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Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Coping with Change TSgt Ruben M. Perez AFOMS/OMYB 3 Sep 02.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Coping with Change TSgt Ruben M. Perez AFOMS/OMYB 3 Sep 02."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Coping with Change TSgt Ruben M. Perez AFOMS/OMYB 3 Sep 02

2 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Overview Tiers Transition Maturing Set Tone Set Example Accountability Integrity

3 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE TIERS Airman Tier- Is the initial tier of the three tier enlisted force structure. As a member progresses from airman basic to senior airman, he or she acquires the discipline, skills, and PME necessary to become eligible for NCO status

4 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE TIERS NCO Tier- This tier is where technical sergeants and staff sergeants transition from workers and journeymen to craftsmen and supervisory positions as they develop military leadership skills and attend PME

5 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE TRANSITION Transition literally overnight from Sue or Joe into Sergeant Smith It is not easy! Friends will not get their feelings hurt, others might This transition is a MUST!

6 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE MATURING Find a Mentor Be willing to accept constructive feedback Seek constructive feedback up and down chain Not everyone will be your friend You will make mistakes

7 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE SET THE TONE Be firm Be understanding Be consistent First impressions Dont be apologetic

8 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE SET THE EXAMPLE Leaders lead by example and set the tone. Above all, they do not countenance selective enforcement of standards… I know of no more ruinous path…than selective enforcement of rules and standards… Excellent leaders have very high standards and they enforce them without fear or favors --Gen W.L. Creech

9 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE ACCOUNTABILITY You must be accountable for your faults and those of others You will have to correct your friends You will have to evaluate your friends You are now under the microscope All of this has been my fault. It is I who have lost this fight, and you must help me out of it the best way you can. --Gen Robert E. Lee After the failed charge at Gettysburg

10 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE INTEGRITY Be Fair Be consistent Own up to your mistakes Praise others for their successes Dont expect praise in return

11 TEAM RANDOLPH NCO ORIENTATION COURSE Summary Tiers Transition Maturing Set Tone Set Example Accountability Integrity


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