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Chapter Sixteen 第十六章 The Rising Tune 升调 Time: 3 periods.

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1 Chapter Sixteen 第十六章 The Rising Tune 升调 Time: 3 periods

2 Chapter sixteen The first period 第十六章 第一学时 The importance of learning rising tune. The uses of rising tunes I 学习升调重要性,升调使用(一)

3 Warming-up exercise Can you read them with the correct tune? 1 . What is this? 2 . She has left, hasn ’ t she? 3 . Are we late? 4 . He hasn ’ t come, has he? 5 . Must you do it now? 6 . Do you know that? 7 . Shall we ask him for that? 8 . Has the letter been answered? 9 . Don ’ t trouble. 10 . Keep on trying.

4 Importance of having good intonation 1. The correct use of tune is needed for better communication. 2. Good use of tune makes the speaker sound rhythmic and beautiful. 3. The good use of tune can help the students develop good sense of language.

5 Introduction 1. When people come to speak or read English, the voice rises and falls now and then. The rises and falls of the intonation, together with the sentence stress, make up the English tune. 2. There are two basic tunes in the English language: the falling tone and the rising tone. 3. The rising tune refers to sentence ending with rising intonation. The rising tone is used in general interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and farewells to denote mildness, politeness, doubt, hesitation, uncertainty and indifference. 4. It is also used in friendly interrogative sentences, tag questions or when the speaker would like his/her listener to repeat what she/he has just said.

6 Games and activities

7 Read the following words Yes? 是吗? Me? 是我? Him? 是他? All? 全部? These? 这些? Those? 那些? Mine? 我的? Yours? 你的? Whose? 谁的? Who? 谁? When? 什么时候? Where? 哪儿? Four? 四个? Five? 五位?

8 Read the following phrases Does he? Will they? Should we? Shouldn ’ t I? Is it? Isn ’ t it? Were they? Wasn ’ t he? Has he? Hasn ’ t she? Do they? Will he? Aren ’ t they? Can ’ t we? Mustn ’ t you? Ought I to? Shall I?

9 Read the following sentences Examples: Can you hear? Will you be there? Have they gone? 他们走了吗? Can you see? 你能看见吗? Do you know? 你知道吗? May I come in? 我能进来吗? Did he go? 他去了吗? Are we late? 我们迟到了吗? Is it yours? 是你的吗? Have you time? 你有时间吗? May I try? 我可以试一试吗? Are you afraid? 你害怕吗? Is it all right? 这样行吗? Must you go? 你必须走吗? Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Are you on the phone? 你在打电话吗?

10 After-class assignment: 1. Review and remember the different situations of short sentences in which the rising tone is used. 2. Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the short sentences.

11 Chapter sixteen The second period 第十六章 第二学时 Rising tunes 升调使用(二)

12 Warming-up exercise 1. Review the following words These? 这些? Those? 那些? Mine? 我的? Yours? 你的? 2. Review the following phrases Were they? Wasn ’ t he? Has he? Hasn ’ t she? 3. Review the following sentences Are we late? 我们迟到了吗? Is it yours? 是你的吗? Have you time? 你有时间吗? May I try? 我可以试一试吗?

13 Introduction The rising tune is used in general interrogative sentences. This period is designed to introduce its application in general interrogative sentences, especially those long sentences with more than four stressed syllables.

14 Characteristics, examples and practice 朗读一般问句时, 句子的最后一个重读音节时宜使用低升调,以便 后面的各个非重读音节能保持依次递升的声调;在某些较长的句 子中(包含四个重读音节以上的句子)有时须使用 “ 句中上升 ” 。

15 Pair work Examples: Have they spoken to you? Shall we ask him for it? Did he enjoy it? May I borrow it? Are you ready? Can you manage? Does it matter? Must you go now? Is it raining? Did he visit her? Have they damaged it? Can I help you? Did anyone telephone? Were you looking for me? Shall we ask him for it? Are we invited? Will you be writing to him about it?

16 Group work Example: Did anyone remember to lock the front door? 1. Did you have a good holiday? 2. Have you heard the latest news? 3. Has the letter been answered? 4. Have you asked Mary and John to come? 5. Would you like another slice of bread? 6. Can you come to the pictures with me tonight? 7. Have you got the tickets for the football match? May I wait here till they come back? 1. Do you mind if I open the window? 2. Will you be staying there long? 3. Do you like reading in bed? 4. Were you in time for the concert? 5. Must we buy the tickets now? 6. Did the postman bring any letter today? 7. Can anybody tell me the name of the young man who was speaking just now?

17 Games and activities

18 Dialogues 1 ) A. Pass me that book, will you? B. Thank you. 2) A. Can I help you? B. No, thanks. 3) A. Comrade Liu? B. Yes. 4) A. Comrade Li? B.Yes! 5) A. I fell down the steps just now. B. You fell down the steps just now? 6) A. That hurts! B. That hurts? I don ’ t think so.

19 After-class assignments ( 1 ) Review and remember the different situations in which the rising tune is used. ( 2 ) Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the long sentences.

20 Chapter sixteen The third period 第十六章 第三学时 Rising tunes 升调使用(三)

21 Warming-up exercise Please come here! Excuse me! Won ’ t you take a seat? Shall we go to the dinning-room? I can ’ t wait that long! I thought everything would be all right! I ’ m sorry to have kept you waiting! That ’ s the sort of man he is. It ’ s no use sending for a doctor. I have no idea whether he ’ ll come or not.

22 Introduction The rising tone is used to express mildness, politeness, care, sympathy, sorrow and apology.This period is designed to introduce its application in the afore-mentioned situations.

23 characteristics The rising tone is used to express mildness, politeness, care, sympathy, sorrow and apology. In special interrogative sentences that start with where, how, when, which, why and what, generally, the falling tone is used. But the rising tone can also be used to express care for, interest in and sympathy with, the other person.

24 Practice one  That ’ s right.( 委婉地同意对方的想法或意见 )  Don ’ t trouble.( 友好、礼貌的拒绝 )  Please sit down.( 友好、礼貌地请某人做某事 )  That ’ s all.( 友好地说明某事已做完 )  Don ’ t leave.( 委婉地请人留下别走 )  If you like.( 含意是:如果你喜欢,我可以为你做某事 )  I ’ m so sorry.( 听到不幸的消息表示同情时的用语 )  Keep on trying.( 表示友好、关心、鼓励 )  Pass the salt, please!( 礼貌地请对方为你做某事 )  That ’ s enough.( 礼貌到打断对方 )  Goodbye. Good morning.( 用升调表示友好,亲切 )  I beg your pardon?( 客气地请对方再说一次;如果用降调则意思不同,表示请对方原谅 )  Come again soon.( 热情邀请 )  Don ’ t forget to write.( 亲切地提醒对方别忘了作某事 )  That ’ s the way!( 热情鼓励 )  Let me know how you get on.( 表示关心 )

25 Practice two  Examples: What is your name?  What can I do for you?  Where do you live?  How old are you?  When have you time?  What ’ s the matter?  Which coat is yours?  Why don ’ t you know?  When do you get up?  What time shall I come?  Where shall we meet?  Why wasn ’ t it finished?  When may I go?  Where am I to sit?  What ’ s your number?  What ’ s got to be done next?  What would you like to drink?  Where were you last year?

26 Practice three  在下面句子中,只有最后一个重读音节用降调,之前的全部用升调。  I ’ m Richard. R-I-C-H-A-R-D.  One, two, three, four, five. Five altogether.  July the seventh, nineteen ninety seven.  Spring, summer, autumn and winter.  He can speak four languages ------ English, French, Spanish and German.  I like oranges, bananas, apples and pears.

27 Games and activities

28 Poem reading Mayfair Will you go along with me to shepherd Market? It ’ s there they hold the merriest Fair in May. Will you go along with me to shepherd Market? In a pair of red-heeled slippers very gay? I ’ ll pick a bunch of cowslips for your bodice, And I ’ ll tie a yellow ribbon in your hair, If you ’ ll go along with me to shepherd Market. And dance me round the Maypole at May-Fair.

29 After-class assignments 1.Review the usage of the rising tune to express mildness, politeness, care, sympathy, sorrow and apology. 2.Make up sentences that express mildness, politeness, care, sympathy, sorrow and apology. 3. 完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版 《实用英语语音》 P243 1 、 4 ) ; P244 4 题。 仔细阅读:胡文仲 祝珏 马元曦 李贺 编 外语教学与研究出版社 出版《大学英语教程》第一册 P270 练习 1 升调使用句型总结。

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