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TRACK THE VOTE - An Overview -. »Arizona: Protecting Arizona’s Families Coalition (PAFCO) »Louisiana: Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "TRACK THE VOTE - An Overview -. »Arizona: Protecting Arizona’s Families Coalition (PAFCO) »Louisiana: Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRACK THE VOTE - An Overview -

2 »Arizona: Protecting Arizona’s Families Coalition (PAFCO) »Louisiana: Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations (LANO) »Massachusetts: Providers’ Council (Massachusetts) and MassVOTE »Michigan: Michigan Nonprofit Association »Minnesota: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits »Ohio: COHHIO-Ohio VOTES »North Carolina: N.C. Center for Nonprofits and Democracy North Carolina National »Alliance for Children and Families »National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) »Service Providers and Civic Engagement (SPaCE Project) PARTNERS Partners

3 Obtain evaluation data and case studies for funders and partners Demonstrate capacity of service providers to do voter engagement work Build skills of and models for service providers to register and engage voters GOALS and OUTCOMES Goals

4 25,000 voter contacts 50+ agencies participating 3-10 agencies per partner 500 tracked contacts per agency NUMERICAL GOALS Goals

5 STIPENDS $1,000 per participating agency (“participant”) In addition, $5,000 per partner (assuming 5+ agencies participating) – for materials, etc Stipends

6 TIMELINE Recruitment of Participants…………………….April 15 Training…………………………………………………..May-June Start Activity……………………………………………Mid-July Check Ins/Data Collection………….……………2-3 Weeks Follow Up Contact.………………………………….October Post Election survey.……………………………….Mid-Nov Voter File Match…………………………..…………Feb-Mar

7 Contact Information: Name, street address, phone and/or email Voter Registration: New registration or registration update. Provided cards to send in later? Voter Ed/GOTV: Any type of GOTV or Voter Ed contact, e.g. signing up for a vote reminder, voter pledge, voter assistance/education etc. Opt-In/Confidentiality maintained! VOTER CONTACT Voter Contact

8 OPT-IN CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY Confidentiality Maintained Voters Opt-In Data is collected and kept confidential –Only used for follow up and match –No sharing – names used by partner and participant only –All copies destroyed Two uses of data: 1)Follow Up that is requested by voter 2)Voter file match: Done and reported on in the aggregate Opt-In Activity

9 Copies made of forms, cards, etc Copies collected by partner for data entry Partner enters data into google spreadsheet using a Google form COLLECTING THE DATA Data



12 VOTER FILE ACCESS (optional) Access: Through a state partner or NPV Before election: Upload contact data for follow up or other analysis After election: Match to see if contacts voted Voter File

13 By Partner –Postcard Mailing –Other: Phone bank, E-mail? By Participant (optional/will vary) FOLLOW UP How?

14 POST ELECTION REPORT! Participant Survey: 5-10 questions for each participant Case Studies: One or two per state/partner Voter File match: In February-March Final Report to partners and participants Report

15 617.357.VOTE (8683) Nonprofit VOTE 89 South Street Suite 203 Boston, MA 02111 Julian Johannesen

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