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TRANS FORMATION OF SENTENCE বাক্য রূপান্তর/ পরিবর্তন

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Presentation on theme: "TRANS FORMATION OF SENTENCE বাক্য রূপান্তর/ পরিবর্তন"— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANS FORMATION OF SENTENCE বাক্য রূপান্তর/ পরিবর্তন
Structure বা গঠনগত রূপ পরিবর্তন করার পদ্ধতিকে Transformation of Sentence বা বাক্যরূপান্তর বলে। যেমনঃ- # To walk in the morning is good for health. # Walking in the morning is good for health.

2 বাক্য রূপান্তরের ভিত্তিসমূহঃ-
বাক্যরূপান্তর বেশ কয়েকধরণের হতে পারেঃ ১। Affirmative to Negative. 2. Negative to Interrogative. 3. Assertive to interrogative. 4.Assertive to Exclamatory. 5. Exclamatory to Assertive. 6.Changing Degrees of Adjectives. 7. Changing Simple to Complex to Compound.

3 Experiences Needed for Transformation of Sentence:
Kinds of Sentences. 2. Degrees of Adjectives. 3. Structural Patterns of Sentence. 4. Antonyms/ Opposite words.

4 Transformation from Affir: to Neg:
R-1: Only বা alone থাকলে None but বসে। তবে বস্তুর বেলায় nothing but এবং বয়স ও সংখ্যার বেলায় not more than/ not less than বসে। যেমনঃ- Affir: Only Allah can help us. Neg: None but Allah can help us. Affir: Mina has only a few toys. Neg: Mina has nothing but a few toys. Affir: She was only 16. Neg: She was not more than 16.

5 R-2: ‘must’ থাকলে can not but এবং Every থাকলে There is no …… but বসে। যেমনঃ- Affir: We must obey our parents. Neg: We can not but obey our parents. Affir: Every mother loves her child. Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

6 R-3:Always থাকলে never বসে এবং Affir: শব্দের Neg: রূপ বসে। যেমনঃ Affir:She always remembers you. Neg: She never forgets you. Affir: Travelling is allways interesting. Neg: Travelling is never boring. Affir: Always speak the truth. Neg: never tell a lie.

7 R-4: সাধারণতঃ Affir: শব্দের Neg: রূপ বসে এবং এর পূর্বে একটা not বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ- Affir: I shall remember you. Neg: I shall not forget you. Affir: He is my friend. Neg: He is not my foe/ enemy. Affir: Soma is a beautiful girl. Neg: Soma is not an ugly girl.

8 R-5: চিরন্তন সত্য (universal truth) বাক্যকে Neg: করতে হলে Neg: Interrogative করতে হয়ঃ যেমনঃ- Affir: Milk is white. Neg: Isn’t milk white? Affir: The sun rises in the east. Neg: Doesn’t the sun rises in the east?

9 CT- Change Affir: -- to Neg:
He can alone do it. 2. Every body loves an honest man. 3. The boy is strong in English. 4. Knowledge is power. 5. Rohim was always punctual.

10 Answer 1.None but he can do it. 2. There is no body but loves an honest man. 3. The boy is not weak in English. 4. Isn’t knowledge is power? 5. Rohim was never late.


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