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Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Awards and Decorations SMSgt Barb Dungan 12FTW/CAA 4 Sep 02.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Awards and Decorations SMSgt Barb Dungan 12FTW/CAA 4 Sep 02."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Awards and Decorations SMSgt Barb Dungan 12FTW/CAA 4 Sep 02

2 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Purpose Types of Programs Formal Awards/Decorations Award / Decorations Writing Supervisor Roles References OVERVIEW

3 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Heighten awareness within the junior NCO ranks that recognizing people for what they do produces positive effects in mission accomplishment Help develop an ability to produce a good write-up that anyone can easily understand Foster Morale Provide Incentives Recognize –Service –Achievement –Meritorious Service –Heroism PURPOSE

4 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE TYPES OF PROGRAMS Award: A formal recognition the AF gives to a specific group or person meeting predetermined criteria Decoration: A formal recognition for personal / unit excellence that requires individual nomination and AF or DoD approval Formal – Local recognition u Unit u Local organizations Informal – Day-to-day-Atta-boys – Letters of Appreciation

5 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE TYPES OF PROGRAMS Personal –Service Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal National Defense Service Medal –Special Trophies/Awards 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award Lance P. Sijan Award –Achievement Air Force Longevity Service Award Air Force Good Conduct Medal –Decorations

6 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Unit Awards –Air Force Outstanding Unit Award –Air Force Organizational Excellence Award –Joint Meritorious Unit Award Quarterly/Annual awards -- very important Whole person concept Reserve for the best,most deserving Builds a record of sustained, recognized, excellence -- sets people apart from peers UNIT AWARDS

7 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Level of Award Processing Procedures –Unit –Base/Wing –Command Presentation of Awards/Decorations FORMAL AWARDS/DECORATIONS


9 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE When? Day after close-out of previous award/decoration submission If you start when you get the message or notification, youre already a year behind! Award Writing: Getting Started

10 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE What? Define the job -- discuss with workcenter Collect the facts -- doings & results Log, folder, organizer, etc Activity Reports Samples of efforts Accolades Results are key Award/Decoration Writing : Collecting Information

11 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Review bullets from past EPRs What to look for How troops performed during PME, other schools How/what troops did during exercise/contingency TDYs Ask customers how they rate the work centers performance for the year Award/Decoration Writing: Collecting Information

12 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Gather facts Two column lay out What on left Results on right Assign priority Hints Just the facts-- No flowers-- Dont embellish Award/Decoration Writing: Organization

13 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Determine the theme of the AF Form 1206 Bottom up, back-to-front Categories have changed Award/Decoration Writing: Organization

14 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Include only hard hitting facts Ensure a common understanding Avoid filler Be consistent in using punctuation Be aware of space management Be alive!, sell work centers /individuals performance Helpful Hints

15 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Use the Programs! Know the policies and procedures –Unit –Base/Wing –Command Supervisors Roles

16 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE AFP 36-2241, Volume 1, Promotion Fitness Examination AFI 36-2803, The Air Force Awards and Decorations AFPD 36-28, Awards and Decorations Programs Program AFI-38-2805, Special Trophies and Awards HQ AETC Civilian/Military Awards/Decorations Preparation Guide 1999/12 MSS Guide Sep 2000 References

17 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Writing good awards/decorations is critical!!! Its a real heartfelt, people issue Use Integrity -- not all are the best, so dont say that all are Write with enthusiasm! -- use action verbs Leadership and potential are key Awards make for discriminators in records Reserve awards for the truly deserving Summary

18 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Recognition Programs Types of Programs Formal Awards/Decorations Award / Decoration Writing Supervisor Roles References Summary


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