grasshopper → frog → snake → hawk grasshopper → frog → hawk → snake → grass grass → grasshopper → snake → frog → hawk

4 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

5 CORRECT Next Question

6 How have desert plants adapted to their environment? by limiting the use of sunlight by storing water by distributing certain nutrients by releasing water

7 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

8 CORRECT Next Question

9 Why can frogs and snakes live in the same garden? Both keep weeds out of the garden. Both keep weeds out of the garden. Both occupy different niches. Both help different plants to grow. Both compete for water.

10 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

11 CORRECT Next Question

12 What prevents plant growth beneath the trees in thick forests? The roots of the trees make it difficult for plants to grow. The roots of the trees make it difficult for plants to grow. The trees limit the amount of sunlight that is able to reach the ground. The trees limit the amount of sunlight that is able to reach the ground. Little water reaches the ground under the trees. Little water reaches the ground under the trees. The temperature of the soil under the trees does not allow plants to grow. The temperature of the soil under the trees does not allow plants to grow.

13 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

14 CORRECT Next Question

15 Which is the best example of habitat reduction caused by humans? Birds and animals flee a forest fire caused by lightning. Birds and animals flee a forest fire caused by lightning. Birds become sick from eating insects new to their area. Birds become sick from eating insects new to their area. Fish swimming to breeding grounds are blocked by dams. Fish swimming to breeding grounds are blocked by dams. A new species of fish migrates up a river, competing with native fish for food. A new species of fish migrates up a river, competing with native fish for food.

16 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

17 CORRECT Next Question

18 How is a delta most likely formed? irrigation glacier movement precipitation and condensation deposition of sediment

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20 CORRECT Next Question

21 Which human activity will most likely increase the amount of soil erosion? growing crops mowing grass planting flowers clear-cutting wooded areas

22 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

23 CORRECT Next Question

24 All of the landforms on Earth are constantly changing shape. What is most responsible for the changes in the landforms? earthquakes water erosion pollution oceans

25 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

26 CORRECT Next Question

27 How does water help to break apart rock? by freezing and expanding by melting and contracting by condensing and expanding by evaporating and contracting

28 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

29 CORRECT Next Question

30 Which statement best describes runoff? Water vapor cools off and changes into water droplets. Water vapor cools off and changes into water droplets. Water in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail falls from clouds. Water in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail falls from clouds. Precipitation that falls to Earth ultimately flows over land into lakes, streams, and rivers. Precipitation that falls to Earth ultimately flows over land into lakes, streams, and rivers. Water from the oceans and the surface of the earth changes into water vapor. Water from the oceans and the surface of the earth changes into water vapor.

31 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

32 CORRECT Next Question

33 Sometimes the weather in North Carolina is affected by air masses moving from the Gulf of Mexico. Which best describes these air masses? cold and moist warm and moist cold and dry warm and dry

34 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

35 CORRECT Next Question

36 What do meteorologists depend on to forecast an approaching storm? air pressure temperature humidity wind speed

37 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

38 CORRECT Next Question

39 Most warm and cold air masses that enter North Carolina are moved by global winds. Which global winds are responsible for most of the local weather in North Carolina? northeast trade southeast trade polar easterlies prevailing westerlies

40 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

41 CORRECT Next Question

42 Two people are each pulling on the opposite ends of a rope. If they are pulling on the rope with equal but opposite forces, what will happen to the rope? It will stay in place between the two people. It will stay in place between the two people. It will move toward the right. It will move toward the left. It will fall to the ground.

43 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

44 CORRECT Next Question

45 Which statement best describes what must happen in order for a person to lift an object? The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object. The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object. The mass of the object must be greater than the force of gravity. The mass of the object must be greater than the force of gravity. The force of gravity must be greater than the upward pull or push on the object. The force of gravity must be greater than the upward pull or push on the object. The upward pull or push on the object must be greater than the force of gravity. The upward pull or push on the object must be greater than the force of gravity.

46 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

47 CORRECT Next Question

48 What increases as a rock falls to the ground? the density of the rock the pull of gravity on the rock the inertia of the rock the momentum of the rock

49 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

50 CORRECT Next Question

51 Which resource do decomposers return to the environment? light nutrients oxygen water

52 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

53 CORRECT Next Question

54 Which is the greatest threat to the survival of large predator species, like mountain lions and tigers? loss of other predator species global climate changes loss of large wilderness areas animal diseases

55 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

56 CORRECT Next Question

57 Which statement best explains why there are fewer carnivores living in tundra environments than in other environments? The short growing season limits the number of herbivores that support carnivores. The short growing season limits the number of herbivores that support carnivores. There is not enough sunlight for primary producers to carry out photosynthesis. There is not enough sunlight for primary producers to carry out photosynthesis. The large number of predators limits the number of carnivores that live in the tundra. The large number of predators limits the number of carnivores that live in the tundra. There are more disease-causing insects present in the tundra environment. There are more disease-causing insects present in the tundra environment.

58 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

59 CORRECT Next Question

60 A class wants to find the ideal temperature for plants to grow in a terrarium. If the students set up several terrariums, what should they do to get the best results? plant different kinds of plants in each terrarium plant different kinds of plants in each terrarium use a light bulb with a different brightness in each terrarium use a light bulb with a different brightness in each terrarium add different amounts of water to each terrarium add different amounts of water to each terrarium place different types of fertilizer in each terrarium place different types of fertilizer in each terrarium

61 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

62 CORRECT Next Question

63 Which factor causes a mud slide? the amount of rain in an area the amount of carbon dioxide in an area the amount of carbon dioxide in an area the amount of pollution in an area the amount of pollution in an area the amount of wind in an area

64 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

65 CORRECT Next Question

66 Which type of event is most likely to form canyons and valleys? earthquake erosion hurricane ice storm

67 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

68 CORRECT Next Question

69 Which will most likely be the result of a flood? Rock and soil will be deposited on a floodplain. Rock and soil will be deposited on a floodplain. Sand dunes will form along the river. Sand dunes will form along the river. The land around the river will be less able to grow plants. The land around the river will be less able to grow plants. Nutrients will be picked up and flow back to the river’s source. Nutrients will be picked up and flow back to the river’s source.

70 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

71 CORRECT Next Question

72 Which is most likely part of a weather station in a school? balance scales magnifying lens rain gauge telescope

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74 CORRECT Next Question

75 A student picks up a glass of ice water and her hand gets wet. What most likely caused her hand to get wet? The table was wet. The water in the glass evaporated. The water in the glass evaporated. Some of the ice in the water melted. Condensation formed on the outside of the glass. Condensation formed on the outside of the glass.

76 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

77 CORRECT Next Question

78 During evaporation, which change best describes what happens to water? A gas changes to a liquid. A gas changes to a liquid. A gas changes to a solid. A liquid changes to a gas. A liquid changes to a solid.

79 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

80 CORRECT Next Question

81 Where do climate conditions cause hurricanes to become larger and more powerful? Over warm water Over cold water Over mountains Over dry, flat land

82 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

83 CORRECT Next Question

84 A student is riding a bike and applies the brakes. Which most helps the bike to stop? friction gravity heat momentum

85 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

86 CORRECT Next Question

87 A car moves along a road that has markers every kilometer. Over time, it passes the markers in shorter periods of time. Which best describes the motion of the car? The car is keeping the same direction. The car is keeping the same direction. The car is maintaining the same speed. The car is maintaining the same speed. The car is increasing speed. The car is changing direction.

88 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

89 CORRECT Next Question

90 An object is moving at a constant speed. If a balanced force is applied in the opposite direction the object is moving, what will most likely happen? The object will speed up. The object will change direction. The object will continue moving at a constant speed. The object will continue moving at a constant speed. The object will slow down and eventually stop moving. The object will slow down and eventually stop moving.

91 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

92 CORRECT Next Question

93 Which best explains why a moving wagon on a sidewalk will slow down? The friction between the box and the floor decreases when it is pushed. The friction between the box and the floor decreases when it is pushed. The pull of gravity on the box decreases when it is pushed. The pull of gravity on the box decreases when it is pushed. Unbalanced forces cause the box to move. Unbalanced forces cause the box to move. Balanced forces cause the box to move. Balanced forces cause the box to move.

94 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

95 CORRECT Next Question

96 A scientist is designing a speedboat to travel through the water with the least amount of resistance. What would the scientist most likely need to consider when designing the boat? the length of the boat the shape of the boat the power of the boat the weight of the boat

97 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

98 CORRECT Next Question

99 Which best describes the role of a producer in an ecosystem? to use energy from the sun to make food to use energy from the sun to make food to decompose dead organisms to eat other living organisms to feed on dead organisms

100 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

101 CORRECT Next Question

102 What would most likely be the reason for a deer to move to another location? No vegetation is left in its habitat. No vegetation is left in its habitat. No animals are left in its habitat. No predators are left in its habitat. No predators are left in its habitat. No decomposers are left in its habitat. No decomposers are left in its habitat.

103 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

104 CORRECT Next Question

105 Which type of environment is mostly populated with oak, hickory, beech, and maple trees? taiga deciduous forest tundra tropical rain forest

106 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

107 CORRECT Next Question

108 What is needed for an ecosystem to support the greatest variety of organisms over the longest period of time? Many different kinds of bacteria Many different kinds of animals Many different kinds of minerals Many different kinds of plants

109 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

110 CORRECT Next Question

111 When hiking, what is the best reference material to use to determine elevation? a globe of the world a topographic map of the area a road map of the state an atlas of the country

112 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

113 CORRECT Next Question

114 Which is an example of weathering? soil being carried downstream by fast-moving water soil being carried downstream by fast-moving water rocks being formed by volcanoes rocks being broken apart by freezing water rocks being broken apart by freezing water sand being moved by strong winds sand being moved by strong winds

115 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

116 CORRECT Next Question

117 What has caused the formation of most of the valleys that exist on Earth? rivers and glaciers wind and rain lakes and rivers canyons and plateaus

118 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

119 CORRECT Next Question

120 Which factor is most helpful in determining where a thunderstorm is coming from and where it may go? humidity wind speed wind direction amount of rainfall

121 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

122 CORRECT Next Question

123 Which cloud type is made up of ice crystals? fog stratus cumulus cirrus

124 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

125 CORRECT Next Question

126 Which best describes a correct order of the water cycle? precipitation, runoff, condensation, evaporation, precipitation precipitation, runoff, condensation, evaporation, precipitation precipitation, runoff, evaporation, condensation, precipitation precipitation, runoff, evaporation, condensation, precipitation precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation, precipitation precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation, precipitation

127 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

128 CORRECT Next Question

129 What occurs when cool air moves from the beach toward the ocean during the night? a land breeze prevailing winds a sea breeze updrafts

130 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

131 CORRECT Next Question

132 A car is traveling at a speed of 45 km/h to a town 90 km away. If time = distance ÷ speed, how long will the car take to get to the town? 0.5 hour 1 hour 1.5 hours 2 hours

133 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

134 CORRECT Next Question

135 When workers spread sand over icy bridges and roads in the winter, how does this help people drive on the roads? The sand increases friction between the road and the tires of a car. The sand increases friction between the road and the tires of a car. The sand increases the inertia of a car. The sand increases the inertia of a car. The sand increases the speed of a car. The sand increases the speed of a car. The sand increases the momentum of a car. The sand increases the momentum of a car.

136 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

137 CORRECT Next Question

138 An object moving along a surface suddenly increases speed. What can cause this to happen? It is moved by balanced forces. It is moved by balanced forces. It is moved by two opposite forces. It is moved by an unbalanced force. It is moved by an unbalanced force. It is moved by a force without direction. It is moved by a force without direction.

139 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

140 CORRECT Next Question

141 Students designed a tool to dig and cut into the soil. Which type of simple machine did they create? wheel and axle inclined plane pulley wedge

142 INCORRECT!!! Try Again

143 CORRECT Next Question

144 A small fish, called a cleaner fish, picks bits of food from a shark’s teeth. What can best be concluded about this behavior? It takes needed nutrition away from the shark. It takes needed nutrition away from the shark. It helps both the cleaner fish and the shark. It helps both the cleaner fish and the shark. It removes food from inside the shark’s body. It removes food from inside the shark’s body. It helps the shark blend in with its surroundings. It helps the shark blend in with its surroundings.

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146 CORRECT Next Question

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