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Welcome to the 4 th Grade 2015-2016 Ms. Holmes Please take this time to fill out the following Purple Index Card Your Name and Address in the center If.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 4 th Grade 2015-2016 Ms. Holmes Please take this time to fill out the following Purple Index Card Your Name and Address in the center If."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 4 th Grade 2015-2016 Ms. Holmes Please take this time to fill out the following Purple Index Card Your Name and Address in the center If you have any questions feel free to write them on the post-it note provided. We will begin shortly!

2 Who is Ms. Holmes?  Hometown: Norfolk, VA (Virginia Beach Area)  Currently perusing M.A in Administration and Supervision.  Graduated from Hampton University  Elementary Education  Experience  Kindergarten & 4 th Grade  Middle School Apprentice Teacher

3 Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:20-8:30 Unpack/Morning Work 8:20-9:07 Art 8:20-8:30 Unpack/Morning Work 8:20-8:30 Unpack/Morning Work 8:20-8:30 Unpack/Morning Work 8:30-9:10 Spelling/Grammar 9:10-9:30 Unpack/Morning Work 8:30-9:30 Math 8:30-9:30 Math 8:30-9:30 Math 9:12-9:57 Spanish 9:30-10:15 Math 9:30-9:45 Snack 9:30-9:45 Snack 9:30-9:45 Snack 10:00-10:15 Snack 10:15-10:30 Snack 9:45-10:45 Reading 9:45-10:45 Reading 9:45-10:45 Reading/Spelling 10:15-11:00 Math 10:30-11:15 Reading 11:00-11:30 Reading Skills 11:15-11:30 Spelling/Grammar 10:48-11:32 Computers 10:48-11:32 Computers 10:48-11:32 Spanish 11:35-12:20 Lunch/Recess 12:20-12:30 Restroom/Water Break 12:30-1:10 Science 12:30-1:10 Social Studies 12:30-1:10 Science 12:30-1:10 Social Studies 12:30-1:00 Religion 1:15-2:00 Religion 1:10-1:40 Writing 1:15-2:00 Religion 1:10-1:40 Writing 1:00-1:15 Independent Reading 2:00-2:30 Writing 1:40-2:00 Dismissal Prep 2:00-2:30 Spelling/Grammar 1:40-2:00 Dismissal Prep 1:15-2:15 Science Lab 2:15-2:30 JA Biz Town 2:30-2:50 Dismissal Prep 2:03-2:50 P.E 2:30-2:50 Dismissal Prep 2:03-2:50 Music 2:30-2:50 Dismissal Prep

4 Fun & Fantastic 4 th Grade  What will we be learning?  Writing  Grammar Mechanics  Writing (Personal Narrative, Book Report, How to Essay and Persuasive)  Reading  Story Elements  Supporting Evidence  Non-Fiction Studies  Math  Place Value to Billions  Double Digit-Multiplication  Long Division  Operations with Fractions  Operations with Decimals  Social Studies  50 States  Maryland History  Science  Cells  Solar System  Energy and Force

5 Grading Scale Math, Science & Social Studies  Homework 10%  Participation 10%  Classwork 25%  Quizzes 25%  Test/Project 30%

6 Grading Scale Continued English Language Arts  Homework 10%  Participation 10%  Classwork 25%  Quizzes 25%  Test/Project/Writing Cycles 30%

7 Procedures  Morning Routine  Dismissal Routine  Daily Homework  Signature in the Agenda  Nightly Reading

8 PBIS(Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support)  Be Safe  Be Respectful  Be Responsible  By Always Using  Appropriate Touch, Language, and Actions  Bulldog Tickets  Points  ClassDojo  Holmes’ Bucks

9 Nightly Reading Continued 15 minutes daily Notes/Response to Literature Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension AR Points

10 School Webpage




14 Important Dates  First Day ( August 24 th )  Noon Dismissal (August 25 th )

15 Ways to Support Our Classroom   School Store  Book Donations

16 A COUPLE MORE POINTS  Birthdays  Newsletter  Collecting Forms  Index Cards  Questionnaire

17 Questions???

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