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Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University The Legal Research Center (LRC) Access Services Department Information Flow Jessica Hsin-Wilson INFO 643:

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Presentation on theme: "Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University The Legal Research Center (LRC) Access Services Department Information Flow Jessica Hsin-Wilson INFO 643:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University The Legal Research Center (LRC) Access Services Department Information Flow Jessica Hsin-Wilson INFO 643: Information Service in Organization Prof. K. Hildebrand 1

2 s Furnish access to legal information Partner with the Drexel University Libraries - Provide efficient and effective technical services Collaborate with the Jenkins Law Library - Provide access to its collection of U.S. state legal materials; and Develop collaborative ventures with other area law libraries 2 Mission

3 LRC Director Law School Dean Director Head of Access Services Admin/Acct Assistant (3) Instructional Reference Librarians AS Assistants (1 & 2) (2) PT AS Assistants A S Supervisors (Day & Night/weekend) (4) Work- Study Students Serials/Acq. Librarian Work-Study Student PT CS Assistant Head of Access Services (AS) Head of Instructional Reference Librarian Electronic Services Librarian Acq/Serials Technician (2) PT Reference Librarians 3 The Legal Research Center (LRC) Organization Chart

4 4 Head of Access Services (holds JD & MLS Degree) In close cooperation with the LRC Director, provide leadership for the department; Supervise four full-time, two part-time, and four work-study students; Maintain written policies and procedures for the AS department; Arrange for continuing professional development and training opportunities; Collaborate with Instructional Reference Librarians and teach first year legal research courses; Coordinate projects related to faculty teaching and writing; and Oversee faculty services. Access Services Staff (majority of the staff are students at ischool) Ensure that the library materials are properly checked-in and checked-out in Millennium; Access Millennium, ILLiad, WorldCat, Library databases, and other related systems to guarantee the accuracy of materials; Consult with internal written procedures/policies of the LRC for purposes of training new staff; Troubleshoot printers and LRC computer workstations and report malfunctions to WestLaw/LexisNexis; Respond to general reference questions and special requests; Report and respond to inquiries of missing and damaged materials to CS Department; Update Excel spreadsheets for Course Reserve requests at law school’s website and store within LRC shared drive; Preserve statistics regarding equipment, numbers of patrons, and other pertinent data via shared drive. Primary Information Users at Access Services

5 Formal - ILS, ILLiad, WorldCat & databases - LRC policies & rules - LRC share drive - Law school website - Memos - Publisher websites - Vendors - Internet searches - Staff development training - Professional Associations - Annual Reports Informal - Internal colleagues - External colleagues - E-mail exchanges - In person - Telephone 5 Formal & Informal Sources

6 Example of information flow for Course Reserve Order: Step 1: Professors submit Reserve request to Office of Student Affairs (OSA), OSA creates an Excel spreadsheet and links to the Law School website. The Reserve request is updated periodically with changes by e-mail. Step 2: AS Assistant retrieves file from website. Searches are made in LIS, WorldCat, publisher websites and other databases to ensure accuracy. Step 3: Established information is stored in the shared drive. Collection Services (CS) Dept. retrieves the information from the shared drive. All updates or changes are communicated in person, by e-mail, or by phone. 6 Information Flow

7 7 AS Assistant 1 LIS, WorldCat, databases Collection Services Dept. Reference Librarians Electronic Librarian or IT Dept. Head of Access Services Law School website Faculty & Law Students Office of Academic Student Affair LRC Share Drive Login, retrieve & update data Inquiry & response Inquiry & Deliver Report & response

8 Potential communication gap occurs when OSA does not communicate updates and changes in Excel spreadsheet via law website with AS Assistant 1. Failure to communicate updates from OSA affects AS Assistant 1 workflow and risks untimely delivery of materials. Lack of information interferes with CS purchase order process, delivery time, and shipping charges. 8 Information Gap

9 ============================================== ========= I certify that:  This paper/project/exam is entirely my own work.  I have not quoted the words of any other person from a printed source or a website without indicating what has been quoted and providing an appropriate citation.  I have not submitted this paper / project to satisfy the requirements of any other course. Signature : Jessica Hsin-Wilson Date : Nov. 7 th, 2010 ============================================== ========== 9

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