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New teaching and learning methods through virtual environment Vlasta Rabe University of Hradec Králové Faculty of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "New teaching and learning methods through virtual environment Vlasta Rabe University of Hradec Králové Faculty of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 New teaching and learning methods through virtual environment Vlasta Rabe University of Hradec Králové Faculty of Education

2 New access to manage the teaching process not only in university Using modern information and communication technologies in the education Chances of apply e-learning in this time and view of future this method in education

3 Changes in educational process Project learning – team working Collaborative and cooperative learning – ethical a social consequence Adaptibility for changes and new events Flexibility Inovation

4 Changes in educational process New methods of searching, acquiring, organizing, processing, sharing and using of information from various sources University  „learning organisation“

5 Changes in educational process Lifelong education Open using distance education Intradisciplinal character of courses Combination of knowledges and skills with practical know-how

6 Impact of ICT in educational process On-line learning is part of e-learning

7 E-learning in our university First e-learning course in our university – in 1998 2001 – courses in virtual environment (VLE) WebCT since 2002 - support of classical lessons In Faculty of Education – continualy – electronic materials for support of classical lessons Was created e-learning course for object-programming in WebCT Preparing other courses for blended or distance education

8 E-learning in our university - competitions Faculty award for top-quality multimedial educational tool (International conference of students) (Faculty of education) International expert’s workshop and award for high-grade e-learning educational tool (Faculty of informatics and management)

9 E-learning in our university - E-learning in our university - collaborative learning Shared learning resources Shared learning spaces

10 Sharing knowledge by collaborative learning Synergy effect through communication

11 Factors comprising high-quality online and blended learning reported by students

12 E-learning – pros and cons When to use it ? for whom which subject which level of education

13 New role of teacher – perspectives in learning Constructive learning – directed to stu dent Motivating role of teacher Training of students to information literacy

14 Activities of tutor Activities of tutor

15 Application of Internet in education Pros: flexibility (24%) materials and course design (14%) access to diferent resources (9%) online assessment and feedback (7%) increase in information and com. technology (ICT) skills (6%) learning style (6%) interaction with other students (5%) communication, videoconference, virtual teams (5%) ease of use (3%)

16 Application of Internet in education Cons : cannot to be main educational element, because there is not direct contact among people not always it is able to use Internet for geting new skills not supported verbal communication it is able to find and disseminate irrelevant informations

17 Application of Internet in education - on-line vs. full-time study hybrid mix of face-to-face and online learning (3%) – „blended learning“

18 Learning model

19 A difference between teaching and learning „Teaching“ – transfer of informations from teacher to students By term “learning” it means active learning. Cooperative and collaborative learning - these techniques motivate students to learn, increase the extent and quality of their learning

20 Methodology of educational course creation Basic parts: Preparation Realisation Evaluation

21 Structure of courses (Life cycle)

22 Recommendations of didactic approaches in education Meaningfullness and usability for practice Interdisciplinarity of subjects Finding and discover several methods for solving problems Development of abstract thinking - from concrete to abstract, from special to common Characterisation of concepts, organising to systems, classification Creating hypothesis and their validation Active learning - increase inner motivation Critical thinking, autoevaluation Communication and dialog supporting Creativity

23 On-line courses of ICT training in WebCT environment On-line courses of ICT training in WebCT environment Internationally accredited ECDL standard Concepts of Information Technology Using the Computer and Managing Files Word Processing Spreadsheets Database Presentation Information and Communication

24 Study materials in WebCT environment Maximal abridged material (repeating earlier acquired skills and knowledge, and preparing for exam) Multimedial study materials (sets of animated and commented sequences, which illustrate particulary steps of work on computer)

25 Example – syllabus of ICT1

26 Examples of assessment Build tab (creating quiz)

27 Examples of assessment Teach tab (assessment manager)

28 Examples of assessment Student view (filling test)

29 Examples of assessment Student view (filling test)

30 Examples of assessment SelfTest – immediate feedback

31 Evaluation of acquired student‘s knowledge SelfTest of student’s knowledge Work out 3 assignments, and send them to tutor for assessment Official ECDL tests, concerning content as wel as form Complete offcial ECDL examination in any accredited testing centre

32 Experiences in education in WebCT environment Most of students are considering e-learning form of education in WebCT environment suitable Some students, which are stil not much working on computer, again require education in classical clasroom Also little interest there is in graduation of official ECDL testing

33 Thank You University of Hradec Kralove Czech Republic

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