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Broadcasting team Have you ever thought of getting your voice heard over the air? Student broadcasting team will offer you an exceptional opportunity to.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadcasting team Have you ever thought of getting your voice heard over the air? Student broadcasting team will offer you an exceptional opportunity to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadcasting team Have you ever thought of getting your voice heard over the air? Student broadcasting team will offer you an exceptional opportunity to learn how to gather information as a team for broadcasting purposes, how to produce your own radio drama using a particular software with the latest iPod and itunes technology, and thus raise your own confidence in speaking in front of a wide audience.

2 Objectives: to promote the English ethos to provide students with the opportunities to play a greater role in forging the English ethos. to provide students with a variety of Broadcasting input with which they can recycle in their spoken and thus written English. to hone members’ speaking skills to enhance students’ sense of responsibility

3 Visit to RTHK

4 It is my pleasure to be the chairperson of the Broadcasting team this year. This is definitely a new challenge for me. In the past three years in broadcasting team, I have trained my spoken and written English through writing script and doing broadcasting. I really enjoyed participating in broadcasting. This is really a wonderful experience to express your feelings and opinions over the air! Join us! Chairperson, Carina Being a member of broadcasting team for the third year, I've tried something different---being in charge of the tuesday broadcast which is social-issue-sharing day. It's quite challenging for me as I don't read newspaper very often but I have to think about which social issue to be chosen for the broadcast. Besides, it's quite hard for me to construct the script as i may not know how to translate the special terms from Chinese to English. This is my last year to be in the broadcasting team. I've learnt a lot about script-writing and some other skills in these few years. I'm sure that what I've learnt would be very useful in the future. Vice-chairperson, Kitty

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