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High School Graduation in Washington State 23 credits (KSD) Culminating Project Pass HSPE/EOC Reading Writing Math.

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Presentation on theme: "High School Graduation in Washington State 23 credits (KSD) Culminating Project Pass HSPE/EOC Reading Writing Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Graduation in Washington State 23 credits (KSD) Culminating Project Pass HSPE/EOC Reading Writing Math

2 Culminating Project: A demonstration of skills and experiences to show that you’re prepared for life after high school Academic Skills Best Work Research Paper Technology Skills Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc… Evidence of Planning High school Post high school Career Preparation Interest inventory Job application Cover letter Resume Job Shadow or Interview Service Learning Senior Presentation

3 In some school districts, students demonstrate these skills and experiences on paper In Kent, students organize their items electronically E lectronic port folio = eFOLIO

4 To learn which culminating project items you need to complete… KPA website / Student Resources / Culminating Project / Additional Resources – Follow the link that applies to you Started at KPA as a freshman Started at KPA as a sophomore Started at KPA as a junior Started at KPA as a senior

5 To learn how to create the items for your culminating project KPA website / Student Resources / Culminating Project – Follow the links to see examples and forms

6 To learn how to upload your finished items into eFOLIO KPA website / Student Resources / eFOLIO – Follow the HELP DOCUMENTS link to get step by step instructions for adding, deleting, moving, or changing items in efolio

7 Best Work Reflection Today, I received an award for being on the honor roll – in fact, I am the only person on the honor roll! Looking at this award, it reminds me of all the work I put into working – how many times I choose to work from dawn until dusk on my classes, staying after school for two hours every day, working in the mornings before school and on the weekend – all that work is reflected in that I managed to not only complete my classes, but to earn a 3.8 GPA. I went as fast as I could while still doing my best. I am very proud of myself, and I hope that I can do even better this semester, though I am currently having difficulties. I’ll be attending college this semester, which means I will stepping to an even harder and more challenging curriculum. I hope – no, I WILL – match my GPA last semester with my GPA this semester, both at KPA and at Green River College. In a real sense, this award shows what I am really capable of when I do my best and go the extra mile. I’ve always been told I have great potential, but now I can say something even better. I can say I have great success.

8 Technology Proficiency: Graphic Organizer Interpret the PromptBrainstorm Rough Draft Revise/Edit2 nd Draft

9 How to: Graphic Organizer

10 Technology Proficiency Spreadsheet and Graph

11 How to: Spreadsheet and graph

12 Information Literacy: Can you conduct research using the internet and use reliable sources? If you’ve already made a bibliography for a research paper, you can use that (if you used several internet resources) OR Choose a topic to research – eg. Solar Power – Identify 5 reliable resources and tell how you know they’re reliable – Identify 5 unreliable resources and tell why they might not be trustworthy

13 Other places to see examples Google: “sample cover letter for high school student” “sample resume for student with no work experience”

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