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1 International Trade in Services Data Collection in Thailand: Education and Medical Services Vilai Pinijkulviwat Senior Analyst, Data Management Department.

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Presentation on theme: "1 International Trade in Services Data Collection in Thailand: Education and Medical Services Vilai Pinijkulviwat Senior Analyst, Data Management Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 International Trade in Services Data Collection in Thailand: Education and Medical Services Vilai Pinijkulviwat Senior Analyst, Data Management Department Bank of Thailand This presentation is prepared as country contribution for the APEC Capacity – Building Seminar-Workshop on the Measurement of International Trade in Services, Manila, Philippines, 1-3 October 2008

2 2 Topics Thailand's statistics compilation system International trade in services and BOP Data sources Medical-related services Education-related services Service Account: Data Dissemination

3 3 Thailand's statistics compilation system Balance of Payments Monetary Statistics National Account National Economic & Social Development Board CPI &PPI Ministry of Commerce Fiscal Statistics Ministry of Finance National Census National Statistic Office Bank of Thailand

4 4 Detailed breakdown: Transportation - Freight - Passenger - Others Travel Government service, n.i.e. Other Services - Communication services - Construction services - Royalties & license fees - Insurance services - Others International trade in services and BOP

5 5 Main data source: ITRS Closed system, where netting of transaction is allowed Data is captured on daily basis Timeliness : no later than 7 days after the reference period Data submission : Transactions of commercial banks are to be submitted electronically through the recently launched Data Management System. Characteristics

6 6 Other data sources TAT : Tourism Authority of Thailand for travel items Thai Airways International & other airlines for passenger item Surveys on particular topics: – – Medical-related Services – Education-related Services

7 Medical-related services Survey Scope – International patients with no permanent Thai address – ‘Gross receipt’ before deduction of expenses for health services – Data requested are quarterly data and the survey is conducted annually – Only have data on receipts part Data source – Major public and private hospitals in Thailand 7

8 Working process – On-site visit: public & private hospitals – Questionnaire: Form 22:Survey on Health- related services provided to Non- residents – Sample selection: major hospitals with foreign patients (34 hospitals) – Preliminary results: response rate 85% Medical-related services Survey (cont.) 8

9 Education-related services Scope Receipts – Include only standard courses at institutes of higher educations – Very few number of non-resident students at high school level or lower – Excluding intensive courses, professional training such as cooking, massage, etc. Payments – All Thai students studying abroad in standard programs (both primary/secondary education and higher education included) – Summer programs, mini-courses, etc. are not included 9

10 Education-related services (cont.) Data sources – Receipts The Commission on Higher Education Ministry of Education Major universities in Thailand with enrolling foreign student – Payments Office of the Civil Service Commission Embassies/Consulate; Education Centers Other websites 10

11 Education-related services (cont.) Weighted Average Tuition fee Weighted Average Tuition fee Average Accommodation Expense Average Accommodation Expense Other Expenses Other Expenses Average Expenditure Per student Average Expenditure Per student Number of Students in each country Number of Students in each country Gross receipt/payment from each country Gross receipt/payment from each country + + × = Compilation Educational receipt/payment 11

12 Future plans Improvements to Trade in Services Data Freight & Insurance Telecommunications services International remittances 12

13 Service Account: Data Dissemination Periodicity : Data released on monthly and quarterly basis Timeliness : Preliminary data - 1 month lag (Summary) - 1 quarter lag (Detailed) Presentation : Summary : Net Services Detailed : Receipts / Payments in accordance with BPM5 Standard components Internet website : 13

14 Thank you

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