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School Report Card (SRC) Documentation Fall 2013.

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1 School Report Card (SRC) Documentation Fall 2013

2 School Report Card: The School Report Cards provides information about each school and district, including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, awards, parent involvement and much more. The School and District Report Cards were established by statute, KRS 158.6453, and regulation, 703 KAR 5:140. Additionally, the Report Cards must incorporate the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.KRS 158.6453703 KAR 5:140No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Schools and districts are required upon request to print cards for parents lacking Internet access. The Purpose of the School Report Card is to keep parents and community members informed about what is going on in each Kentucky school.

3 August 9, 2013 School Report Card data collection tool is open for data entry August 28, 2013 JCPS schools MUST have all data entered into the KDE Report Card data collection tool and fax their Principals School Report Card Sign Off sheet to The Division of Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation at 6255. August 30, 2013District signs off on School Report Cards Mid-September 2013 SRC data are released to schools and districts for review before public release September 23, 2013 Public release of the 2012-2013 School Report Card

4 Listed below are documents that will assist you through the SRC Process: Fall 2013 KDE School Report Card Designee Instructions Contains your User ID and Password as important timeline information Use the following ling to access the Kentucky Department of Educations Web Application System and Report Card Data Collection Tool. KDE School Report Card Pre-Entry Worksheet Use this worksheet to gather the data your school is responsible for reporting. It will also provide item descriptions. Principals School Report Card Sign Off After all schools have signed-off on their SRC, then each schools report card will need to be signed-off on at the district level. This form verifies that the principal has reviewed their SRC and is granting the district permission to sign-off on their SRC at the district level. School Report Card Guide This documents, which is a how to guide, providing step-by-step instructions on how to use the KDE School Report Collector.

5 BEFORE LOGGING INTO THE SYSTEM complete the KDE School Report Card Pre-Entry Worksheet enclosed in the information packet, which was ponied to your school. Use that worksheet as a tool to gather and organize school reported data prior to entering the information into the KDE School Report Card Data Collection web based tool. It will also provide item descriptions. If you did not receive a packet please contact Jennifer Westerfield @ 3597 Schools will be responsible for collecting and entering data items related to the following categories: School Identification School Safety Student Resources Parental involvement

6 JCPS, Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation will collect and upload the items listed below for you: Spending Per Student Students per Internet-Connected Instructional Computer Percentage of computers meeting the minimum standards for acceptable computers in Kentucky schools and districts pursuant to the master plan for education technology required by KRS 156.670. Students Requiring Five Years in Primary Program IF THESE ITEMS ARE PRELOADED WHEN YOU ACCESS THE DATA COLLECTION TOOL DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES OR IT WILL CAUSE YOUR DATA TO BE INACCURATE. IF THESE ITEMS ARE NOT PRELOADED THAT IS OK. THE UPLOAD PROCESS TAKES A LITTLE TIME TO COORDINATE, CHECK BACK CLOSER TO THE SIGNOFF DATE. YOU WILL HAVE TIME TO REVIEW THIS DATA BEFORE IT GOES PUBLIC.

7 Note: If you think your account has been disabled, or for technical support and content issues, please contact Jennifer Westerfield (WAAPOC), in Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation between 7:30 and 4:30 A.M., Monday – Friday. Phone No.: 3597 Email Address: jennifer.westerfield@jefferson.kyscho jennifer.westerfield@jefferson.kyscho Go to the Kentucky Department of Education s Web Application Login page. (If you would like to bookmark, do a save as onto your desktop.) Enter your User ID and Password to access theSchool Report Card Data Collector

8 After logging into the system click on Report Card. From this screen you can : 1.Click on your schools name to input data or make changes. 2.Review (School Report Card) 3.Check the status of the SRC and sign off online- 13 2

9 After clicking on your school name the School Report Card Sections Page will display. Each link will take you to a data entry page which corresponds to the named category. To begin entry click on the first category School Identification. The KDE School Report Card Pre-Entry Worksheet follows these categories in order.

10 Verify that the schools (preloaded) information and enrollment to ensure they are correct. IMPORTANT: Total Enrollment comes from the Superintendents End of Year Report and the Superintendent signed off on the total enrollment in that report. If the application and the report match, it cant be changed. If you should have any questions regarding your enrollment, please contact Jennifer Westerfield @ 3597 We have the report and will verify for you. FINISHED WITH THIS SECTION? Check This Section is Finished Click Save Click Close TIP: Click save occasionally while working. This is a membership (average daily attendance) calculation NOT straight school enrollment.

11 Check all applicable boxes. FINISHED WITH THIS SECTION? Check This Section is Finished Click Save Click Close

12 Spending Per Student Reports the ratio of the total expenditures (current expenses as defined by the Federal government minus district level expenses) divided by the schools average daily attendance from the end-of-year report. (KDE provides data) Student /Teacher Ratio The pupil teacher ratio is calculated using the FTE of classroom teachers reported to the Division of Finance on the PSD Report. It uses the student membership (not enrollment) reported to the Division of Finance on the Growth Factor Report as of the end of the second school month. Teacher shall include all regular classroom teachers, vocational teachers, and exceptional children teachers, but exclude administrators, counselors, librarians, and supervisors. (KDE provides data) Number of Student Instructional Computers in the school to which the students have dependable access (not sporadic access when not otherwise employed). (JCPS district will provide data) Number of Student Instructional Computers 5 years old or less, (JCPS district will provide data) FINISHED WITH THIS SECTION? Check This Section is Finished Click Save Click Close TIP: Click save occasionally while working. NO ENTRY REQUIRED ON THIS PAGE VERIFICATION ONLY JCPS WILL CALCULATE FOR THE SCHOOL

13 A couple of points to keep in mind: *The Teacher Conference statistic reports the number of students whose parents or guardians had at least one conference with either a teacher or counselor during the base year. This is not to be confused with the total number of conferences held. ***** Number cannot exceed total number of students enrolled in school. FINISHED WITH THIS SECTION? Check This Section is Finished Click Save Click Close TIP: Click save occasionally while working. Number cannot exceed total number of students enrolled in school..

14 Once youve entered and verified all of the information in your School Report Card, you should make sure youve check marked each section This section is finished. You can tell at a glance whether a section is completed by looking at the Section Status page. The check marks next to the Section name will change to green. The District home page, will show that your report card is complete, as designated by the word Signoff listed to the right of the school name. It is recommended that you now print out a copy of the data in the report card in order to review.

15 Once youve completed your report card, and marked each section This section is finished youre ready to sign off on the School Report Card. MISSION CRITICAL POINT: Until you sign off online, your Report Card is considered incomplete. KDE regulations require the superintendent (or a designee) and the principal to sign off on the school report card. You no longer need SBDM approval,; however, the SBDM has the power to insist on their approval, if they so act. With new regulations the superintendent (or a designee) and the principal are required to sign off on the card to meet KDE regulation. There are three important points to the signoff process, depending upon your role: The school must sign off on its School Report Card. (principal) The district must sign off on each School Report Card. (JCPS district) The district must sign off on its District Report Card. (JCPS district) Signoff process: 1.To sign off at the school level, you click the link called School Signoff.. Once you have signed-off, the link is no longer active and a District Signoff link will appear. After you have reviewed, approved and signed off on your school report card, please fax the Confirmation Sheet (that you received in your SRC packet) to the Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation at 6255. This grants the district your permission to sign off at the district level. 2.Next, the District Coordinator must click the district signoff link to indicate the district accepts the information in your schools Report Card. Once that is done, your School Report Card is considered finished. 3.Once all the school report cards are signed off for the district and the District Report Card is complete, the District Report Card Coordinator must click the signoff link for the District Report Card. 4.The School Report Card will no longer be mailed to parents and the Web publication will be the primary conveyance or delivery of the card. Schools are required to print copies of the card for parents without internet access.

16 Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation School Report Card Guide and SRC packet. Logging onto the Kentucky Department of Educations Web Application ( ), use your Password and User ID to access the School Report Card Collector for data entry. School Report Card District Enrollment (school membership) The district enrollment is now being pulled from the 2012-2013 SAAR Report for Ethnic Membership located on the KDE Website at's-Annual-Attendance-Report-(SAAR).aspx IMPORTANT LINKS

17 Jefferson County Public Schools Data Management, Planning and Program Evaluation Dr. Robert J. Rodosky, Executive Director Website Address: If you should have any questions please contact our office at: 485-3036

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