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Support for students with reading difficulties (SpLD) E-Book Readers iPads Clare Scott (Student Services): Alison Harding (Learning Resources.

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1 Support for students with reading difficulties (SpLD) E-Book Readers iPads Clare Scott (Student Services): Alison Harding (Learning Resources Centre):




5 JISC TechDis – Heat 4 Wales Using desktop videoconferencing software to support distance learning students Learning Technology IT Services Bangor University

6 Using desktop videoconferencing software to support distance learning students at Bangor Aim of project is to enhance delivery and support of students in the community undertaking language skills improvement courses. All students equipped with webcam, stereo headset and JANET Desktop videoconferencing software ConferenceMe installed on laptop ConferenceMe will enhance existing provision by increased interaction between tutor and student, providing more timely support, more personalised learning and better use of residential time.

7 Using the software will provide opportunities for:  individual or group tutorial  sharing of documentation  spoken language practice  better understanding through facial and body language cues  creation of group dynamic  social networking  remote technical support Feedback from students  initial feedback very positive  being able to see the tutor face-to-face and being able to share documents of great benefit

8 Eleri Hughes – Senior Tutor at Canolfan Bedwyr using the desktop videoconferencing software to communicate with one of the students on the course “Being able to discuss task feedback and any problems arising with the work face-to-face made it a lot easier for everybody” according to Eleri.

9 Desktop video-conferencing software being demonstrated at a Technology Enhanced Learning event held at Bangor.

10 Involving cancer patient communities in radiotherapy education Service users & carers ‘expert’ input insight into patient/carer experience & needs empowerment accessibility cost: time/travel physical environment Solution? remote access individual staff costs v. several service user/carer costs choice, comfort, convenience BENEFITS PATIENT- CENTRED CARE BARRIERS = HEAT HSAP403 Keren Williamson & Emma Pope, Cardiff University

11 Two separate group encounters between past patients (accessed through Involving People) and students via SKYPE and web cams. The projector and screen combination was difficult for the participants to see so we relied heavily on the laptop screen image. Screenshot image capture taken of the students during an interactive session

12 Student Reflections Benefits Allowed us to branch out and talk with patients from other centres. We were able to ask questions that we wouldn’t ask in front of clinical staff normally. Interesting to find out about patients experiences post-treatment – allowed us to see the ‘bigger picture. A useful, beneficial experience. Limitations Occasionally difficult to engage with the patients Didn’t always know when to step in with questions Sometimes difficult to read facial expression and body language from the streamed video Difficult to see participants getting distressed Future uses Could be used during first year clinical placements when the students are remote from the university setting. Could be used to link all clinical sites for technique tutorials. Good way of ‘keeping in touch’ with third year research supervisees when they are on placement.

13 Access to Music Evening classes for visually impaired musicians at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama This image shows Jackie Clifton, course leader, giving one-to-one instruction to an evening class student. The HEAT-funded computer equipment visible in the suite

14 Access to Music Evening classes for visually impaired musicians at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama This image shows Jackie Clifton, course leader, giving one-to-one instruction to an evening class student. The HEAT-funded computer equipment visible in the suite

15 HEAT4WALES – Communication and Material Enhancement utilising Internet Video facilities. Case: FdA and BA(Hons) Top-up in Deaf Studies. Llandrillo College’s Lead Tutor in Deaf Studies is David Duller, who is profoundly deaf. There are ongoing difficulties communicating with other sign language colleagues and students in other HEIS/FEIs.

16 Fundamentally, the connection with remote links and the quality of the picture are poor on the existing facility. This new video technology created would be uploaded to our Virtual Learning Environment i.e. Moodle and on ‘YouTube’ for nationwide users to utilise. It will provide an ongoing embedded teaching method and repository of bite- sized video for reflective learning. For further information visit: HEAT Project Llandrillo College

17 JISC HEAT4Wales, Aberystwyth University

18 JISC HEAT4Wales, Aberystwyth University

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