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WELCOME to 4 th Grade!  Please sign in and find your child’s seat.  We will begin at 5:05. Thank you! I am glad you are here!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to 4 th Grade!  Please sign in and find your child’s seat.  We will begin at 5:05. Thank you! I am glad you are here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to 4 th Grade!  Please sign in and find your child’s seat.  We will begin at 5:05. Thank you! I am glad you are here!

2 Students needing to eat breakfast may enter the building at 7:15AM. School starts at 7:45AM. School dismisses at 3:00PM. If your child is a car rider please get a car tag! Arrival and dismissal

3 Afternoon Transportation  Changes in afternoon transportation need to be made with the office no later than 2 p.m.

4 You may join your child for lunch. There is a visitor table in the cafeteria for you and your child only. Lunch Guests

5 Our lost and found is located in the office. Please label your child’s belongings so we can attempt to return them. **We donate all of our items at the end of each semester. Lost and Found

6 Homework  Spelling, math, and reading OR writing homework will be assigned weekly.  Additionally, any work not completed in class may be sent home for homework.

7 Spelling  Homework is due on Tuesday.  Students are required to write numbers 1-20 for the unit each week.

8 Math  Math homework is assigned on Monday and due by Friday at 7:45 AM.  Homework will typically reinforce TEKS being taught in class or TEKS already covered this year.  Multiplication Facts

9 Reading/Writing  Homework will be sent home on Monday and is due by 7:45 AM on Friday.  Homework will typically be in STAAR format.  Encourage your student to teach you the strategies they are learning in the classroom.  Students should be reading independently at least 20 minutes a night.

10 ZERO Notes  If homework is not turned in by 7:45 AM, the student will receive a zero notice home to be signed by the parent.  Students will not be allowed to call home for missing homework.

11 What else can you do?  Read daily with your children.  As you read ask your student questions about what they are reading.  Summary  What do you think about…  Main Ideas  Characters

12 If you feel your child needs academic assistance or intervention, please contact our counselor, Aaron Brooks.

13 STAAR TESTING 4 th Graders take 3 STAAR tests:  Writing (4/1/14 & 4/2/14)  Math (4/22/14)  Reading (4/23/14)

14 Tutoring When I see a child having difficulty with a subject or topic, I will tutor as needed daily during our tutoring time.

15 Tips for a successful year:  Please communicate any concerns you may have about your child’s education. Please be sure to check and sign the agenda daily.  I am here to help and want the VERY best for your child.  Help your child become a responsible citizen by holding them accountable for things at school.

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