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1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) March.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) March."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) March 28, 2013

2 Purpose of the Database Develop a modern searchable relational database to catalog citations of consensus standards and various NRC guidance documents The database is intended to be used by the nuclear industry and NRC to assess currently cited standards to support certification of designs and development of licensing documents The database is intended to be used by Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) to identify where and which version of their standards are cited in regulatory documents 2

3 Background NRC funded NIST to develop a standards database in 2011; NIST funded a contractor for the work. The contractor conducted data mining of Regulatory Guides (RGs) to identify the standards and determine how they were endorsed or referenced. The number of pages in the RGs to be reviewed was voluminous. At the rate of data mining, the task would have taken several years to complete (and by then would have been somewhat out of date again). This was reported by the Standards Database TG at the July and November 2012 NESCC. In December 2012, NRC and NIST agreed to abandon the current approach. 3

4 Proposed Options The NRC believes this database would have value to both external stakeholders and NRC staff. Currently, the NRC staff is looking for other options to collect data and build this database. Option A: The NRC is exploring the possibility of doing the task in-house –Commercial contractor for data mining –Data mining tool thru the NRC’s Office of Information Services –Maintenance of database existing contract with IHS (Information Handling Services) –Funding under multi-year sequester a challenge Option B: A “Wiki” approach using “crowdsourcing“ from the SDO community – you! 4

5 A Pilot Effort to Collect Information from the Standards Task Group 5 Standards Development Organization NRC Regulatory Guides Standard included in the RG Latest Version of Standard No.No. RG No.DG No.TitleRev No. Rev. Date Fully Endor sed Partially Endorsed Referenced TitleDateTitle of latest Std.DateChanges of previous and latest Std. Std. SDO recommends for NRC endorsement 1.1001.100 1.1001175Seismic Qualification of Electric and Mechanical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants 39/30/ 09 1.11.1 1.1 Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps 011/30/ 07

6 A Pilot Effort to Collect Information from the Standards Task Group Gap Analysis approach: 1.Identify the current version of the standard(s) that are listed in section C of the guides. These are the “endorsed” standards. 2.Identify if there is a later version of the standard. 3.Describe the significant changes between the current and the later version of the standards. 4.Identify a list of the standard(s) that SDOs believe should be endorsed by the NRC staff and prioritize them (preferably identify 5 standards for each SDO thought to be the most significant and list them in the last column of the spreadsheet). 6

7 Requested Specific Information in the Spreadsheet from the SDOs NRC Regulatory Guides (left side of spreadsheet): a.The regulatory guide Information is provided to you by the NRC staff SDOs could identify standard(s) in the regulatory guide and answer the information in the spreadsheet: a.Was the standard(s) fully endorsed (check section C of the guide) b.Was the standard partially endorsed? c.Was the standard referenced in the guide? d. What is the Title and Date of the standard(s) as shown in the guide? 7

8 Requested Specific Information in the Spreadsheet from the SDOs SDOs could identify the latest version of standard(s) a.Title of the latest standard b.Date of the latest standard SDOs could record the changes from the version of the standard included in the guide and the latest standard SDOs could identify standard(s) that they recommend for NRC endorsement (choose top 5 standards) 8

9 Spreadsheet on Regulatory Guides and Standards 9 RGDraftRG IDRG #Guide #Title AAPM 13AAPM 21 ACI 201ACI 212ACI 301ACI 311 1.0011.1 Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps 1.0031.3 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling Water Reactors

10 Spreadsheet on Matson Report 10 ****************DRAFT**************** Status of Selected Codes and Standards Referenced by Industry and the NRC ****************DRAFT**************** TitleIDStan dard Editi on Constr uction Subject Matter( s) Where Reference d (RG, SRP, IP, COL and DCD) Refer ence Date NRC Approved NRC Exceptions Where ReferencedRemarks Comments Clarissa NR C AP 10 00 DC D AP 100 0 CO LA GE DC D Dom inio n COL A ASTM C1602 / C1602M - 06 Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Method of Test for Quality of Water to Be Used in Concrete AASHT O T-26 IP460517/1/19 83 This document is included as a reference but is not specificall y addressed as a comprehe nsive approved standard. 1 Current Status of Standard is unknown AASHT O LTS- 2 1985 GE DCD 11 AASHT O LTS- 4 2001 GE DCD 11

11 Usage of the Information Post the spreadsheet on the NESCC and/or NRC web sites The NRC staff may submit the collected information to a contractor for further development of the database The NRC staff may use the information in house until funding becomes available 11

12 Questions 12

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