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Xinyu Wen June

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1 Xinyu Wen June

2 Design Philosophy  Useful not only for teachers and researchers, but also for students and amateurs by showing clear and easy-to-understand plots  Simple develop as simple scripts as possible for downloading and plotting, also for maintaining  Robust improve the availability of the scripts, make it robust under a variety of emergencies, such as NOMADS problem/Internet access problem/PKU Campus Network problem, etc.

3 Features  Automatically download real-time data, FNL, provided by NOAA NOMADS3 (getXXz.csh)  Automatically mark failed data/timestamp in case Internet access was down (missinglist)  Automatically re-try those failed data/timestamp every noontime (manual.csh)  Automatically update webpages (getXXz.csh and manual.csh) 只要 ClimateServer 和物理学院的 PhyServer 开着就行,不论 Internet 是否可用,不论 NOMADS3 是否及时更新,不论学校网 络是否有任何维护。 Missinglist 的机制使得本系统的容错能力 大大加强!

4 Cycle Schematic Crontab Job Schedualer 9:00 2:00 BJ -18:00 GMT OBS Lag = 7 hr 12:00 Re-try missed data recorded in “missinglist” Manual.csh 15:10 8:00 BJ 00:00 GMT OBS Lag = 7 hr 10min 20:50 14:00 BJ 8:00 GMT OBS Lag = 6 hr 50min 5:10 -20:00 BJ -12:00 GMT OBS Lag = 9 hr 10 min 每天更新 4 次 查缺补漏 1 次

5 Domain DATA: FNL global data assimilation system, 6-hourly, 1deg x 1deg grid, 26 pressure levels (1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10 mb), GRIB2 format Released by NOMADS3/NCEP/NOAA: In NCL: res@mpProjection = “LambertConformal” res@mpLambertParallel1F = 30 res@mpLambertParallel2F = 60 res@mpLambertMeridianF = 110 res@mpLimitMode = “Corners” res@mpLeftCornerLatF = 42 res@mpLeftCornerLonF = 37 res@mpRightCornerLatF = 3 res@mpRightCornerLonF = 142 This is what 1x1 grid looks like

6 Demo 地面图显示: 1. 地表 2 米温度 2. 订正至海平面的气压 3. 地表 10 米风场

7 Demo 高空 850 百帕图显示: 1. 大气柱总可降水量 2.850mb 风场

8 Demo 高空 700 百帕图显示: 1. 对流潜能 CAPE 2.700mb 高度场 3.700mb 风场

9 Demo 高空 500 百帕图显示: 1. 绝对涡度 2.500mb 高度场 3.500mb 风场

10 Demo 两极 500 百帕图显示: 500mb 高度场。这是为了更好地显示 500mb 长波特征。

11 Future Work  Use other dataset? NCEP 1; NCEP 2; GFS;  Provide future forecasts? GFS(0.5x0.5) 7-day forecasts;  More plots? cross-sections at Beijing; cross-sections at meridians; Stratosphere; 200mb;  Improve lag time? current is ~9 hours, any room to improve?

12 联系我们

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