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 Write about a time you felt the need to simplify your life. Write at least one paragraph. Include at least one Unit 1 vocabulary word. Underline the.

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2  Write about a time you felt the need to simplify your life. Write at least one paragraph. Include at least one Unit 1 vocabulary word. Underline the vocabulary word for easy identification. You will be using this again later in the week.

3  I can recognize and use independent and subordinate (dependent) clauses.

4  Get out your homework.  Check vocabulary annotation and reaction to text annotation.

5  Read the article “5 Things to Be Encouraged about in 2014.”  As you read, › Identify two words that you don’t know the meaning of. Look up the definition and write it on your copy of the text. › Identify the organizational pattern. › Identify two reactions to the text. Write those on the handout.  Turn in when finished.

6  Using your copy of “Simplicity,” identify the following: › Declarative Sentence, paragraph 9 › Interrogative Sentence, paragraph 8 › Imperative Sentence, paragraph 13 › Exclamatory Sentence, paragraph ?

7  Types: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory  Structures: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex  Clauses: Independent and Subordinate (dependent)

8  Using your copy of “Simplicity,” identify the following: › Simple sentence, paragraph 13 › Compound sentence, paragraph 8 › Complex sentence, paragraph 9 › Compound-Complex sentence, paragraph 7

9  Using your copy of “Simplicity,” identify the following: › Independent Clause:  Paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 › Subordinate Clause:  Paragraphs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

10  Phrase – a group of words that form a meaningful unit within a clause  Clause – a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate; may be part of a sentence (subordinate) or a sentence (independent)

11  Identify the following as a phrase or clause:  (1) Write with the door closed.  (2) Simplify your writing.  (3) Complete your homework before going to the park to play baseball.  (4) Don’t forget to study your vocabulary words.  (5) Student athletes who earn good grades find time to study.

12  Give students the homework handout.  Identify the excerpts as phrases or clauses.

13  3-Minute Pause: Answer the following questions:  (1) Summarize what you learned in three sentences.  (2) Identify interesting aspects or what you already knew.  (3) Raise questions about what you find confusing or do not understand.

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