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WELCOME TO COMPUTER APPLICATIONS!.  Word Processing  Spreadsheet  Database  PowerPoint  Integration This class meets a graduation requirement!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO COMPUTER APPLICATIONS!.  Word Processing  Spreadsheet  Database  PowerPoint  Integration This class meets a graduation requirement!"— Presentation transcript:


2  Word Processing  Spreadsheet  Database  PowerPoint  Integration This class meets a graduation requirement!

3 ☺ Good Attitude ☺ Good Preparation ☺ Be on time ☺ Have materials ready! ☺ Listening skills ☺ Self-motivated ☺ Pride in work ☺ Reading/Writing skills ☺ Attentiveness

4  Designed to develop computer skills essential for careers  Develop keyboarding skills  After this course you can enroll in: Advanced Computer Applications Digital Media 1 & 2 Web Page Programming Intro to Digital Design

5  Microsoft Office 2013  Word  Access  Excel  PowerPoint

6  Do your best!  Respect for computer  Be in class  Patience  Listening skills  No headphones or cell phones

7  No Food or Drinks!  Use assigned work station  Clean up!!  Think before printing  Follow directions  Treat equipment and materials with care

8  Respect copyright laws.  Not access the Internet without permission  Respect the security of the network system.  Not use the computer system to disturb other computer users.  Use computer equipment to meet instructional objectives -- not as entertainment.  Not waste supplies - print only when necessary.  Not use the network for financial gain or any illegal activity.  Not engage in vandalism including network systems/viruses.  Understand LPS is not responsible for my expenses

9 I understand that violation of the guidelines will make me subject to disciplinary action and can include the immediate suspension of my computer privileges.

10  You miss school, you miss out!  You are responsible for completing missed work!

11  Tardy –If a student is not in the room when the bell rings.  1 st Tardy-warning (conference with teacher/student)  2 nd Tardy-student behavior intervention plan and contact home (conference with teacher/parent)  3 rd Tardy-assigned to Lunch Detention  4 th Tardy-assigned to Lunch Detention  5 th Tardy-administrative referral to attendance office

12  Brought to school at your own risk.  Not used during work time.  LSW Policy— 1 st —Warning 2 nd —Confiscation and Call Home 3 rd —Confiscation to Security 4 th —Administrative Referral

13 TYPICAL DAY  Login and check website for agenda  Demo & work together  Assignment & In-class work time  Work until you are asked to wrap up  Clean up workspace and hand in work

14  Pencil & Paper  Planner  Book – in classroom  Good attitude!

15 20% Formative Daily Work & Assignments 80% Summative Tests & Projects Final Exam

16  Hand in assignments  Return handouts  Clean up workspace  Close books  Log off computers  Stay in your seat until the bell rings  Have a GREAT day!


18 Backpacks completely under desk or next to wall

19 Favorite Show Love to be outside Tecumseh, NE Enjoy Crafts

20 See Mr. Hinrichs in B200

21 See Mr. Mahoney in C209

22  Keyboarding  Computer Applications^  Advanced Computer Applications^  Digital Design  Digital Media 1  Digital Media 2  Web Page Programming^  Accounting^  College Accounting^  Business Law^  Business Management^**  Business Economics^  College Personal Finance^  Marketing^**  Promotional Marketing^**  Sports Marketing^**  Take Charge  World of Business Related clubs: FBLA^ and DECA** Reminder – to be involved in DECA, you should enroll in a class marked with **

23  While computers are logging on…  What do you like to do in your free time?  What is your favorite food?  What is your favorite book or movie?  Share one other items about yourself

24  Log on to computer  Visit website & set bookmark  Create folder on e-disk  Locate handouts & hand-in box  Get to know you activity

25  START button  Select Logoff button DO NOT SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER!

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