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Working on Goal 1 of the Illinois Public Agenda: Educational Attainment through re-enrollment of Illinois Underserved Students Presented by Dr. Arthur.

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Presentation on theme: "Working on Goal 1 of the Illinois Public Agenda: Educational Attainment through re-enrollment of Illinois Underserved Students Presented by Dr. Arthur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working on Goal 1 of the Illinois Public Agenda: Educational Attainment through re-enrollment of Illinois Underserved Students Presented by Dr. Arthur Sutton, Deputy Director Diversity and Outreach IBHE Meeting April 12, 2011 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report

2 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Purpose: Purpose: Increase educational attainment of Illinois students Goal 1 Based on Goal 1 of The Illinois Public Agenda for College and Career Success

3 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Strategy: Strategy: 90-day initiative targeting underserved student groups who had stopped short of degree completion Helping students re-enroll in college degree programs Encouraging student success in the completion of baccalaureate programs

4 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Step 1: Consultation with community leaders specifically related to the targeted student groups Briefings of the 90-day project objectives shared with representatives from the: Latino/Hispanic groups African-American groups Other community and/or educational consortiums

5 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Step 2: Direct work with Public University leaders Meetings with Presidents, Chancellors and administrative leaders of the public universities. These included: University of Illinois Springfield Illinois State University University of Illinois – Chicago Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville Southern Illinois University – Carbondale Chicago State University Northeastern Illinois University

6 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Step 3: Identification and contact of target student groups by the Universities A PDF-form letter informing students of the initiative and opportunity for re- enrollment drawn up by IBHE and sent to the Universities. Universities then provided the letter and accompanying institutional information to their target student groups

7 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Step 3 (contd) : Method of student contact Email Postal mail Telephone IBHE staff respondent to student inquiries of the 90-day project

8 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative Report Assistance communicated and provided to Illinois students responding to the 90-day project Discussion of available college support services Academic assessment Student financial aid / Connection of students to their corresponding institutions student support service counselor or advisor

9 Diversity and Outreach 90-Day Initiative ReportQuestions?

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